Jack's avatar

Sept. 6, 2023

Jinzhai County

I come to Jinzhai County several times because of my work needs.

Jinzhai is located in the mid-east part of Anhui Province, where it's the Dabie mountain area.

It covers 3814 square kilometers of land and has 675371 population.

Most of the land in Jinzhai is covered by mountains, and vegetation is everywhere, so the air here is very fresh.

There are many reservoirs, waterfalls, rivers and streams here. It is said that the water here has good quality and can be drunk directly.

Jinzhai is rich in products and has many specialties, such as the Lu’anGuapian green tea, Chinese chestnut, bamboo shoots, fragrant mushrooms and wood ears.

The county seat of Jinzhai is clear and tidy. All the buildings here look brand new and special. So in 2020, it was rated as a National Health Civilization City.

It's also known as the cradle of the Red Army and the birthplace of the Chinese revolution. Statistically, 59 Chinese generals were born and raised here.

Its transport is very developed. It has high speed railways and highways. People here can go to every big city along them.

Since it is a mountainous area, it has many beautiful scenic spots. The most famous ones are Tiantangzhai, Yanzihe Grand Canyon and Meishan Reservoir.

Since the all mentioned above, it's been a tourist destination county now. Every day, people from other parts of China come here for sightseeing.


Jinzhai County

I have come to Jinzhai County several times [because of my work (needs) | for my work | on business].

“Come” implies that you are there now, while you’re writing this. Your use of “here” throughout this post also implies this, so it’s consistent.

Jinzhai is located in the [mid-east part] of Anhui Province, where it'sin the Dabie mountain area.

“Mid-east” sounds unnatural. I’m not sure what you mean.

It covers 3814 square kilometers (of land) and has 675371a population of 675,371.

Most of (the land in) Jinzhai is covered by mountainous, and [vegetation is everywhere | there is vegetation everywhere], so the air here is very fresh.

“The land in” is unnecessary.

We don’t say that a place is “covered” in mountains, but we do say it’s “covered in vegetation.”

There are many reservoirs, waterfalls, rivers and streams here.

It is said that the water here hasis of good quality and can be drunk directly.

“Can be drunk directly” could mean you can drink straight from a mud puddle. What do you mean? Are you referring to the water in lakes and streams, or to the local tap water (自来水)?

Jinzhai is rich in products and has many specialties, such as the Lu’anGuapian green tea, Chinese chestnuts, bamboo shoots, fragrant mushrooms and wood ear fungus.

The county seat of Jinzhai is clear (clean?) and tidy.

I don’t understand what you mean by “clear.”

All the buildings here look brand new and special (unique?).

“Special” doesn’t have a clear meaning—I generally avoid using it in my own writing. It’s usually better to replace it with another adjective. Do you mean they are unique (different from each other and from buildings anywhere else)? Or do you mean they were specially built (built for a specific purpose)?

So in 2020, it was rdesignated as a [National Health Civilization City].

“National Health Civilization City” is typical Chinese-government-style English. It’s unnaturally worded, especially “civilization,” and its meaning is unclear.

It's also known as the cradle of the Red Army and the birthplace of the Chinese revolution.

Statistically, 59 Chinese generals were born and raised here.

“Statistically” seems unnatural. I would change it to, “Fifty-nine generals were….”

Its transport system is [very | highly] developed.

It has high speed railways and highways.

People here can go to every big city along them | can travel along them to every big city.

Since it is a mountainous area, it has many beautiful scenic spots.

The most famous (ones) are Tiantangzhai, Yanzihe Grand Canyon and Meishan Reservoir.

Since the allDue to everything mentioned above, it's beenthe county has become a tourist destination county (now).

Every day, people from other parts of China come here [for sightseeing | to sightsee].


It sounds like a nice place.

Jack's avatar

Sept. 6, 2023


Jinzhai is located in the [mid-east part] of Anhui Province, where it'sin the Dabie mountain area.


Jack's avatar

Sept. 6, 2023


Jinzhai is located in the [mid-east part] of Anhui Province, where it'sin the Dabie mountain area.

Central and Eastern part?

Jack's avatar

Sept. 6, 2023


It is said that the water here hasis of good quality and can be drunk directly.


Jack's avatar

Sept. 6, 2023


The county seat of Jinzhai is clear (clean?) and tidy.

Sorry, it’s clean. I made a typo.

Jack's avatar

Sept. 6, 2023


All the buildings here look brand new and special (unique?).

当时我用special 的时候也感到不合适,但我找不到其他的词语了。如果单说非常新又觉得好单调。

Jack's avatar

Sept. 6, 2023


Statistically, 59 Chinese generals were born and raised here.


Jack's avatar

Sept. 6, 2023


So in 2020, it was rdesignated as a [National Health Civilization City].


Jack's avatar

Sept. 6, 2023



Jinzhai County

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I went to Jinzhai County several times because of my work needs.

Jinzhai is located in the mid-east part of Anhui Province, where it's the Dabie mountain area.

Jinzhai is located in the [mid-east part] of Anhui Province, where it'sin the Dabie mountain area.

“Mid-east” sounds unnatural. I’m not sure what you mean.

It covers 3814 square kilometers of land and has 675371 population.

It covers 3814 square kilometers (of land) and has 675371a population of 675,371.

Most of the land in Jinzhai is covered by mountains, and vegetation is everywhere, so the air here is very fresh.

Most of (the land in) Jinzhai is covered by mountainous, and [vegetation is everywhere | there is vegetation everywhere], so the air here is very fresh.

“The land in” is unnecessary. We don’t say that a place is “covered” in mountains, but we do say it’s “covered in vegetation.”

There are many reservoirs, waterfalls, rivers and streams here.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

It is said that the water here has good quality and can be drunk directly.

It is said that the water here hasis of good quality and can be drunk directly.

“Can be drunk directly” could mean you can drink straight from a mud puddle. What do you mean? Are you referring to the water in lakes and streams, or to the local tap water (自来水)?

Jinzhai is rich in products and has many specialties, such as Chinese chestnut, bamboo shoots, fragrant mushrooms and wood ears.

The county seat of Jinzhai is clear and tidy.

The county seat of Jinzhai is clear (clean?) and tidy.

I don’t understand what you mean by “clear.”

All the buildings here look brand new and special.

All the buildings here look brand new and special (unique?).

“Special” doesn’t have a clear meaning—I generally avoid using it in my own writing. It’s usually better to replace it with another adjective. Do you mean they are unique (different from each other and from buildings anywhere else)? Or do you mean they were specially built (built for a specific purpose)?

So in 2020, it was rated as a National Health Civilization City.

So in 2020, it was rdesignated as a [National Health Civilization City].

“National Health Civilization City” is typical Chinese-government-style English. It’s unnaturally worded, especially “civilization,” and its meaning is unclear.

It's also known as the cradle of the Red Army and the birthplace of the Chinese revolution.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Statistically, 59 Chinese generals were born and raised here.

Statistically, 59 Chinese generals were born and raised here.

“Statistically” seems unnatural. I would change it to, “Fifty-nine generals were….”

Its transport is very developed.

Its transport system is [very | highly] developed.

It has high speed railways and highways.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

People here can go to every big city along them.

People here can go to every big city along them | can travel along them to every big city.

Since it is a mountainous area, it has many beautiful scenic spots.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

The most famous ones are Tiantangzhai, Yanzihe Grand Canyon and Meishan Reservoir.

The most famous (ones) are Tiantangzhai, Yanzihe Grand Canyon and Meishan Reservoir.

Since the all mentioned above, it's been a tourist destination county now.

Since the allDue to everything mentioned above, it's beenthe county has become a tourist destination county (now).

Every day, people from other parts of China come here for sightseeing.

Every day, people from other parts of China come here [for sightseeing | to sightsee].

I come to Jinzhai County several times because of my work needs.

I have come to Jinzhai County several times [because of my work (needs) | for my work | on business].

“Come” implies that you are there now, while you’re writing this. Your use of “here” throughout this post also implies this, so it’s consistent.

Jinzhai is rich in products and has many specialties, such as the Lu’anGuapian green tea, Chinese chestnut, bamboo shoots, fragrant mushrooms and wood ears.

Jinzhai is rich in products and has many specialties, such as the Lu’anGuapian green tea, Chinese chestnuts, bamboo shoots, fragrant mushrooms and wood ear fungus.

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