BlackGlasses's avatar

Oct. 23, 2022

Homework 3.

Thank you so much for correcting people, you're helping them to improve in their target languages :)

This homework is due in 2 months but I want to have more free time later so I'm doing this earlier.

I also want to finish this because I want to create more writings who gaves you some useful knowledge.

The topics in my waiting list include: "how to memorise" "learning techniques" and a summary from Pablo Lomelí's video about how to learn languages.

In this homework I need to write about myself and most of all about my city. The activity is called "First blog post".

I look like a young woman with curly hair, skinny, tall and I look serious.

I am single.

I live with my mom.

My favourite family member is my mom because she is fun.

I am from Mexico.

I have Mexican nacionality.

In my weekends I study, read, draw, take photos, learn languages, go for shopping, study languages.

I live in Mexico.

My city is scandalous and noisy, there are beautiful places but also dangerous and dirty places.

You can find any place in my city, such as restaurants, shops, pharmacys but most of all my city is rounded by buildings.

In my city you can do whatever you want, literally, for example play an instrument, make a dance group in a plaza, learn new skills like painting, you can work as well.

I like that you can make noise and I have more freedom in my city, I can wear whatever you want, I can visit different places, I like that people have warm personalities, I like that I can buy cheap things.

I do not like that it's dangerous living here, some people are crude, my city is mostly dirty and you can see poor people asking for money everywhere.


Homework No. 3 / #3.


Thank you so much for correcting people, you're helping them to improve in their target languages :)

This homeworkassignment is due in 2 months but I want to have more free time later so I'm doing this earlierstarting it now.

‘I am going to start doing it now.’
‘She is going to start running now.’

I also want to finish this because I wantish to create more writings who gavesjournals that provide you somewith useful knowledge.information.

Natural; always use journals do not say ‘writings’, who is used for people, that is used for objects.

The topics in my wariting list include: "how to memorise" "learning techniques" and a summary from Pablo Lomelí's video about how to learn languages.

In this homewortask I need to write about myself and most of all about my city.

The activitytask is called "(My) First bBlog pPost".

Nouns, titles need capitals

I look like a young woman with curly hair, skinny, tall and I look seriouswith a serious countenance.

I am single.

I live with my mom/mum.

Mum - Australian (I am Australian)
Mom - American

My favourite family member is my mom because she is fun.

I am from Mexico.

I have MexicanTherefore my nactionality is Mexican.

In my weekends Ifree time I like to study, read, draw, take photos, learn languages, go for shopping, and to study languages.

It is always ‘go shopping’, but this is an easy mistake as in Spanish to my knowledge it is ‘ hacer la compra’ or ‘ir de compras’ !

I live in Mexico.

My city is scandalous and noisy, there are beautiful places but also dangerous and dirty places.

You can find any place in my city, such as restaurants, shops, pharmacyies but most of all my city is rounded by buildings.

If it ends in a y the plural is -ies. Crys -> cries

In my city you can do whatever you want, literally, for example play an instrument, make a dance group in a plaza, learn new skills like painting, you can work as well.

I like that you can make noise and Iyou can have more freedom in my city, I, you can wear whatever you want, Iyou can visit different places,. I like that people have warm personalities, I like that I can buy cheap things.

I do not like thate parts where it's dangerous living here, some people are crude, my city is mostly dirty and you can see poor people asking for money everywhere.


Informative text, your perspective of your own city is already very useful to me personally. If you have any questions let me know. Continue like this!

BlackGlasses's avatar

Oct. 25, 2022


Haha I didn't expect that but I'm happy this is useful to you.
Thank you foru your feedback, as always :)
Have a nice day!

Homework 3.

Homework No. 3 / #3.


This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Thank you so much for correcting people, you're helping them to improve in their target languages :)

Thank you so much for correcting people, you're helping them to improve in their target languages :)

This homework is due in 2 months but I want to have more free time later so I'm doing this earlier.

This homeworkassignment is due in 2 months but I want to have more free time later so I'm doing this earlierstarting it now.

‘I am going to start doing it now.’ ‘She is going to start running now.’

I also want to finish this because I want to create more writings who gaves you some useful knowledge.

I also want to finish this because I wantish to create more writings who gavesjournals that provide you somewith useful knowledge.information.

Natural; always use journals do not say ‘writings’, who is used for people, that is used for objects.

The topics in my waiting list include: "how to memorise" "learning techniques" and a summary from Pablo Lomelí's video about how to learn languages.

The topics in my wariting list include: "how to memorise" "learning techniques" and a summary from Pablo Lomelí's video about how to learn languages.

In this homework I need to write about myself and most of all about my city.

In this homewortask I need to write about myself and most of all about my city.

The activity is called "First blog post".

The activitytask is called "(My) First bBlog pPost".

Nouns, titles need capitals

I look like a young woman with curly hair, skinny, tall and I look serious.

I look like a young woman with curly hair, skinny, tall and I look seriouswith a serious countenance.

I am single.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I live with my mom.

I live with my mom/mum.

Mum - Australian (I am Australian) Mom - American

My favourite family member is my mom because she is fun.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I am from Mexico.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I have Mexican nacionality.

I have MexicanTherefore my nactionality is Mexican.

In my weekends I study, read, draw, take photos, learn languages, go for shopping, study languages.

In my weekends Ifree time I like to study, read, draw, take photos, learn languages, go for shopping, and to study languages.

It is always ‘go shopping’, but this is an easy mistake as in Spanish to my knowledge it is ‘ hacer la compra’ or ‘ir de compras’ !

I live in Mexico.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

My city is scandalous and noisy, there are beautiful places but also dangerous and dirty places.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

You can find any place in my city, such as restaurants, shops, pharmacys but most of all my city is rounded by buildings.

You can find any place in my city, such as restaurants, shops, pharmacyies but most of all my city is rounded by buildings.

If it ends in a y the plural is -ies. Crys -> cries

In my city you can do whatever you want, literally, for example play an instrument, make a dance group in a plaza, learn new skills like painting, you can work as well.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I like that you can make noise and I have more freedom in my city, I can wear whatever you want, I can visit different places, I like that people have warm personalities, I like that I can buy cheap things.

I like that you can make noise and Iyou can have more freedom in my city, I, you can wear whatever you want, Iyou can visit different places,. I like that people have warm personalities, I like that I can buy cheap things.

I do not like that it's dangerous living here, some people are crude, my city is mostly dirty and you can see poor people asking for money everywhere.

I do not like thate parts where it's dangerous living here, some people are crude, my city is mostly dirty and you can see poor people asking for money everywhere.

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