Jan. 29, 2023
Hello! I hope you're well. :)
I submitted a journal some weeks ago with the same topic but finally here's the second part. I'll choose a goal that probably many of us have: learning or improving in a language.
Here's a summary of the past journal:
1 Make a list for all kinds of goals in your life
2 Choose those that give you more results and require less effort
In the first journal I didn't include a crucial step which is changing your beliefs.
Our beliefs have such a great impact in our behaviors. Before starting our goals, it's necessary to change our limiting beliefs. These are two ways to do it:
Get out of your confort zone
Try new things. Let's imagine that I want to learn I language but I never do it because I think that it's impossible. How will I know it if I don't even try it? and if I fail, maybe it's because I'm getting stuck on my comfort zone (trying the same methods and so on).
Ask if they are true
In her book "Loving What Is" Byron Katie explains her method to change our beliefs, which is just asking four questions.
Think about a belief that's stoping you from accomplishing your goal. Now ask yourself the following questions and take your time to do it.
Is it true?
How do I react when I have this thought?
Who would I be without believing this thought?
Now, turn the thought around. For example, if the initial thought was "I will never learn a hard language like _______" the turn-around-thought becomes, "I'll always learn a hard language like ______"
Then, think about three things that prove that this thought is true. Example:
- Someone else learned this hard language, so I can do it too.
- There are several thousands of learning techniques. If I learn them, I'll learn this hard language easier.
- If I practice enough, I'll master this hard language.
3 Set a habit that helps you to accomplish your goal
Any habit is made of these four factors: cue, desire, action and reward. I'll give you some tips to succeed when setting habits.
- Cue
This is what reminds you to do the habit. In order to succeed, put something that reminds you to do the habit where you can see it every day.
Example: I have an app to study English and I place it in front of the screen.
- Desire
The desire is knowing what the reward is.
Is there any reward you search for when you learn a language?
Maybe it's watching your favorite series without subtitles, listening to music and so on.
- Action
Is what you do to obtaing the reward.
In this case, you need to make your study as small as possible so that the habit is easy to keep.
- Reward
This is what you get when you complete the action.
There are two kinds of rewards: intrinsic rewards and extrinsic rewards.
Extrinsic rewards are those that are out of ourselves, such as money, fame, beauty, etc. Meanwhile, intrinsic rewards are those that we feel when we're doing what we like, no need payments or prays.
Following extrinsic rewards it's ok but keep in mind that you'll adaptate to those pleasures (beauty, fame, money, etc) and it will decrease your happiness.
4 Define a tangible result that determine whether you accomplished your goal or not
What do you want? When will you notice that you accomplished that goal?
If your goal is too hard, divide it into small parts or skills and define a tangible goal for each one.
For example, you can divide the ability of reaching B1 level of Japanese into:
1 Reading
2 Listening
3 Speaking
4 Writing
5 Immersion
Find some resources you like in your target language in the four skills and fit them into your routine.
Example of goal: I'll know that I'm immersed when I surround myself of at least 2 books that I like reading, 1 serie, and speak that language with my friends.
To know if you accomplished the final tangible goal (reach to B2 level) you can take a test.
5 Divide your habit into baby steps
Sometimes, we don't have enough motivation or energy to keep doing something. If the action is small, we can do it even when we're experiencing a hard moment. That's the importance of this step.
Ask yourself, "what's the first step to do this?" And set this as your daily goal.
As long as you'll practice, your habit will become even easier so adding a bit of difficulty will make it interesting.
How to Accomplish your Goals (Second Part 2)
The most common usage !
I hope you're well.
I submitted a journal some weeks ago withabout the same topic but, finally, here's the second part.
- “Is your speech going to be about the same topic?” “What is your speech going to be about?” We always use the preposition ‘about’ in this context!
- I added commas because what you’ve written would sound unnatural as one full sentence, however, with pauses, it makes perfect sense!
I'll’m going to choose a goal that probably many of us have: learning or improving in a language.
- ‘I’m going to…’ sounds more casual, and goes with your colloquial tone
Here's a summary of the past journal:
1 Make a list for all the kinds of goals you have in your life.
More ✨natural✨
2 Choose those that give you more results and require less effort
In the first journal I didn't include a crucial step which is changing your beliefs.
Our beliefs have such a great impact ion our behaviors.
Before starting our goals, it's necessary to change our limiting beliefs.
These are two ways to do it:
Get out of your confort zone
Try new things.
Let's imagine that I want to learn Ia language but I never do it because I think that it's impossible.
How willould I know ithat if I don'idn’t even try it?
Hypothetical = subjunctive would
and if I fail, maybe it's because I'm getting stuck oinside/in my comfort zone (trying the same methods and so on).
Ask if they are true
In her book "Loving What Is" Byron Katie explains her method tofor change ouring beliefs, which is just asking four questions.
Think about a belief that's stoping you from accomplishing your goal.
Now ask yourself the following questions and take your time to dodoing it.
Is it true?
How do I react when I have this thought?
Who would I be without believing this thought?
Lovely subjunctive
Now, turn theat thought around.
For example, if the initial thought was "I will never learn a hard language like _______" the turn-around-thought becomes, "I'll always learn a hard language like ______"
Then, think about three things that prove that this thought is true.
- Someone else learned this hard language, so I can do it too.
- There are several thousands of learning techniques.
If I learn them, I'll learn this hard language easier.
- If I practice enough, I'll master this hard language.
3 Set a habit that helps you to accomplish your goal
Any habit is made of these four factors: cue, desire, action and reward.
I'll give you some tips to succeed when setting habits.
- Cue
This is what reminds you to do the habit.
In order to succeed, put something that reminds you to do the habit where you can see it every day.
Example: I have an app to study English and I place it in front of the screen.
- Desire
The desire is knowing what the reward is.
Is there any reward you search for when you learn a language?
Maybe it's watching your favorite series without subtitles, listening to music and so on.
- Action
Is what you do to obtaing the reward.
In this case, you need to make your study as smallhort as possible so that the habit is easy to keep up.
- Reward
This is what you get when you complete the action.
There are two kinds of rewards: intrinsic rewards and extrinsic rewards.
Extrinsic rewards are those that are out of ourselves, such as money, fame, beauty, etc.
Meanwhile, intrinsic rewards are those that we feel when we're doing what we like, no need payments or prays.
Following extrinsic rewards it's ok but keep in mind that you'll adaptate to those pleasures (beauty, fame, money, etc) and it will decrease your happiness.
4 Define a tangible result that determine whether you accomplished your goal or not
What do you want?
When will you notice that you’ve accomplished that goal?
If your goal is too hard, divide it into small parts or skills and define a tangible goal for each one.
For example, you can divide the ability of reaching B1 level of Japanese into:
1 Reading
2 Listening
3 Speaking
4 Writing
5 Immersion
Find some resources you like in your target language in the four skills and fit them into your routine.
Example of goal: I'll know that I'm immersed when I surround myself ofwith at least 2 books that I like reading, 1 series, and speak that language with my friends.
To know if you accomplished the final tangible goal (reach to B2 level) you can take a test.
5 Divide your habit into baby steps
Sometimes, we don't have enough motivation or energy to keep doing something.
If the action is small, we can do it even when we're experiencing a hard moment.
That's the importance of this step.
Ask yourself, "what's the first step to do this?"
And set this as your daily goal.
As long as you'll practice, your habit will become even easier so adding a bit of difficulty will make it interesting.
Lovely work Li, I especially enjoyed the section of rerouting your thoughts to change your negative beliefs. What an interesting read!!! 😁
How to Accomplish your Goals (Second Part)
I hope you're well.
I submitted a journal some weeks ago with the same topic, but finally, here's the second part.
I'll choose a goal that probably many of us have: learning or improving in a language.
Here's a summary of the past journal:
1. Make a list for all kinds of goals inof your life goals.
2. Choose those that give you more results and require less effort.
In the first journal, I didn't include a crucial step which is: changing your beliefs.
The way you wrote it is fine, but this way is slightly more impactful.
Our beliefs have such a great impact ion our behaviors.
Before starting our goals, it's necessary to change our limiting beliefs.
These are two ways to do it:
Get out of your conmfort zone, and try new things.
Try new things.
Let's imagine that I want to learn I language but I never do it because I think that it's impossible.
How will I know it if I don't even try it?
and iIf I fail, maybe it's because I'm getting stuck oin my comfort zone, only (trying the same methods and so on)s always.
Ask if they are true.
In her book "Loving What Is", Byron Katie explains her method tofor changeing our beliefs, which is just asking four questions.
Think about a belief that's stopping you from accomplishing your goal.
Now ask yourself the following questions and, takeing your time toas you do it.so:
Is it true?
How do I react when I have this thought?
Who would I be without believing this thought?
Now, turn the thought around.
For example, if the initial thought was "I will never learn a hard language like _______", the turned-around- thought becomes, "I'll always can learn a hard languages like ______".
Then, think about three things that prove that this thought is true.
- Someone else learned this hard language, so I can do it too.
- There are several thousands of learning techniques.
If I learn them, I'll learn this hard language more easierly.
- If I practice enough, I'll master this hard language.
3. Set a habit that helps you to accomplish your goal.
Any habit is made of these four factors: cue, desire, action and reward.
I'll give you some tips tofor succeedss when settbuilding habits.
You set goals, but you don’t set habits.
- Cue
This is what reminds you to do the habit.
In order to succeed, put something that reminds you to do the habit where you can see it every day.
Example: I have an app to study English, and I place it in front of the screen (which screen?).
- Desire
The d“Desire" is knowing what the reward is.
Is there any reward you search for when you learn a language?
Maybe it's watching your favorite series without subtitles, listening to music and so on.
- Action
I“Action” is what you do to obtaing the reward.
In this case, you need to make your study as smallnageable as possible so that the habit is easy to keep.
- Reward
This is what you get when you complete the action.
There are two kinds of rewards: intrinsic rewards and extrinsic rewards.
Extrinsic rewards are those that are out of ourselves, such as money, fame, beauty, etc.
Meanwhile, intrinsic rewards are those that we feel when we're doing what we like, no need payments or prays.
I feel like the end of this sentence is unnecessary.
Following extrinsic rewards it's ok, but keep in mind that you'll adaptate to those pleasures (beauty, fame, money, etc) and it will decrease your happiness.
4. Define a tangible result that determines whether you accomplished your goal or not.
What do you want?
When will you noticesay that you accomplished that goal?
If your goal is too hard, divide it into small parts or skills and define a tangible goal for each one.
For example, you can divide the ability of reaching B1 level of Japanese into:
1. Reading
2. Listening
3. Speaking
4. Writing
5. Immersion
Find some resources you like in your target language in the four skills and fit them into your routine.
Example of a goal: I'll know that I'm immersed when I surround myself ofwith at least 2two books that I like reading, 1 and one series, and when I speak that language with my friends.
Single-digit numbers are typically spelled out.
To know if you accomplished the final tangible goal (reach toing the B2 level) you can take a test.
5. Divide your habit into baby steps.
Sometimes, we don't have enough motivation or energy to keep doing something.
If the action is small, we can do it even when we're experiencing a hard momenttimes.
That's the importance of this step.
Ask yourself, "wWhat's the first step toin doing this?"”.
And sSet thisat as your daily goal.
As long as you'll practice, your habit will become even easier, so adding a bit of difficulty will make it interesting.
1 Reading 1. Reading This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
2 Listening 2. Listening This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
3 Speaking 3. Speaking This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
4 Writing 4. Writing This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
5 Immersion 5. Immersion This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
How to Accomplish your Goals (Second Part) This sentence has been marked as perfect! How to Accomplish your Goals ( The most common usage ! |
Hello! This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
I hope you're well. This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
:) This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
I submitted a journal some weeks ago with the same topic but finally here's the second part. I submitted a journal some weeks ago with the same topic, but finally, here's the second part. I submitted a journal some weeks ago - “Is your speech going to be about the same topic?” “What is your speech going to be about?” We always use the preposition ‘about’ in this context! - I added commas because what you’ve written would sound unnatural as one full sentence, however, with pauses, it makes perfect sense! |
I'll choose a goal that probably many of us have: learning or improving in a language. This sentence has been marked as perfect! I - ‘I’m going to…’ sounds more casual, and goes with your colloquial tone |
Here's a summary of the past journal: This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
1 Make a list for all kinds of goals in your life 1. Make a list for all 1 Make a list for all the kinds of goals you have in your life. More ✨natural✨ |
2 Choose those that give you more results and require less effort 2. Choose those that give you more results and require less effort. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
In the first journal I didn't include a crucial step which is changing your beliefs. In the first journal, I didn't include a crucial step The way you wrote it is fine, but this way is slightly more impactful. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Our beliefs have such a great impact in our behaviors. Our beliefs have such a great impact Our beliefs have such a great impact |
Before starting our goals, it's necessary to change our limiting beliefs. This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
These are two ways to do it: This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Get out of your confort zone Get out of your co This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Try new things.
This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Let's imagine that I want to learn I language but I never do it because I think that it's impossible. This sentence has been marked as perfect! Let's imagine that I want to learn |
How will I know it if I don't even try it? How will I know How w Hypothetical = subjunctive would |
and if I fail, maybe it's because I'm getting stuck on my comfort zone (trying the same methods and so on).
and if I fail, maybe it's because I'm getting stuck |
Ask if they are true Ask if they are true. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
In her book "Loving What Is" Byron Katie explains her method to change our beliefs, which is just asking four questions. In her book "Loving What Is", Byron Katie explains her method In her book "Loving What Is" Byron Katie explains her method Natural |
Think about a belief that's stoping you from accomplishing your goal. Think about a belief that's stopping you from accomplishing your goal. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Now ask yourself the following questions and take your time to do it. Now ask yourself the following questions Now ask yourself the following questions and take your time |
Is it true? This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
How do I react when I have this thought? This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Who would I be without believing this thought? Who would I be without believing this Who would I be without believing this thought? Lovely subjunctive |
Now, turn the thought around. This sentence has been marked as perfect! Now, turn th |
For example, if the initial thought was "I will never learn a hard language like _______" the turn-around-thought becomes, "I'll always learn a hard language like ______" For example, if the initial thought was "I will never learn a hard language like _______", the turned-around This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Then, think about three things that prove that this thought is true. This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Example: This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
- Someone else learned this hard language, so I can do it too. This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
- There are several thousands of learning techniques. This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
If I learn them, I'll learn this hard language easier. If I learn them, I'll learn this hard language more easi This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
- If I practice enough, I'll master this hard language. This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
3 Set a habit that helps you to accomplish your goal 3. Set a habit that helps you to accomplish your goal. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Any habit is made of these four factors: cue, desire, action and reward. This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
I'll give you some tips to succeed when setting habits. I'll give you some tips You set goals, but you don’t set habits. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
- Cue This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
This is what reminds you to do the habit. This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
In order to succeed, put something that reminds you to do the habit where you can see it every day. This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Example: I have an app to study English and I place it in front of the screen. Example: I have an app to study English, and I place it in front of the screen (which screen?). This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
- Desire This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
The desire is knowing what the reward is.
This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Is there any reward you search for when you learn a language? This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Maybe it's watching your favorite series without subtitles, listening to music and so on. This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
- Action This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Is what you do to obtaing the reward.
Is what you do to obtain |
In this case, you need to make your study as small as possible so that the habit is easy to keep. In this case, you need to make your study as In this case, you need to make your study as s |
- Reward This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
This is what you get when you complete the action. This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
There are two kinds of rewards: intrinsic rewards and extrinsic rewards. This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Extrinsic rewards are those that are out of ourselves, such as money, fame, beauty, etc. This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Meanwhile, intrinsic rewards are those that we feel when we're doing what we like, no need payments or prays. Meanwhile, intrinsic rewards are those that we feel when we're doing what we like I feel like the end of this sentence is unnecessary. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Following extrinsic rewards it's ok but keep in mind that you'll adaptate to those pleasures (beauty, fame, money, etc) and it will decrease your happiness. Following extrinsic rewards i This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
4 Define a tangible result that determine whether you accomplished your goal or not 4. Define a tangible result that determines whether you accomplished your goal or not. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
What do you want? This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
When will you notice that you accomplished that goal? When will you When will you notice that you’ve accomplished that goal? |
If your goal is too hard, divide it into small parts or skills and define a tangible goal for each one. This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
For example, you can divide the ability of reaching B1 level of Japanese into: This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Find some resources you like in your target language in the four skills and fit them into your routine. This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Example of goal: I'll know that I'm immersed when I surround myself of at least 2 books that I like reading, 1 serie, and speak that language with my friends. Example of a goal: I'll know that I'm immersed when I surround myself Single-digit numbers are typically spelled out. Example of goal: I'll know that I'm immersed when I surround myself |
To know if you accomplished the final tangible goal (reach to B2 level) you can take a test. To know if you accomplished the final tangible goal (reach This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
5 Divide your habit into baby steps 5. Divide your habit into baby steps. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Sometimes, we don't have enough motivation or energy to keep doing something. This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
If the action is small, we can do it even when we're experiencing a hard moment. If the action is small, we can do it even when we're experiencing This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
That's the importance of this step. This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Ask yourself, "what's the first step to do this?" Ask yourself, " This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
And set this as your daily goal.
This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
As long as you'll practice, your habit will become even easier so adding a bit of difficulty will make it interesting. As long as you As long as you |
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