July 8, 2023
My name is Eniko. I am 47 years old, married, I have a 6-year-old daughter. I have worked as an accountant for 26 years then I took a degree of special education at the University and currently I work as a special education teacher in a school. In addition I teach English for little ones. In fact these are playgoups (classes) in English language where the kids acquire the language, not learn.
A nevem Sarlósiné Verpec Enikő. 47 éves vagyok, házas, van egy 6 éves lányom. 26 évig könyvelőként dolgoztam, aztán elvégeztem az egyetemen a gyógypedagógia szakot és most gyógypedagógusként dolgozom egy iskolában. Ezen kívül angolt tanítok kicsiknek. Valójában ezek angol nyelvű foglalkozások, ahol a kicsik elsajátítják a nyelvet, nem tanulják.
I am 47 years old, married, and I have a 6-year-old daughter.
When writing a list, the last entry should have ‘and’ before it.
The comma is optional.
If you’re interested then the comma before the ‘and’ is called the ‘Oxford comma’. It is not needed. It’s also preferential, or, in some types of academic writing it is required.
I have worked as an accountant for 26 years then I took a degree ofin special education at the University and c. Currently I work as a special education teacher in a school.
Just reads better this way.
Introduction 1
My name is Eniko.
I am 47 years old, married, I have a 6-year-old daughter.
I have worked as an accountant for 26 years then I took a degree of special education at the Uuniversity and currently I work as a special education teacher in a school.
"I have worked..." is right if you still are an accountant. "The University" is right if you had previously mentioned a specific university so we know which one you mean.
In addition, I teach English for little ones.
In fact these are playgoups (classes) inconducted in the English language where the kids acquire the language, not learn.
Introduction 1 This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
My name is Eniko. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
I am 47 years old, married, I have a 6-year-old daughter. This sentence has been marked as perfect! I am 47 years old, married When writing a list, the last entry should have ‘and’ before it. The comma is optional. If you’re interested then the comma before the ‘and’ is called the ‘Oxford comma’. It is not needed. It’s also preferential, or, in some types of academic writing it is required. |
I have worked as an accountant for 26 years then I took a degree of special education at the University and currently I work as a special education teacher in a school. I "I have worked..." is right if you still are an accountant. "The University" is right if you had previously mentioned a specific university so we know which one you mean. I Just reads better this way. |
In addition I teach English for little ones. In addition, I teach English for little ones. |
In fact these are playgoups (classes) in English language where the kids acquire the language, not learn. In fact these are playgoups (classes) |
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