Nov. 9, 2022
I'm living in a mountain city, most local people enjoy food with oily like hot-pot, which is a high cholesterol food, doctor says that's one of main reasons why there is be a high proportion of people get diabetes and high blood pressure.
I'm livinge in a mountain city, most local people enjoy food with oilywhere most of the locals enjoy oily food like hot- pot, which is a high in cholesterol food, d. Doctors says that that's one of main reasons why there is be a higha large proportion of people get diabetes and high blood pressure.
I'm living in a mountain city, most local people enjoy food with oilyoily food like hot-pot, which is a high -cholesterol food, d. Doctors says that's one of the main reasons why there is be a high proportion of people getting diabetes and high blood pressure.
High Cholesterol Food |
I'm living in a mountain city, most local people enjoy food with oily like hot-pot, which is a high cholesterol food, doctor says that's one of main reasons why there is be a high proportion of people get diabetes and high blood pressure. I'm living in a mountain city, most local people enjoy I |
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