lumia_prix's avatar

July 12, 2024

Je ne porterais jamais ...

Ce que je ne porterais jamais : les talons hauts

Notamment, les talons qui sont vraiment maigres et grands

Pourquoi ? Parce que j'ai peur de tomber !

Je sais que je tomberais ! 😂

Et vous?

Qu'est-ce que vous ne vous portiez jamais ?

What I would never wear: high heels

Especially, the heels that are really skinny and tall

Why? Because I'm afraid to fall!

I know that I would fall! 😂

And you?

What would you never wear?


Je ne porterais jamais ...

Ce que je ne porterais jamais : les/des talons hauts

, les talons qui sont vraiment maigres et grands ¶
fins et hauts.
Pourquoi ?

We say porter "UNE jupe, UNE chemise, DES chaussures" etc, it's pretty much always indefinite, but "les" would be understood and fit with your second sentence ("les talons qui sont...")

For concrete objects, especially long, slender things, we say "fin". "Maigre" can be used with some abstract nouns though (ex "maigres chances")

Likewise, "tall" is "grand" in the case of a person, but something reaching heights is "haut"

Parce que j'ai peur de tomber !

Je sais que je tomberais !


Et vous

Space before and after <?>, like <!>

Qu'est-ce que vous ne vous porteriez jamais ?

"portiez" would be subjunctive present or imperfect of the indicative


I never understood how women managed to walk with these. If I were a female, I probably wouldn't wear high heels either.

lumia_prix's avatar

July 13, 2024


Merci pour les corrections !
Yeah, I never understood that either. I can only imagine the amount of falls it takes to master the skill of wearing high heels. 👀

Monsieur_Elephant's avatar

July 13, 2024


Falls and broken ankles lol
I remember that trend of compensated shoes when I was a little kid, like 6-7. It was mainly an 90's thing but it wasn't over yet in the early 2000's, I guess. I also didn't understand how girls could walk in these!
You're welcome!

Je ne porterais jamais ...

Je ne porterais jamais ...

Ce que je ne porterais jamais : les talons hauts Notamment, les talons qui sont vraiment maigres et grands Pourquoi ?

Ce que je ne porterais jamais : les/des talons hauts

, les talons qui sont vraiment maigres et grands ¶
fins et hauts.
Pourquoi ?

We say porter "UNE jupe, UNE chemise, DES chaussures" etc, it's pretty much always indefinite, but "les" would be understood and fit with your second sentence ("les talons qui sont...") For concrete objects, especially long, slender things, we say "fin". "Maigre" can be used with some abstract nouns though (ex "maigres chances") Likewise, "tall" is "grand" in the case of a person, but something reaching heights is "haut"

Parce que j'ai peur de tomber !

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Je sais que je tomberais !

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

😂 Et vous?


Et vous

Space before and after <?>, like <!>

Qu'est-ce que vous ne vous portiez jamais ?

Qu'est-ce que vous ne vous porteriez jamais ?

"portiez" would be subjunctive present or imperfect of the indicative

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