Legeartis's avatar

Aug. 25, 2024

Introducing The Vibe of the Day (from July 8th)

After some consideration, I have concluded that, though "Words of the Day"-texts are entertaining enough for the audience, they are somewhat limited in vocabulary, except for five unique words of the day. Using this format, I have to stick to a dictionary-esque style, which is far from what English per se looks like. Moreover, as I, much like the audience, do not know the specifics of these words, I have to stick to primary sources, which entails difficulty rephrasing the information I propose to the audience. Thus, I do not provide myself leeway to practice composing unrestricted texts.

However, I seldom have enough time to create long thematic posts like that about the hendiadys, and presumably, you are rarely in the mood to read long-winded essays in English. The optimal solution would be to introduce The Vibe of the Day. In this topic, I plan to write brief sketches of what I see or feel or note during a particular day. I anticipate that, even though the grammar of the texts may be bland, the descriptions will be vivid, and the topic will add to the diversity of posts on the channel.


Introducing The Vibe of the Day (from July 8th)

After some consideration, I have concluded that, although "Words of the Day"- texts are entertaining enough for the audience, they are somewhat limited in vocabulary, except for the five unique words of the day.

I would say “the five words” since you are talking about a specific set given by the text.

Using this format, I have to stick to a dictionary-esque style, which is far from what English per se looks like. per se.

Words that might fit instead of “dictionary-esque” are “(literary/official/studious/academic/formal)”

Moreover, as I, much like the audience, do not know the specifics of these words, I have to stick to primary sources, which entails difficulty rephrasing the information I propose to the audience.

“Moreover, as I, much like the audience, do not know the specific meanings of these words, I have to stick to official definitions, which makes it hard to rephrase what I want to say to the audience.”

Original sentence is correct, but the words chosen are very formal! When writing something official it would sound good, but I have rewritten it if you were to want to sound more casual or if you were speaking to someone colloquially.

Thus, I do not provide myself leeway to practice composing unrestricted texts.

However, I seldom have enough time to create long thematic posts like that about the hendiadys, and presumably, you are rarely in the mood to read long-winded essays in English.

The optimal solution would be to introduce The Vibe of the Day.

In quotations because it is your specific title for your work.

In this topic, I plan to write brief sketches of what I see or, feel, or note during a particular day.

I anticipate that, even though the grammar of the texts may be bland, the descriptions will be vivid, and the topic will add to the diversity of posts on the channel.


Good job!! I can tell you have studied your dictionary well :)

Legeartis's avatar

Aug. 26, 2024


Thanks for the suggestions on the style! When I started my channel, I intended to write in a more formal language. More specifically, I wanted to practise it and learn how to control its extent. So if it's not too much trouble for you, please keep marking words in my writing that are too formal or informal and suggesting more appropriate words (though not necessarily whole sentences, but that's up to you)! It helps me a lot!

libraz's avatar

Aug. 26, 2024


okay will do!

Introducing The Vibe of the Day (from July 8th)

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

After some consideration, I have concluded that, though "Words of the Day"-texts are entertaining enough for the audience, they are somewhat limited in vocabulary, except for five unique words of the day.

After some consideration, I have concluded that, although "Words of the Day"- texts are entertaining enough for the audience, they are somewhat limited in vocabulary, except for the five unique words of the day.

I would say “the five words” since you are talking about a specific set given by the text.

Using this format, I have to stick to a dictionary-esque style, which is far from what English per se looks like.

Using this format, I have to stick to a dictionary-esque style, which is far from what English per se looks like. per se.

Words that might fit instead of “dictionary-esque” are “(literary/official/studious/academic/formal)”

Moreover, as I, much like the audience, do not know the specifics of these words, I have to stick to primary sources, which entails difficulty rephrasing the information I propose to the audience.

Moreover, as I, much like the audience, do not know the specifics of these words, I have to stick to primary sources, which entails difficulty rephrasing the information I propose to the audience.

“Moreover, as I, much like the audience, do not know the specific meanings of these words, I have to stick to official definitions, which makes it hard to rephrase what I want to say to the audience.” Original sentence is correct, but the words chosen are very formal! When writing something official it would sound good, but I have rewritten it if you were to want to sound more casual or if you were speaking to someone colloquially.

Thus, I do not provide myself leeway to practice composing unrestricted texts.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

However, I seldom have enough time to create long thematic posts like that about the hendiadys, and presumably, you are rarely in the mood to read long-winded essays in English.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

The optimal solution would be to introduce The Vibe of the Day.

The optimal solution would be to introduce The Vibe of the Day.

In quotations because it is your specific title for your work.

In this topic, I plan to write brief sketches of what I see or feel or note during a particular day.

In this topic, I plan to write brief sketches of what I see or, feel, or note during a particular day.

I anticipate that, even though the grammar of the texts may be bland, the descriptions will be vivid, and the topic will add to the diversity of posts on the channel.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

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