Scarlett_Father's avatar

March 13, 2024

High-Speed Rail in China

It is well-known that China has rapidly developed its high-speed rail network in the past 20 years. Some people wonder why the USA hasn't done much in this field. One of the reasons might due to the fact that there are adiquate short airline routines between American cities.

While the government of China brags its governance system, I think that the foundmental technology of China's fast trains were originated in Japan. I once watched a video clip, in which the spokeperson of China Railway Inc., said all the technology was made locally.


High-Speed Rail in China

It is well- known that China has rapidly developed its high-speed rail network in the past 20 years.

Usually you only hyphenate "well-known" in front of a noun (like "a well-known fact about China is...")

Some people wonder why the USA hasn't done much in this field.

One of the reasons might be due to the fact that there are adiequate short airline routines between American cities.

While the government of China brags about its governance system, I think that the foundamental technology of China's fast trains werehigh-speed rail originated in Japan.

"Fast trains" is not a term I hear very often. You could say "bullet trains", that is another popular term for high-speed rail, focusing on the trains themselves.

I once watched a video clip, in which the spokesperson of China Railway Inc., said all the technology was made locally.


God, where do I begin. There's so much political resistance at nearly all levels of government to building high-speed rail in the US. The car industry lobbies politicians to slow down HSR development. There are enough people who have either bought into the HSR slander, are fiscally ultra conservative, or are just plain racist to present a grassroots challenge in some areas of the country. And finally, I know safety and environmental regulations exist for a good reason, but they are often weaponized by municipalities to obstruct development of any nature, not just HSR. It's hard to imagine that the country that built both the largest highway AND rail networks in the world cannot manage this task on even a relatively small scale anymore. Sorry to bellyache, but it is truly depressing seeing this happen. With the kinds of forces at work here, the dream of an extensive HSR network in the US may well not come completely to fruition within my lifetime.

Scarlett_Father's avatar

March 14, 2024


Thank you. :-)
It's a pain when discussing the governance system. I feel China will be poor and the USA is also declining.

High-Speed Rail in China

It is well-known that China has rapidly developed its high-speed rail network in the past 20 years.

Some people wonder why the USA hasn't done much in this field.

One of the reasons might due to the fact that there are adiequate short airline routines between American cities.

While the government of China brags about its governance system, I think that the foundmentational technology of China's fast trains were originated in Japan.

I once watched a video clip, in which the spokeperson of China Railway Inc., said that all the technology was made locally.

Scarlett_Father's avatar

March 14, 2024


Thank you! :-)

High-Speed Rail in China

It is well- known that China has rapidly developed its high-speed rail network in the past 20 years.

Some people wonder why the USA hasn't done much in this field.

One of the reasons might due to the fact that there are adiequate short airline routine-haul flights between American cities.

While the Chinese government of China bragsbrags about its governance system, I think that the foundmental technology ofor China's fasbullet trains were originated inlly came from Japan.

I once watched a video clip, in which the spokeperson of China Railway Inc., said all the technology was made locally.


I think a lot of us Americans are really envious of the excellent public transportation options around the world. One of the reasons why the US has fallen behind in this area is that the population is more spread out, with many people living in rural areas or suburbs.

Scarlett_Father's avatar

March 13, 2024


Thank you for your corrections and feedback.

It is well-known that China has rapidly developed its high-speed rail network inover the past 20 years.

One of the reasons might due tobe the fact that there are adiequate short airline routines between American cities.

"this may be due to" or "one of the reasons might be"

While the government of China brags about its governance system, I think that the foundamental technology ofbehind China's fast trains were originated in Japan.

I once watched a video clip, in which the spokesperson of China Railway Inc., said all the technology was made locally.

High-Speed Rails in China

ALSO POSSIBLE: High-Speed Railways in China

It is well-known that China has rapidly developed its high-speed rail network in the past 20 years.

ALSO POSSIBLE: It is well-known that China has rapidly developed its high-speed rail network over the past 20 years.

Some people wonder why the USA hasn't done much in this field.

One of the reasons might due to the fact that there are adiquate short airline routines between American cities.

While the government of China bragsALSO POSSIBLE: While China's government brags about its governance system, I think that the foundmentalbasic technology ofor China's fast trains were originated inhi-speed trains came from Japan.

I once watched a video clip, in which the spokeperson of China Railway Inc., said all the technology was made locally.

COMMENT: The original is fine. (You could also delete the word "Inc.")


Interesting. Here in Japan, many Japanese believe the technology for high-speed trains came from Japan. Who knows for sure?

Scarlett_Father's avatar

March 13, 2024


Thank you! The reach of the government's propaganda is unbeatable.

High-Speed Rail in China

It is well-known that China has rapidly developed its high-speed rail network in the past 20 years.

Some people wonder why the USA hasn't done much in this field.

One of the reasons might be due to the fact that there are adiequate short airline routines between American cities.

While the government of China brags about its governance system, I think that the foundmental technology of China's fast trains were originated in Japan.

I once watched a video clip, in which the spokeperson of China Railway Inc., said all the technology was made locally.


You write very well in English.

Scarlett_Father's avatar

March 13, 2024


Thank you! I am so happy to see the comment. 😊

High-Speed Rail in China

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

High-Speed Rails in China

ALSO POSSIBLE: High-Speed Railways in China

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

It is well-known that China has rapidly developed its high-speed rail network in the past 20 years.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

It is well-known that China has rapidly developed its high-speed rail network in the past 20 years.

ALSO POSSIBLE: It is well-known that China has rapidly developed its high-speed rail network over the past 20 years.

It is well-known that China has rapidly developed its high-speed rail network inover the past 20 years.

It is well- known that China has rapidly developed its high-speed rail network in the past 20 years.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

It is well- known that China has rapidly developed its high-speed rail network in the past 20 years.

Usually you only hyphenate "well-known" in front of a noun (like "a well-known fact about China is...")

Some people wonder why the USA hasn't done much in this field.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

One of the reasons might due to the fact that there are adiquate short airline routines between American cities.

One of the reasons might be due to the fact that there are adiequate short airline routines between American cities.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

One of the reasons might due tobe the fact that there are adiequate short airline routines between American cities.

"this may be due to" or "one of the reasons might be"

One of the reasons might due to the fact that there are adiequate short airline routine-haul flights between American cities.

One of the reasons might due to the fact that there are adiequate short airline routines between American cities.

One of the reasons might be due to the fact that there are adiequate short airline routines between American cities.

While the government of China brags its governance system, I think that the foundmental technology of China's fast trains were originated in Japan.

While the government of China brags about its governance system, I think that the foundmental technology of China's fast trains were originated in Japan.

While the government of China bragsALSO POSSIBLE: While China's government brags about its governance system, I think that the foundmentalbasic technology ofor China's fast trains were originated inhi-speed trains came from Japan.

While the government of China brags about its governance system, I think that the foundamental technology ofbehind China's fast trains were originated in Japan.

While the Chinese government of China bragsbrags about its governance system, I think that the foundmental technology ofor China's fasbullet trains were originated inlly came from Japan.

While the government of China brags about its governance system, I think that the foundmentational technology of China's fast trains were originated in Japan.

While the government of China brags about its governance system, I think that the foundamental technology of China's fast trains werehigh-speed rail originated in Japan.

"Fast trains" is not a term I hear very often. You could say "bullet trains", that is another popular term for high-speed rail, focusing on the trains themselves.

I once watched a video clip, in which the spokeperson of China Railway Inc., said all the technology was made locally.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I once watched a video clip, in which the spokeperson of China Railway Inc., said all the technology was made locally.

COMMENT: The original is fine. (You could also delete the word "Inc.")

I once watched a video clip, in which the spokesperson of China Railway Inc., said all the technology was made locally.

I once watched a video clip, in which the spokeperson of China Railway Inc., said all the technology was made locally.

I once watched a video clip, in which the spokeperson of China Railway Inc., said that all the technology was made locally.

I once watched a video clip, in which the spokesperson of China Railway Inc., said all the technology was made locally.

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