maymaymay_'s avatar

Dec. 29, 2023

how to use the word factor?

x is a contirbuting factor to spread the disease.
x is a contirbuting factor to the spread of the disease.
x is a contirbuting factor in spreading the disease.
x is a contirbuting factor in the the spread of the disease.
which one is correct?


x is a contiributing factor to the spread of the disease.

This is the closest to being acceptable. You could say something like "Close-quarters sleeping arrangements within densely-packed apartment buildings are a contributing factor to the spread of the disease." I would understand what you meant if you said this.

However, from an epidemiology (the study of diseases) point of view you would most likely want to indicate what increases or decreases the rate of spreading the disease. Spread of a disease between two organisms is termed "transmission". So a more correct sentence would be "Close-quarters sleeping arrangements within densely-packed apartment buildings are a contributing factor to an increased rate of disease transmission."

maymaymay_'s avatar

Jan. 2, 2024


Thank you so much.

x is a contiributing factor in the the spread of the disease.

With “factor” I would go with “in”, but I would really prefer to omit “factor”:
X contributes to the spread of the disease.


You might find this discussion interesting:

maymaymay_'s avatar

Dec. 30, 2023


Thank you so much

JoeTofu's avatar

Dec. 30, 2023


Why is your correction ratio so low? You’ve received something like 2300 corrections but only given back about 23.

hHow todo I use the word factor?

xX is a contiributing factor in the the spread of the disease.

This is a good question! I agree with the previous commenter. This sounds the most natural. The word “contributing” has positive connotations, but even America’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention use that word, so I don’t think that’s bad. Your sentence does sound formal, like something in a newscast or a news article. In informal conversation, I would say something like, “The disease is spreading, and it doesn’t help that X.”

wWhich one is correct?


You’re doing great!

maymaymay_'s avatar

Dec. 30, 2023


Thank you so much.

x is a contiributing factor toin the spread theing of disease.


Sorry, none of them are quite right, but also none of them are complete sentences which can make it a bit harder to evaluate. "Contributing factor" is kind of a mouthful and feels like it puts the sentence in the passive voice, but I feel like just saying "contributes" would be easier.

"People not washing their hands after going to the bathroom contributes to the spreading of disease."

"Contributing factor" means that this is one of several causes of an event, but the use of "contributes" in the above sentence already conveys that meaning. To re-word it to use "factor..."

"One factor in the spread of disease is people not washing their hands."
(fine, but unnecessarily wordy) "People not washing their hands is a contributing factor to the spread of disease."

The first sentence used "factor" in replace of "contributes" because the noun form of "contribute," which would be "contribution," would feel odd, maybe because of the positive connotations held by the word.

firedude750's avatar

Dec. 29, 2023


I would say that "x is a contributing factor to the spread of the disease" is correct.

splinterofchaos's avatar

Dec. 29, 2023


Ah, true! I guess I got tripped up by "the disease," but when I insert "COVID" or something for that it sounds right to me.

maymaymay_'s avatar

Dec. 30, 2023


Thank you so much.

which one is correct?

x is a contirbuting factor to spread the disease.

x is a contiributing factor toin the spread theing of disease.

x is a contirbuting factor to the spread of the disease.

x is a contirbuting factor in spreading the disease.

x is a contirbuting factor in the the spread of the disease.

xX is a contiributing factor in the the spread of the disease.

This is a good question! I agree with the previous commenter. This sounds the most natural. The word “contributing” has positive connotations, but even America’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention use that word, so I don’t think that’s bad. Your sentence does sound formal, like something in a newscast or a news article. In informal conversation, I would say something like, “The disease is spreading, and it doesn’t help that X.”

which one is correct?

wWhich one is correct?

how to use the word factor?

hHow todo I use the word factor?

x is a contirbuting factor to spread the disease.

x is a contirbuting factor to the spread of the disease.

x is a contirbuting factor in spreading the disease.

x is a contirbuting factor in the the spread of the disease.

x is a contiributing factor in the the spread of the disease.

With “factor” I would go with “in”, but I would really prefer to omit “factor”: X contributes to the spread of the disease.

which one is correct?

x is a contirbuting factor in the the spread of the disease.

x is a contirbuting factor in spreading the disease.

x is a contirbuting factor to spread the disease.

x is a contirbuting factor to the spread of the disease.

x is a contiributing factor to the spread of the disease.

This is the closest to being acceptable. You could say something like "Close-quarters sleeping arrangements within densely-packed apartment buildings are a contributing factor to the spread of the disease." I would understand what you meant if you said this. However, from an epidemiology (the study of diseases) point of view you would most likely want to indicate what increases or decreases the rate of spreading the disease. Spread of a disease between two organisms is termed "transmission". So a more correct sentence would be "Close-quarters sleeping arrangements within densely-packed apartment buildings are a contributing factor to an increased rate of disease transmission."

x is a contirbuting factor to spread the disease.

x is a contirbuting factor to the spread of the disease.

x is a contirbuting factor in spreading the disease.

x is a contirbuting factor in the the spread of the disease.

which one is correct?

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