galoarellano1987's avatar

Sept. 11, 2024

Is hard to think in English?

Since I decided to learn English, I realized that think in English in a country where only speak spanish, is so difficult.
Sometimes I would wish write my emails in English, but my coworkers would complaint about it.
All in all, the good news is exists plataform to practice. Given my learning comprises 4 aspects (listening, speaking, writing, reading) and my free time is limited, I have to practice every another day 2 topics. For example, I practice on langcorrect my writing and use some youtube channels for my listening today. Tomorrow, is turn to speaking in another platform and practice my reading (my ebook "atomic habits").

To be honest, every day practice my listening and when i understand more words and contents I feel more proud for me.

Thank you for to be part of my process. I feel I will reach my goal.


Is hardit difficult to think in English?

You used the word "difficult" in your entry, and thought it would fit well as the title.

Since I decided to learn English, I realized that thinking in English in a country where only speak spanish,Spanish is spoken is so difficult.

You could also say "very difficult"! Both are correct. :)

Sometimes I would wish'd wish that I could write my emails in English, but my coworkers would complaint about it.

All in all, the good news is existsthat plataforms exist to practice.

Given mMy learning comprises of 4 aspects (listening, speaking, writing, reading) and my free time is limited, I have to practice 2 topics every another day 2 topics.

For example, I practiced my writing on lLangcCorrect my writing and use some yYoutTube channels for my listening today.

I'm assuming you're talking about something you've already done, so I've changed your sentence into the past tense.

Tomorrow, is turn toI will practice my speaking ion another platform, and practice my reading (with my ebook "aAtomic hHabits")."

To be honest, every dayI practice my listening everyday and when iI understand more words and contents, I feel more proud for meof myself.

As you should!

Thank you for to bebeing part of my process.

"Process" as in learning process, or "progress", as in improvement? Perhaps I'm reading too much into this. I didn't know if you meant one or the other. :)

I feel I will reach my goal.

Your sentence is correct! You could also say, "I believe that I will reach my goal." It sounds stronger.


Good work!

Is it hard to think in English?

Since I decided to learn English, I realized that thinking in English in a country where only speak spanish,Spanish is spoken is so difficult.

I think you're always supposed to put the first letter of languages in Capital letters

Sometimes, I would wishant to write my emails in English, but my coworkers would complaint about it.

All in aThankfully, the good news is existsthat there is a plataform to practice.

Given my learning comprises of 4 aspects (listening, speaking, writing, reading) and my free time is limited, I have to practice 2 topics every another day 2 topics.

For example, I practiced my writing on langcorrect my writing and used some youtube channels for my listening today.

Tomorrow, is turn toI will practice speaking ion another platform and practice my reading (with my ebook, "atomic habits").

To be honest, every daytime I practice my listening and when iI understand more words and contents, I feel more proud for meof myself.

I'm proud of you too!

Thank you for to bebeing part of my process.

I feelthink I will reachieve my goal.

You will! Just keep going😁


Your writing is very decent and with consistency, you'll get even better! Keep going and I am rooting for you!

Is it hard to think in English?

Since I decided to learn English, I realized that thinking in English in a country wherethat only speak s Spanish, is so difficult.

Sometimes I would wish write my emails in English, but my coworkers would complaint about it.

All in all, the good news is that there exists plataforms to practice.

Given my learning comprises 4 aspects (listening, speaking, writing, reading) and my free time is limited, I have to practice every another day 2 topicsjust 2 topics every day.

For example, I practice on langcorrect my writing and use some youtube channels for my listening today.

Tomorrow, isI turn to speaking in another platform and practice my reading (my ebook "aAtomic hHabits").

To be honest, every dayWhen I practice my listening and when ican understand more words and contents, I feel more proud for meof myself.

Thank you for to bebeing part of my process.

I feel I will reach my goal.

Is it hard to think in English?

Since I decided to learn English, I have realized that thinking in English, in a country where only speak spanishSpanish is spoken, is so difficult.

Sometimes, I would wish I could write my emails in English, but my coworkers would complaint about it.

All in all, the good news is existsthat plataforms like this exist to practice.

Given my learning comprises 4 aspects (listening, speaking, writing, reading) and my free time is limited, I have to practice every another day 2 topicstwo skills every day.

[i] I'm not 100% sure what you are trying to communicate with "every another day 2 topics".

[ii] We refer to listening/speaking/writing/reading as "skills" in English (not topics)

For example, I practicetoday I will practice my writing on lLangcCorrect my writing and use some yYoutTube channels for my listening today.practice.¶

Proper nouns always start with a capital letter
Spanish (not spanish)
Langcorrect (not langcorrect)
YouTube (not youtube),Latin%2C%20German%2C%20and%20French.

Tomorrow, is turn toI will focus on speaking using another platform and practice my reading (myusing the ebook "aAtomic hHabits").

To be honest, every dayI practice my listening and when ievery day and feel proud since I am understanding more words and native contents I feel more proud for me.

"To be honest" isn't really appropriate here.

An alternative way to say this might be:
"I have been practicing my listening every day and feel proud of my progress; I am understanding more words and native content"

Thank you for to bebeing a part of my procgress.


Great work, keep it up!

Is hard to think in English?

Is it hard to think in English?

Is it hard to think in English?

Is it hard to think in English?

Is hardit difficult to think in English?

You used the word "difficult" in your entry, and thought it would fit well as the title.

Since I decided to learn English, I realized that think in English in a country where only speak spanish, is so difficult.

Since I decided to learn English, I have realized that thinking in English, in a country where only speak spanishSpanish is spoken, is so difficult.

Since I decided to learn English, I realized that thinking in English in a country wherethat only speak s Spanish, is so difficult.

Since I decided to learn English, I realized that thinking in English in a country where only speak spanish,Spanish is spoken is so difficult.

I think you're always supposed to put the first letter of languages in Capital letters

Since I decided to learn English, I realized that thinking in English in a country where only speak spanish,Spanish is spoken is so difficult.

You could also say "very difficult"! Both are correct. :)

Sometimes I would wish write my emails in English, but my coworkers would complaint about it.

Sometimes, I would wish I could write my emails in English, but my coworkers would complaint about it.

Sometimes I would wish write my emails in English, but my coworkers would complaint about it.

Sometimes, I would wishant to write my emails in English, but my coworkers would complaint about it.

Sometimes I would wish'd wish that I could write my emails in English, but my coworkers would complaint about it.

All in all, the good news is exists plataform to practice.

All in all, the good news is existsthat plataforms like this exist to practice.

All in all, the good news is that there exists plataforms to practice.

All in aThankfully, the good news is existsthat there is a plataform to practice.

All in all, the good news is existsthat plataforms exist to practice.

Thank you for to be part of my process.

Thank you for to bebeing a part of my procgress.

Thank you for to bebeing part of my process.

Thank you for to bebeing part of my process.

Thank you for to bebeing part of my process.

"Process" as in learning process, or "progress", as in improvement? Perhaps I'm reading too much into this. I didn't know if you meant one or the other. :)

Given my learning comprises 4 aspects (listening, speaking, writing, reading) and my free time is limited, I have to practice every another day 2 topics.

Given my learning comprises 4 aspects (listening, speaking, writing, reading) and my free time is limited, I have to practice every another day 2 topicstwo skills every day.

[i] I'm not 100% sure what you are trying to communicate with "every another day 2 topics". [ii] We refer to listening/speaking/writing/reading as "skills" in English (not topics)

Given my learning comprises 4 aspects (listening, speaking, writing, reading) and my free time is limited, I have to practice every another day 2 topicsjust 2 topics every day.

Given my learning comprises of 4 aspects (listening, speaking, writing, reading) and my free time is limited, I have to practice 2 topics every another day 2 topics.

Given mMy learning comprises of 4 aspects (listening, speaking, writing, reading) and my free time is limited, I have to practice 2 topics every another day 2 topics.

For example, I practice on langcorrect my writing and use some youtube channels for my listening today.

For example, I practicetoday I will practice my writing on lLangcCorrect my writing and use some yYoutTube channels for my listening today.practice.¶

Proper nouns always start with a capital letter Spanish (not spanish) Langcorrect (not langcorrect) YouTube (not youtube),Latin%2C%20German%2C%20and%20French.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

For example, I practiced my writing on langcorrect my writing and used some youtube channels for my listening today.

For example, I practiced my writing on lLangcCorrect my writing and use some yYoutTube channels for my listening today.

I'm assuming you're talking about something you've already done, so I've changed your sentence into the past tense.

Tomorrow, is turn to speaking in another platform and practice my reading (my ebook "atomic habits").

Tomorrow, is turn toI will focus on speaking using another platform and practice my reading (myusing the ebook "aAtomic hHabits").

Tomorrow, isI turn to speaking in another platform and practice my reading (my ebook "aAtomic hHabits").

Tomorrow, is turn toI will practice speaking ion another platform and practice my reading (with my ebook, "atomic habits").

Tomorrow, is turn toI will practice my speaking ion another platform, and practice my reading (with my ebook "aAtomic hHabits")."

I feel I will reach my goal.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I feelthink I will reachieve my goal.

You will! Just keep going😁

I feel I will reach my goal.

Your sentence is correct! You could also say, "I believe that I will reach my goal." It sounds stronger.

To be honest, every day practice my listening and when i understand more words and contents I feel more proud for me.

To be honest, every dayI practice my listening and when ievery day and feel proud since I am understanding more words and native contents I feel more proud for me.

"To be honest" isn't really appropriate here. An alternative way to say this might be: "I have been practicing my listening every day and feel proud of my progress; I am understanding more words and native content"

To be honest, every dayWhen I practice my listening and when ican understand more words and contents, I feel more proud for meof myself.

To be honest, every daytime I practice my listening and when iI understand more words and contents, I feel more proud for meof myself.

I'm proud of you too!

To be honest, every dayI practice my listening everyday and when iI understand more words and contents, I feel more proud for meof myself.

As you should!

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