jfartogra's avatar

March 8, 2023

Henry Miller – 1

Maybe you, who are reading (and hopefully) correcting my text, have already heard of Henry Miller. He was a long-lived American writer (please don’t mistake him for the dramaturge Arthur Miller). I would like to write a couple of lines about him, since I am reading one of his novels: Black Spring.

I discovered Henry Miller a lot of years ago, when reading “Ulysses Heart” by the Spanish writer Javier Reverte. I felt that Miller was worth a lecture but several years went by before I did it. There are so many books to be read!

The first novel of him that I had in my hands was perhaps the most iconic one: “Tropic of Cancer”. Afterwards I read “Tropic of Capricorn” and “The Rosy Crucifixion” (a trilogy). I haven’t read to date the novel referred by the aforementioned Javier Reverte, “The Colossus of Maroussi”.


Henry Miller – 1

Maybe you, who are reading (and hopefully) correcting my text, have already heard of Henry Miller.

He was a long-lived American writer (please don’t mistake him for the dramaturge Arthur Miller).

I would like to write a couple of lines about him, since I am reading one of his novels: Black Spring.

I discovered Henry Miller a lot ofmany years ago, when reading “Ulysses Heart” by the Spanish writer Javier Reverte.

I felt that Miller was worth a lectureit but several years went by before I did it.

There are so many books to be read!

The first novel of him that I had in my hands was perhaps the most iconic one: “Tropic of Cancer”.

Afterwards I read “Tropic of Capricorn” and “The Rosy Crucifixion” (a trilogy).

Henry Miller – 1

Maybe you, who are reading (and hopefully) correcting my text, have already heard of Henry Miller.

He was a long-lived American writer (please don’t mistake him for the dramaturge Arthur Miller).

I would like to write a couple of lines about him, since I am reading one of his novels: , _Black Spring_.

We can't underline in LangCorrect but I wanted to let you know that we underline titles of books.

I discovered Henry Miller a lot ofmany years ago, whilen reading “Ulysses Heart” by the Spanish writer Javier Reverte.

I felt that Miller was worth a lecturereading but several years went by before I did ithad.

There are so many books to be read!

The first novel ofby him that I had in my hands was perhaps the most iconic one: “, _Tropic of Cancer_.

Afterwards I read “Tropic of Capricorn” and “The Rosy Crucifixion” (a trilogy).

I haven’t yet read to date the novel referred by the aforementioned Javier Reverte, _The Colossus of Maroussi_.


Very well done!

jfartogra's avatar

March 9, 2023


thanks a lot!

I felt that Miller was worth a lecturead but several years went bypassed before I did it.

"lecture" means an instructive or corrective speech. A lecture is usually verbal. This word often connotes a negative judgement, correction, or fault.
I would use the word "passed" instead of the phrase "went by".

There are so many books to be read!

Prefer the active voice.

The first novel of hims that I had in my hands was perhaps the most iconic one: “Tropic of Cancer”.

Must use the possessive "his".
Consider rewriting your sentence as follows: "The first of his novels that I held in my hands was perhaps the most iconic: 'Tropic of Cancer.'"

Afterwards, I read “Tropic of Capricorn” and “The Rosy Crucifixion” (a trilogy).

To date, I haven’t read to date the novel referredhe novel by the aforementioned Javier Reverte, “The Colossus of Maroussi”.


Nice work! What is a theme of these novels that interests you?

jfartogra's avatar

March 9, 2023


thanks a lot! I am writting a second part of this text. You will find the answers there!

grisby's avatar

March 10, 2023


thanks a lot! I am writting a second part of this text. You will find the answers there!

Super! Feel free to tag me on it when it is posted here.

Henry Miller – 1

Maybe you, who are reading (and hopefully) correcting my text, have already heard of Henry Miller.

He was a long-lived American writer (please don’t mistake him for the dramaturge Arthur Miller).

I would like to write a couple of lines about him, since I am reading one of his novels: Black Spring.

I discovered Henry Miller a lot ofmany years ago, when reading “Ulysses Heart” by the Spanish writer Javier Reverte.

"a lot of" is technically correct, but isn't usually used for periods of time. It's okay in informal speech, but comes across as the sort of phrase a child would use.

There are so many books to be read!

The first novel of him that I had in my hands was perhaps the most iconic one: “Tropic of Cancer”.

Afterwards I read “Tropic of Capricorn” and “The Rosy Crucifixion” (a trilogy).

To date, I haven’t read to date the novel referred by the aforementioned Javier Reverte, “The Colossus of Maroussi”.

Again, not grammatically incorrect, but I think the sentence "flows" better this way! The original is perfectly understandable but feels a bit strange when I read it.


Overall very well written! Just a minor phrasing change or two.

I am curious about this sentence, as I'm not quite sure what you meant to convey: "I felt that Miller was worth a lecture but several years went by before I did it." When you say "worth a lecture", do you mean he was worth attending an academic lecture for? Or did you have another meaning in mind?

Regardless, well done!

jfartogra's avatar

March 8, 2023


Thanks a lot for your correction. I had another meaning in mind... I tried to say that it is worth to read Miller's work :-)

Henry Miller – 1

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Maybe you, who are reading (and hopefully) correcting my text, have already heard of Henry Miller.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

He was a long-lived American writer (please don’t mistake him for the dramaturge Arthur Miller).

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I would like to write a couple of lines about him, since I am reading one of his novels: Black Spring.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I would like to write a couple of lines about him, since I am reading one of his novels: , _Black Spring_.

We can't underline in LangCorrect but I wanted to let you know that we underline titles of books.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I discovered Henry Miller a lot of years ago, when reading “Ulysses Heart” by the Spanish writer Javier Reverte.

I discovered Henry Miller a lot ofmany years ago, when reading “Ulysses Heart” by the Spanish writer Javier Reverte.

"a lot of" is technically correct, but isn't usually used for periods of time. It's okay in informal speech, but comes across as the sort of phrase a child would use.

I discovered Henry Miller a lot ofmany years ago, whilen reading “Ulysses Heart” by the Spanish writer Javier Reverte.

I discovered Henry Miller a lot ofmany years ago, when reading “Ulysses Heart” by the Spanish writer Javier Reverte.

I felt that Miller was worth a lecture but several years went by before I did it.

I felt that Miller was worth a lecturead but several years went bypassed before I did it.

"lecture" means an instructive or corrective speech. A lecture is usually verbal. This word often connotes a negative judgement, correction, or fault. I would use the word "passed" instead of the phrase "went by".

I felt that Miller was worth a lecturereading but several years went by before I did ithad.

I felt that Miller was worth a lectureit but several years went by before I did it.

There are so many books to be read!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

There are so many books to be read!

Prefer the active voice.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

The first novel of him that I had in my hands was perhaps the most iconic one: “Tropic of Cancer”.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

The first novel of hims that I had in my hands was perhaps the most iconic one: “Tropic of Cancer”.

Must use the possessive "his". Consider rewriting your sentence as follows: "The first of his novels that I held in my hands was perhaps the most iconic: 'Tropic of Cancer.'"

The first novel ofby him that I had in my hands was perhaps the most iconic one: “, _Tropic of Cancer_.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Afterwards I read “Tropic of Capricorn” and “The Rosy Crucifixion” (a trilogy).

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Afterwards, I read “Tropic of Capricorn” and “The Rosy Crucifixion” (a trilogy).

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I haven’t read to date the novel referred by the aforementioned Javier Reverte, “The Colossus of Maroussi”.

To date, I haven’t read to date the novel referred by the aforementioned Javier Reverte, “The Colossus of Maroussi”.

Again, not grammatically incorrect, but I think the sentence "flows" better this way! The original is perfectly understandable but feels a bit strange when I read it.

To date, I haven’t read to date the novel referredhe novel by the aforementioned Javier Reverte, “The Colossus of Maroussi”.

I haven’t yet read to date the novel referred by the aforementioned Javier Reverte, _The Colossus of Maroussi_.

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