Nov. 5, 2022
Hello! I hope you're doing well.
Today I want to write about a book called "The Art of Less Doing" by Ari Meisel. I made this jornal as a list of things you can do so it's easier to use.
I hope you find this information useful :)
Note: I'm aiming for the American English dialect.
In a nutshell, he was a man who became ill for the excesive work so he learned how to be more effective.
Ari Meisel includes in his book the following effective methods!
1 Optimizing
Means: Making your activities smaller, to it's bare minimum, and eliminating what is not necessary.
The first step to optimize it's simple: consciousness.
It's necessary to identify how we are spending our time in order to manage it efficiently.
Furthermore, it's important to notice that multitasking makes our brains exhausted and, as a result, we're not beinf effective.
Increasing productivity means creating systems that works for you, such as the following ones.
Was discovered by Bluma Zeigarnik; she experimented distracting waitress and waiters when they were attending people and she realised what waiter and waitress remembered more the orders than who weren't distracted.
Pomodoro technique consists in setting a timer about 30 minutes and work during that time, then rest for 5 minutes. This allows us to remember more the information and also enjoying it.
Off load knowledge.
It's about writing your knowledge in a safety place in order to receive more information.
Make a good use of your ideas.
When taking a shower, for example, it's common having good ideas so make a strategy to remember them.
Simple steps to use this:
-Track your sleep.
-Use the pareto principle; ask yourself "what are the activities that give me more results and require less effort?
-write a diary
-ask yourself "what's the bare minimum to complete this activity?'
-set a timer for 30mminutes when working and then give yourself a rest about 5 minutes.
-write your knowledge in a safety place such as a notebook or digital notes.
I was about to write a summary about the entire book but it was too long ( ̄^ ̄)ゞso I will divide it into 3 sections and I'll write it later.
Pause and recall.
Answer these questions without looking at the previous text:
What were the principal ideas?
How can you use these ideas for your daily life?
How To Do Less With More Results.Working Smarter Not Harder
This is the natural idiom-saying we use! You could also say, a bit more naturally, “Work Smarter, Not Harder” if you want more of a forceful/imperative tone !
I hope you're doing well.
Today I want to write about a book called "The Art of Less Doing" by Ari Meisel.
I made/created this journal as a list of thingto provide you with a list of specific actions you can do sto it's easier to usemake life easier.
I didn’t really understand, as always, let me know what your intended meaning was!
I hope you find this information useful :)
Note: I'm aiming for the American English dialect.
In a nutshell, the wauthor is a man who became ill for thedue to excessively work soing, and in turn, he learneds how to bework more effectiveiciently.
I am assuming ‘he’ is the author !
I also tried to infer meaning, let me know what you wanted to communicate !
In his book, Ari Meisel includes in his book the following effective methodsmethods of effective productivity!
More natural word order and usage. ‘Effective methods’ is a bit obscure, I inferred it is about productivity however, again let me know if this is incorrect !
“He enclosed the following method to making the cake.”
“He enclosed the method of the cake recipe in the envelope.”
“She was spouting about a method to end madness.”
^^ when we mention ‘a method’, we almost always clarify what it is about; ‘to do x’, or ‘of x’.
1 Optimizing
MeansDefinition: Making your activities smaller, to it's bare minimum, and eliminating what is not necessary.
We never use ‘Means:’, always use ‘Definition:’
The first step to optimize it'ing is simple: the consciousness.
It's necessary to identify how we are spending our time in order to manage it efficiently.
Furthermore, it's important to notice that multitasking makes our brains exhausted and, as a result, we're not beinfg as effective as we could be.
“She wasn’t being as cheery as she usually was.” (Present narration)
“She wasn’t as she could of been.” (Past)
“She didn’t look as happy as I knew she could be.” (Past)
Increasing productivity means creating systems that works for you, such as the following ones.:
WThis method was discovered by Bluma Zeigarnik; she experimented with productivity by distracting waitress and waiters when they were attending people and she realis. From her study, she discovered wthat the waiters and waitress remembered more the orders than who weren't distractedes who were distracted remembered more than those who weren’t.
A bit of cohesion, and sophistication !
The Pomodoro technique consists inof setting a timer for about 30 minutes and working during that time, then rest fortaking a 5 minute break afterwards.
Natural, sophistication.
This allows us to remember more the information and to also enjoying it productivity more.
Off load knowledge.
It's about writing your knowledge in a safety place in order to receivemember more information.
“The safety was on.”
“She was risking her safety.”
“She needed a safe place to sleep.”
“He wanted to be safe with her.”
I tried my best, let me know what you wanted to say!
Make a good use of your ideas.
WFor example, when taking a shower, for example, it's common havingit is common for one to come up with good ideas, so makeit is important to creating/making a strategy tofor remembering themse ideas.
Grammar, sophistication, natural word order !
Simple steps to useing this method include:
Sophistication, coherency.
- Tracking your sleep.
- Useing the pareto principle;, for example, asking yourself "what are the activities that give me more results and require less effort?”.
-w Writeing in a diary.
-ask Asking yourself "what's the bare minimum to completeing this activity?”.
-set Setting a timer for 30m minutes when working and then giveing yourself a rest for about 5 minutes.
“She took about 5 minutes to get ready.”
“She told him to wait for about 5 minutes.”
-w Writeing your knowledge down in a safety place such as a notebook or taking digital notes.
I was about to write a summary about the entire book but it was too long ( ̄^ ̄)ゞso I will divide it into 3 sections and then I'll write about it later.
Pause and recall.
Answer these questions without looking at the previous text:
What were the principal ideas?
How can you use these ideas forin your daily life?
Very interesting, well done, fantastic work as always!! It is good to see you are challenging yourself with these text types and still managing to write so well!
How To Do Less With More Results.
This is the natural idiom-saying we use! You could also say, a bit more naturally, “Work Smarter, Not Harder” if you want more of a forceful/imperative tone ! |
Hello! This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
I hope you're doing well. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Today I want to write about a book called "The Art of Less Doing" by Ari Meisel. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
I made this jornal as a list of things you can do so it's easier to use. I made/created this journal I didn’t really understand, as always, let me know what your intended meaning was! |
I hope you find this information useful :) This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Note: I'm aiming for the American English dialect. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
In a nutshell, he was a man who became ill for the excesive work so he learned how to be more effective. In a nutshell, the I am assuming ‘he’ is the author ! I also tried to infer meaning, let me know what you wanted to communicate ! |
Ari Meisel includes in his book the following effective methods! In his book, Ari Meisel includes More natural word order and usage. ‘Effective methods’ is a bit obscure, I inferred it is about productivity however, again let me know if this is incorrect ! “He enclosed the following method to making the cake.” “He enclosed the method of the cake recipe in the envelope.” “She was spouting about a method to end madness.” ^^ when we mention ‘a method’, we almost always clarify what it is about; ‘to do x’, or ‘of x’. |
1 Optimizing This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Means: Making your activities smaller, to it's bare minimum, and eliminating what is not necessary.
We never use ‘Means:’, always use ‘Definition:’ |
The first step to optimize it's simple: consciousness. The first step to optimiz |
It's necessary to identify how we are spending our time in order to manage it efficiently. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Furthermore, it's important to notice that multitasking makes our brains exhausted and, as a result, we're not beinf effective. Furthermore, it's important to notice that multitasking makes our brains exhausted and, as a result, we're not bein “She wasn’t being as cheery as she usually was.” (Present narration) “She wasn’t as she could of been.” (Past) “She didn’t look as happy as I knew she could be.” (Past) |
Increasing productivity means creating systems that works for you, such as the following ones. Increasing productivity means creating systems that works for you, such as |
Pomodoro. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Was discovered by Bluma Zeigarnik; she experimented distracting waitress and waiters when they were attending people and she realised what waiter and waitress remembered more the orders than who weren't distracted.
A bit of cohesion, and sophistication ! |
Pomodoro technique consists in setting a timer about 30 minutes and work during that time, then rest for 5 minutes. The Pomodoro technique consists Natural, sophistication. |
This allows us to remember more the information and also enjoying it. This allows us to remember more |
Off load knowledge. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
It's about writing your knowledge in a safety place in order to receive more information. It's about writing your knowledge in a safe “The safety was on.” “She was risking her safety.” “She needed a safe place to sleep.” “He wanted to be safe with her.” I tried my best, let me know what you wanted to say! |
Make a good use of your ideas. Make |
When taking a shower, for example, it's common having good ideas so make a strategy to remember them.
Grammar, sophistication, natural word order ! |
Simple steps to use this: Simple steps to us Sophistication, coherency. |
-Track your sleep. - Tracking your sleep. |
-Use the pareto principle; ask yourself "what are the activities that give me more results and require less effort? - Us |
-write a diary - |
-ask yourself "what's the bare minimum to complete this activity? - |
-set a timer for 30mminutes when working and then give yourself a rest about 5 minutes. - “She took about 5 minutes to get ready.” “She told him to wait for about 5 minutes.” |
-write your knowledge in a safety place such as a notebook or digital notes. - |
I was about to write a summary about the entire book but it was too long ( ̄^ ̄)ゞso I will divide it into 3 sections and write it later. |
Pause and recall. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Answer these questions without looking at the previous text: This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
What were the principal ideas? This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
How can you use these ideas for your daily life? How can you use these ideas |
I was about to write a summary about the entire book but it was too long ( ̄^ ̄)ゞso I will divide it into 3 sections and I'll write it later. I was about to write a summary about the entire book but it was too long ( ̄^ ̄)ゞso I will divide it into 3 sections and then I'll write about it later. |
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