BlackGlasses's avatar

Nov. 4, 2022

How Do I Use My Corrections.

I'm grateful each time when I'm corrected because I love languages and I eant to thank you because you're making this language learning journeay easy to face.

If someone asks me about my corrections use I would say that I review my past journals and then I write a new one.

After I review my corrections I relax my attention in order to enter to diffuse mode and comprehend better that information.

It's not a particular way to use my corrections in langcorrect, I have some ideas though.

-To create flashcards

-read the corrections out loud.

-copy the original text and try to fix the mistakes I did by myself without looking the corrections that others made and after that correcting it again looking at those corrections.

-Teach what I learned.
As people say "teaching is learning twice".

Thank you for reading :)


I'm grateful each time when I'm corrected because I love languages and I ewant to thank you because you're making this language learning journeay easyier to face.

If someone used to asks me about my corrections use, I would say that I review my past journals and then I write a new one.

Let me know if this wasńt what you wanted to say! I assumed that you’re talking about an old habit in the past !

After I review my corrections I relax my attentiontry my best to relax in order to enter into diffuse mode and comprehend better that, in turn, I comprehend information. better.

‘I try my best to relax’ is more natural.
Some more example sentences with my second correction:
‘I just put my phone into airplane mode.’
‘I just entered (into) studying mode.’

It's noHowever, I realise that this isn’t a particular method/way tof useing my corrections in langcorrect, I havfrom this website, but here are some ideas though.of uses:

-To create flashcards

-r Reading the corrections out loud to yourself.

-c Copying the original text and trying to fix the mistakes I did by myselfinitially without looking at the corrections that others have made, and after that correcting it again looking trying to replicate thoseeir corrections.

You could say ‘those corrections’, however you have referenced ‘others’ already, so it is cohesively and stylistically correct to keep focusing on the ownership of the correction as you have given importance to the source, rather than to say ‘those corrections’ which is more impersonal and doesn’t have ownership, I hope this makes sense !

- Teaching what I have learned (to someone else).

As people say "teaching is learning twice".

Thank you for reading :)


Cool ideas! Well done!

BlackGlasses's avatar

Nov. 5, 2022


Thank you so much again, Frannie :)
Have a nice day!

How Do I Use My Corrections.?

I'm grateful each time when I'm corrected, because I love languages and. I ewant to thank you, because you're making this language learning journeay easy to face.

If someone asks me about how I use my corrections use, I would say that I review my past journals and then I write a new one.

After I review my corrections, I relax my attention in order to enter tointo a diffuse mode andof thinking and better comprehend better that information.

It's not a particular way to use my corrections in langcorrect, though I have some ideas though.

- To create flashcards.

-r Read the corrections out loud.

Great idea here!

-c Copy the original text, and try to fix themy mistakes I did by myself, without looking the corrections that others made, and after that correcting it again after looking at those corrections.

- Teach what I learned.

As people say, "teaching is learning twice".


Great work, and good ideas!

BlackGlasses's avatar

Nov. 4, 2022


Thank you!
Have a nice day :)

cats's avatar

Nov. 4, 2022


You're very welcome!

I'm grateful each time when I'm corrected because I love languages and I ewant to thank you because you'refor making this language -learning journeay easy to face.

A few minor changes, we usually say "for", not "because you're"

BlackGlasses's avatar

Nov. 4, 2022


Thank you!
Have a nice day :)

How Do I Use My Corrections.?

I'm grateful each time when I'm corrected because I love languages and I ewant to thank you because you'reall who makinge this language learning journeay easy to facmore palatable.

If someone asks me about how I use my corrections use I would say that I review my past journals and then Ibefore writeing a new one.

After I review my corrections, I relax my attention in order to enter to diffuse mode andand try to better comprehend better thate information from them.

I'm not sure what diffuse mode means

ItThere's not a one particular way toI use my corrections in langcorrect, but I have some ideas though.

-To cCreate flashcards

-rRead the corrections out loud.

-cCopy the original text and try to fix the mistakes I did by myself without looking at the corrections that others made and. Then after that correcting it againfixing my sentences I look againg at thosee original corrections.

-Teach what I learned.

As people say "teaching is learning twice".

Thank you for reading :)


Those are great ideas on how to improve!

BlackGlasses's avatar

Nov. 4, 2022


After I review my corrections, I relax my attention in order to enter to diffuse mode andand try to better comprehend better thate information from them.

You can check my previous journal with the name "A Mind For Numbers" to understand what's diffuse mode :)

BlackGlasses's avatar

Nov. 4, 2022


Thank you so much!

cats's avatar

Nov. 4, 2022


Thank you so much!

You're very welcome!

I'm grateful each time when I'm corrected because I love languages and I ewant to thank you because you're making this language -learning journeay easy to face.


Great job!

BlackGlasses's avatar

Nov. 4, 2022


Thank you so much :)

How Do I Use My Corrections.

How Do I Use My Corrections.?

How Do I Use My Corrections.?

I'm grateful each time when I'm corrected because I love languages and I eant to thank you because you're making this language learning journeay easy to face.

I'm grateful each time when I'm corrected because I love languages and I ewant to thank you because you're making this language -learning journeay easy to face.

I'm grateful each time when I'm corrected because I love languages and I ewant to thank you because you'reall who makinge this language learning journeay easy to facmore palatable.

I'm grateful each time when I'm corrected because I love languages and I ewant to thank you because you'refor making this language -learning journeay easy to face.

A few minor changes, we usually say "for", not "because you're"

I'm grateful each time when I'm corrected, because I love languages and. I ewant to thank you, because you're making this language learning journeay easy to face.

I'm grateful each time when I'm corrected because I love languages and I ewant to thank you because you're making this language learning journeay easyier to face.

If someone asks me about my corrections use I would say that I review my past journals and then I write a new one.

If someone asks me about how I use my corrections use I would say that I review my past journals and then Ibefore writeing a new one.

If someone asks me about how I use my corrections use, I would say that I review my past journals and then I write a new one.

If someone used to asks me about my corrections use, I would say that I review my past journals and then I write a new one.

Let me know if this wasńt what you wanted to say! I assumed that you’re talking about an old habit in the past !

After I review my corrections I relax my attention in order to enter to diffuse mode and comprehend better that information.

After I review my corrections, I relax my attention in order to enter to diffuse mode andand try to better comprehend better thate information from them.

I'm not sure what diffuse mode means

After I review my corrections, I relax my attention in order to enter tointo a diffuse mode andof thinking and better comprehend better that information.

After I review my corrections I relax my attentiontry my best to relax in order to enter into diffuse mode and comprehend better that, in turn, I comprehend information. better.

‘I try my best to relax’ is more natural. Some more example sentences with my second correction: ‘I just put my phone into airplane mode.’ ‘I just entered (into) studying mode.’

It's not a particular way to use my corrections in langcorrect, I have some ideas though.

ItThere's not a one particular way toI use my corrections in langcorrect, but I have some ideas though.

It's not a particular way to use my corrections in langcorrect, though I have some ideas though.

It's noHowever, I realise that this isn’t a particular method/way tof useing my corrections in langcorrect, I havfrom this website, but here are some ideas though.of uses:

-To create flashcards

-To cCreate flashcards

- To create flashcards.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

-read the corrections out loud.

-rRead the corrections out loud.

-r Read the corrections out loud.

Great idea here!

-r Reading the corrections out loud to yourself.

-copy the original text and try to fix the mistakes I did by myself without looking the corrections that others made and after that correcting it again looking at those corrections.

-cCopy the original text and try to fix the mistakes I did by myself without looking at the corrections that others made and. Then after that correcting it againfixing my sentences I look againg at thosee original corrections.

-c Copy the original text, and try to fix themy mistakes I did by myself, without looking the corrections that others made, and after that correcting it again after looking at those corrections.

-c Copying the original text and trying to fix the mistakes I did by myselfinitially without looking at the corrections that others have made, and after that correcting it again looking trying to replicate thoseeir corrections.

You could say ‘those corrections’, however you have referenced ‘others’ already, so it is cohesively and stylistically correct to keep focusing on the ownership of the correction as you have given importance to the source, rather than to say ‘those corrections’ which is more impersonal and doesn’t have ownership, I hope this makes sense !

-Teach what I learned.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

- Teach what I learned.

- Teaching what I have learned (to someone else).

As people say "teaching is learning twice".

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

As people say, "teaching is learning twice".

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Thank you for reading :)

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