May 27, 2024
When you ride on the escalator, are you usually standing or walking on it? In Japan, we can normally see the scenes where some people are standing still on one side and other people are walking fast on the other side.
Some dangerous accidents have happened in this situation so far. In Saitama Prefecture, a visually impaired person got injured when he was knocked down by another person walking down the escalator. Therefore, a year ago, the local government issued an ordinance on the safe use of escalators, encouraging people to stand, rather than walk. Also, Tokyo often sees a strange situation especially during rush hour: lots of people are waiting in line to get on the left side of the escalator and on the other hand, the right side of the escalator is empty.
In my opinion, it would be better that people can stand on any sides, so that disabled or injured people can choose to hold onto whichever handrail they like. Those in a hurry often say that one side of the escalator is for people who want to go up faster by walking, but they should use the stairs installed next to the escalator. I usually take the stairs instead of the escalator as long as I'm not tired. I think it would be ideal if everyone could choose which side to stand on and ride the escalator safely.
エスカレーターに乗るとき、あなたは通常立っていますか、それとも歩いていますか? 日本では、片側で立ち止まっている人もいれば、反対側を早足で歩いている人もいる光景がよく見られます。
この状況で、これまでにいくつかの危険な事故が発生しています。 埼玉県では視覚障害者が、エスカレーターで歩行中の他人に突きどばされて負傷しました。 そこで1年前、地方自治体はエスカレーターの安全な使用に関する条例を発行し、人々に歩くのではなく立つことを奨励しました。 また、東京では、特にラッシュアワーの時間帯に、エスカレーターの左側に乗るためにたくさんの人が並んでいるのに、右側は空いているという奇妙な状況がよく見られます。
私の考えでは、障害者や怪我をした人が好きな方の手すりにつかまることができるように、どちらの側に立ってもよい方がよいと思います。 急いでいる人はよく「エスカレーターの片側は早く上がりたい人用だ」と言いますが、そういう人はエスカレーターの横に設置されている階段を使ったほうがいいと思います。 私は疲れていない限り、エスカレーターではなく階段を使います。 誰もがどちら側に立つかを選択できて、安全にエスカレーターに乗れるようになれば理想的だと思います。
When you ride on the escalator, are you usually standing or walking on it?
In Japan, we can normally see the scenes where some people are standing still on one side and other people are walking fast on the other side.
Some dangerous accidents have happened in this situation so far.
In Saitama Prefecture, a visually impaired person got injured when he was knocked down by another person walking down the escalator.
Therefore, a year ago, the local government issued an ordinance on the safe use of escalators, encouraging people to stand, rather than walk.
Also, Tokyo often sees a strange situation especially during rush hour: lots of people are waiting in line to get on the left side of the escalator and on the other hand, the right side of the escalator is empty.
In my opinion, it would be better that people can stand on any sides, so that disabled or injured people can choose to hold onto whichever handrail they like.
Those in a hurry often say that one side of the escalator is for people who want to go up faster by walking, but they should use the stairs installed next to the escalator.
I usually take the stairs instead of the escalator as long as I'm not tired.
I think it would be ideal if everyone could choose which side to stand on and ride the escalator safely.
That's true! I never had to queue for an escalator until I started living in Tokyo. I agree with you!
How to uUse eEscalators
Since it’s a title you should capitalise it (although I’m kind of being a hypocrite here)
When you ride on the escalator, aredo you usually standing or walking on it?
Optional, edited to make it sound more natural.
In Japan, we can normally see the scenes where some people who are standing still on one side and other people who are walking fast on the other side.
Just to make it sound more natural. Could also say:
“In Japan, we can normally see some people standing still on one side and other people walking fast on the other side.”
“In Japan, we can normally see some people who stand still on one side and other people who walk fast on the other side.”
Could also change “other people” to “others”
Some dangerous accidents have happened in this situation so far.
Optional but I don’t think you have to say “so far”, as without it, it still implies that accidents have happened in this situation.
In Saitama Prefecture, a visually impaired person got injured when he was knocked down by another person walking down the escalator.
ThereforeSo, a year ago, the local government issued an ordinance on the safe use of escalators, encouraging people to stand, rather than walk.
Therefore sounds a little stiff in this case. “So” or “in response” might be a little more natural.
Also, Tokyo often sees a strange situation especially during rush hour: lots of people are waiting in line to get on the left side of the escalator and on the other handmeanwhile, the right side of the escalator is empty.
Optional - “meanwhile” makes it more concise and a little more natural
In my opinion, it would be better thatif people canould stand on any sides, so that disabled or injured people can choose to hold onto whichever handrail they like.
Optional, but this makes it sound slightly more natural in my opinion
Those in a hurry often say that one side of the escalator is for people who want to go up faster by walking, but I think they should use the stairs installed next to the escalator.
I usually take the stairs instead of the escalator as long asif I'm not too tired.
Optional - just sounds a little more natural and is more concise this way
I think it would be ideal if everyone could choose which side to stand on so people cand ride the escalator safely.
You could also say “I think it would be ideal if everyone could choose which side to stand on (in order) to safely ride the escalator.”
These are more to clarify the meaning of the sentence, assuming that I’ve understood it correctly.
Good job! I think this was really interesting.
How to use escalators How to Since it’s a title you should capitalise it (although I’m kind of being a hypocrite here) |
When you ride on the escalator, are you usually standing or walking on it? When you ride on the escalator, Optional, edited to make it sound more natural. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
In Japan, we can normally see the scenes where some people are standing still on one side and other people are walking fast on the other side. In Japan, we can normally see Just to make it sound more natural. Could also say: “In Japan, we can normally see some people standing still on one side and other people walking fast on the other side.” Or “In Japan, we can normally see some people who stand still on one side and other people who walk fast on the other side.” Could also change “other people” to “others” In Japan, we can normally see |
Some dangerous accidents have happened in this situation so far. Some dangerous accidents have happened in this situation Optional but I don’t think you have to say “so far”, as without it, it still implies that accidents have happened in this situation. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
In Saitama Prefecture, a visually impaired person got injured when he was knocked down by another person walking down the escalator. This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Therefore, a year ago, the local government issued an ordinance on the safe use of escalators, encouraging people to stand, rather than walk.
Therefore sounds a little stiff in this case. “So” or “in response” might be a little more natural. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Also, Tokyo often sees a strange situation especially during rush hour: lots of people are waiting in line to get on the left side of the escalator and on the other hand, the right side of the escalator is empty. Also, Tokyo often sees a strange situation especially during rush hour: lots of people are waiting in line to get on the left side of the escalator and Optional - “meanwhile” makes it more concise and a little more natural This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
In my opinion, it would be better that people can stand on any sides, so that disabled or injured people can choose to hold onto whichever handrail they like. In my opinion, it would be better Optional, but this makes it sound slightly more natural in my opinion This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Those in a hurry often say that one side of the escalator is for people who want to go up faster by walking, but they should use the stairs installed next to the escalator. Those in a hurry often say that one side of the escalator is for people who want to go up faster by walking, but I think they should use the stairs installed next to the escalator. Optional This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
I usually take the stairs instead of the escalator as long as I'm not tired. I usually take the stairs instead of the escalator Optional - just sounds a little more natural and is more concise this way This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
I think it would be ideal if everyone could choose which side to stand on and ride the escalator safely. I think it would be ideal if everyone could choose which side to stand on so people can You could also say “I think it would be ideal if everyone could choose which side to stand on (in order) to safely ride the escalator.” These are more to clarify the meaning of the sentence, assuming that I’ve understood it correctly. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
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