eniko76's avatar

July 8, 2023

Introduction 2

I raise my daughter bilingually in English from her birth, this is the reason why I started the English teachers’ course and by now I help the families in bilingual parenting. My father has died 10 years ago, my mother is 73 years old. I have two elder sisters, I am the youngest. I was born in Miskolc, I grew up there. We have moved to Győr in 2014 and we live here since then.

A kislányomat születésétől kezdve kétnyelvűen nevelem angolul, ennek kapcsán kezdtem el az angol oktató képzést és most én is segítek családoknak a kétnyelvű nevelésben. Apukám 10 éve meghalt, Anyukám 73 éves. Két nővérem van, én vagyok a legkisebb. Miskolcon születtem, ott nőttem fel. 2014-ben Győrbe költöztünk és azóta is itt élünk.


Introduction 2

I have raised my daughter bilingually in English from her birth, t. This is the reason why I started the English teachers’ course and by now I help the families in bilingual parenting.

Past perfect tense

‘By now’ - The typical usage/meaning of ‘by now’ is when you are expecting something to have happened but it hasn’t yet.
‘Now’ - this has happened/is happening at this point in time

My father has died 10 years ago, m. My mother is 73 years old.

We have moved to Győr in 2014 and we have lived here since then.

‘We moved’ - Simple past tense
‘We have lived’ - present perfect tense


Great effort!
In a couple of the sentences where you have used a comma. This would read better with a full stop, however, this is just a preferential thing. What you have in those sentences is absolutely fine.


I have raised my daughter bilingually in English from her birth, t. This is the reason why I started the English teachers’ course and by now I help the families inwith bilingual parenting.

Present prefect - I have raised.

I've raised my daughter bilingually in English from her birth, t. This is the reason why I started the English teachers’ course and by now I help the families in bilingual parenting.

My father has died 10 years ago, my mother is 73 years old.

I have two elder sisters, I am the youngest.

I was born in Miskolc, I grew up there.

We have moved to Győr in 2014 and we've lived here since then.

eniko76's avatar

July 10, 2023


Many thanks!

Introduction 2

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I raise my daughter bilingually in English from her birth, this is the reason why I started the English teachers’ course and by now I help the families in bilingual parenting.

I've raised my daughter bilingually in English from her birth, t. This is the reason why I started the English teachers’ course and by now I help the families in bilingual parenting.

I have raised my daughter bilingually in English from her birth, t. This is the reason why I started the English teachers’ course and by now I help the families inwith bilingual parenting.

Present prefect - I have raised.

I have raised my daughter bilingually in English from her birth, t. This is the reason why I started the English teachers’ course and by now I help the families in bilingual parenting.

Past perfect tense ‘By now’ - The typical usage/meaning of ‘by now’ is when you are expecting something to have happened but it hasn’t yet. ‘Now’ - this has happened/is happening at this point in time

My father has died 10 years ago, my mother is 73 years old.

My father has died 10 years ago, my mother is 73 years old.

My father has died 10 years ago, m. My mother is 73 years old.

I have two elder sisters, I am the youngest.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I was born in Miskolc, I grew up there.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

We have moved to Győr in 2014 and we live here since then.

We have moved to Győr in 2014 and we've lived here since then.

We have moved to Győr in 2014 and we have lived here since then.

‘We moved’ - Simple past tense ‘We have lived’ - present perfect tense

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