ronpei's avatar

May 10, 2024

“Godzilla -1.0”

Recently, I watched a movie titled “Godzilla -1.0.” Godzilla is the most famous monster in Japanese entertainment films, and this is the 30th movie in the history of Godzilla. Because of its state-of-the-art SFX footage techniques, the film was highly regarded across the world, and won an Academy prize for its achievement in visual effects this year.

The leading character in the film was a kamikaze pilot in the Second World War. One day, at the end of the war, he was supposed to fly up operating a fighter jet, which was equipped only enough fuel for one way. However, he didn’t want to die, so he lied about the condition of the plane and did not fulfil his duty. On that day, a mysterious gigantic monster suddenly appeared from the sea and attacked the island where his regiment had been staying. One mechanic engineer for the plane asked him to fight against the monster with the fighter jet, but he was too scared to do so. As a result, all the other soldiers, except the pilot and mechanic, were killed by the monster. The mechanic felt a strong sense of distrust towards the pilot. Although the war ended shortly after that, the pilot had to lead a life feeling of guilty since then.

As Tokyo recovered from the war, the center the city was again hit by the monster, which had become more gigantic and upgraded. A special task force was formed to fight against the monster, which was named Godzilla, and the ex-kamikaze pilot was determined to push into Godzilla’s mouth with the plane and finish the war in his own mind. As a mechanic capable repairing an old fighter jet, the ex-pilot’s acquaintance, who had survived together with him on the island in the past, was selected.

A few days after that, Godzilla appeared again in the gulf of Tokyo, and a fierce battle between the task force and the monster took place in the sea. The task force succeeded in carrying out its plan to lure Godzilla sink into the deepest depth of the sea, but Godzilla was strong enough to survive in the high-water pressure and recovered himself and exposed the upper body above the sea surface, groaning with his mouth wide open. All the task force members were frightened, but just at that moment, the fighter jet crashed into Godzilla’s mouth and exploded. Everyone had mixed feelings; Did the pilot die together with Godzilla? Shortly after, a parachute was coming down from the sky. The mechanic thoughtfully had equipped the parachute for him to be able to escape from the plane. The former kamikaze pilot has finally completed his mission without dying in vain after receiving the help of the mechanic. I was really touched by this scene and cried a little.

近頃「ゴジラ-1.0」という映画を観た。「ゴジラ」は 日本の娯楽映画で最も有名な怪獣で、この映画はゴジラ史上30作目となる。 最先端のSFX映像技術が世界中で高く評価され、本年度アカデミー賞視覚効果賞を受賞した。

この映画の主人公は第二次世界大戦の特攻隊員だ。 戦争末期のある日、彼は戦闘機で飛行し、敵艦に激突しなければならなかった。 彼の飛行機には片道分の燃料しか搭載されなかった。 しかし、彼は死にたくなかったので、飛行機の状態について嘘をつき、その職務を逃れる。 ちょうどその日、謎の巨大な怪物が突然海から現れ、彼の連隊が滞在していた島を襲った。 ある飛行機整備士から怪物と戦うよう頼まれたが、彼は怖くてできなかった。 その結果、パイロットと整備士以外の兵士は全員、怪物によって殺害された。 整備士はパイロットに対して強い不信感を抱いた。 戦争はその後まもなく終わったが、元特攻隊員は罪悪感に満ちた人生を送らなければならなかった。

戦後、東京が復興するさなか、いっそう巨大化しパワーアップされた怪物が再び都心を襲う。 ゴジラと名づけられた怪獣と戦うため、特別部隊が結成される。 元特攻隊員は飛行機でゴジラの口に突っ込み、自らの心の中の戦争を終わらせる決意を抱いていた。 古い戦闘機を修理できる人材として、かつて島で共に生き延びたあの整備士が選ばれる。

数日後、再びゴジラが東京湾に現れ、特別部隊と怪獣との間で激しい海戦が繰り広げられる。 部隊はゴジラを深海に沈める計画を​​なんとか遂行したが、ゴジラは高い水圧にも耐えて回復すると、上半身を海面上に露出させ、大きく口を開けてうめき声を上げた。 隊員全員が驚愕するが、その瞬間、戦闘機が口に激突し爆発する。 誰もが複雑な感情を抱いた。 パイロットもゴジラとともに死んだのか? その直後、空からパラシュートが落ちてくる。 パイロットが飛行機から脱出できるように整備士が配慮してパラシュートを装備したのだった。 元特攻隊員は整備士の助けを得て、ついに無駄死にすることなく任務を完遂した。 このシーンにはとても感動して涙が出た。


“Godzilla -1.0”

In the US, this was released as "Godzilla Minus One".

Recently, I watched a movie titled “Godzilla -1.0.” Godzilla is the most famous monster in Japanese entertainment films, and this is the 30th movie in the history of Godzilla.

Because of its state-of-the-art SFX footage techniques, the film was highly regarded across the world, and won an Academy prizeAward for its achievement in visual effects this year.

The leading character in the film was a kamikaze pilot in the Second World War.

One day, at the end of the war, he was supposed to fly up operata (kamikaze) mission ing a fighter jet, which was equipped with only enough fuel for one way.

"Fighter jet" makes it sound like a more maneuverable plane that is used in dogfighting; however, my understanding of the kamikaze planes was that they had limited maneuverability.

However, he didn’t want to die, so he lied about the condition of the plane and did not fulfill his duty.

On that day, a mysterious gigantic monster suddenly appeared from the sea and attacked the island where his regiment had beenwas staying.

OneA mechanic engineer for the plane asked himthe pilot to fight against the monster with the fighter jet, but he was too scared to do so.

It is my style preference to occasionally anchor the pronouns by making it more clear who "he" is.

As a result, all the other soldiers, except the pilot and mechanic, were killed by the monster.

The mechanic felt a strong sense of distrust towards the pilot.

Although the war ended shortly after that, the pilot had to lead a life feeling offelt guilty sincefrom then on.

As Tokyo recovered from the war, the center the city was again hit by the monster, which had become more gigantic and upgraded.

A special task force was formed to fight against the monster, which was named Godzilla, and the ex-kamikaze pilot was determined to pushfly a bomb into Godzilla’s mouth with the plane and finish the war against Godzilla and within his own mind.

As a mechanic capable repairing an old fighter jet, tThe ex-pilot's acquaintance, who hadthe mechanic who survived together with him on the island in the past, was selected to repair an old fighter plane.

A few days after that, Godzilla appeared again in the gulf of Tokyo, and a fierce battle between the task force and the monster took place in the sea.

The task force succeeded in carrying out its plan to lure Godzilla to sink into the deepest depth of the sea, but Godzilla was strong enough to survive in the high- water pressure and r. Recovereding himself and, he exposed thehis upper body above the sea surface, groaopening with his mouth wide open.

...and prepared to fire his laser/heat beam

All the task force members were frightened, but just at that moment, the fighter jet crashed into Godzilla’s mouth and exploded.

Everyone had mixed feelings; Ddid the pilot die together with Godzilla?

Shortly after, a parachute was seen coming down from the sky.

The mechanic had thoughtfully had equipped the parachute for him to be able to escape from the plane.

The former kamikaze pilot has finally completed his mission without dying in vain after receiving the help of the mechanic.

I was really touched by this scene and cried a little.



ronpei's avatar

May 10, 2024



Recently, I watched a movie titled “Godzilla -1.0.” Godzilla is the most famous monster in Japanese entertainment films, and this is the 30th movie in the history of Godzilla.

Because of its state-of-the-art SFX footage techniques, the film was highly regarded across the world, and won an Academy prize for its achievement in visual effects this year.

One day, aAt the end of the war, he was supposed to fly up operating a fighter jet, which was equipped with only enough fuel for one -way.

OneA mechanical engineer for the plane asked him to fight against the monster with the fighter jet, but he was too scared to do so.

As a result, all the other soldiers, except the pilot and mechanic, were killed by the monster.

Although the war ended shortly after that, the pilot had to lead a life feelingull of guilty since then.

As Tokyo recovered from the war, the center of the city was again hit by the monster, which had become more gigantic and upgraded.

As a mechanic capable of repairing an old fighter jet, the ex-pilot’s acquaintance, who had survived together with him on the island in the past, was selected.

A few days after that, Godzilla appeared again in the gulf of Tokyo, and a fierce battle between the task force and the monster took place in the sea.

ronpei's avatar

May 10, 2024


Many thanks for your corrections.

Recently, I watched a movie titled “Godzilla -1.0.” Godzilla is the most famous monster in Japanese entertainment films, and this is the 30th movie in the history of Godzilla.

Recently, I watched a movie titled “Godzilla -1.0.” Godzilla is the most famous monster in Japanese entertainment films, and this is the 30th movie in the history of Godzilla.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Because of its state-of-the-art SFX footage techniques, the film was highly regarded across the world, and won an Academy prize for its achievement in visual effects this year.

Because of its state-of-the-art SFX footage techniques, the film was highly regarded across the world, and won an Academy prize for its achievement in visual effects this year.

Because of its state-of-the-art SFX footage techniques, the film was highly regarded across the world, and won an Academy prizeAward for its achievement in visual effects this year.

The leading character in the film was a kamikaze pilot in the Second World War.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

One day, at the end of the war, he was supposed to fly up operating a fighter jet, which was equipped only enough fuel for one way.

One day, aAt the end of the war, he was supposed to fly up operating a fighter jet, which was equipped with only enough fuel for one -way.

One day, at the end of the war, he was supposed to fly up operata (kamikaze) mission ing a fighter jet, which was equipped with only enough fuel for one way.

"Fighter jet" makes it sound like a more maneuverable plane that is used in dogfighting; however, my understanding of the kamikaze planes was that they had limited maneuverability.

However, he didn’t want to die, so he lied about the condition of the plane and did not fulfil his duty.

However, he didn’t want to die, so he lied about the condition of the plane and did not fulfill his duty.

On that day, a mysterious gigantic monster suddenly appeared from the sea and attacked the island where his regiment had been staying.

On that day, a mysterious gigantic monster suddenly appeared from the sea and attacked the island where his regiment had beenwas staying.

One mechanic engineer for the plane asked him to fight against the monster with the fighter jet, but he was too scared to do so.

OneA mechanical engineer for the plane asked him to fight against the monster with the fighter jet, but he was too scared to do so.

OneA mechanic engineer for the plane asked himthe pilot to fight against the monster with the fighter jet, but he was too scared to do so.

It is my style preference to occasionally anchor the pronouns by making it more clear who "he" is.

As a result, all the other soldiers, except the pilot and mechanic, were killed by the monster.

As a result, all the other soldiers, except the pilot and mechanic, were killed by the monster.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

The mechanic felt a strong sense of distrust towards the pilot.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

“Godzilla -1.0”

“Godzilla -1.0”

In the US, this was released as "Godzilla Minus One".

Shortly after, a parachute was coming down from the sky.

Shortly after, a parachute was seen coming down from the sky.

Although the war ended shortly after that, the pilot had to lead a life feeling of guilty since then.

Although the war ended shortly after that, the pilot had to lead a life feelingull of guilty since then.

Although the war ended shortly after that, the pilot had to lead a life feeling offelt guilty sincefrom then on.

As Tokyo recovered from the war, the center the city was again hit by the monster, which had become more gigantic and upgraded.

As Tokyo recovered from the war, the center of the city was again hit by the monster, which had become more gigantic and upgraded.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

A special task force was formed to fight against the monster, which was named Godzilla, and the ex-kamikaze pilot was determined to push into Godzilla’s mouth with the plane and finish the war in his own mind.

A special task force was formed to fight against the monster, which was named Godzilla, and the ex-kamikaze pilot was determined to pushfly a bomb into Godzilla’s mouth with the plane and finish the war against Godzilla and within his own mind.

As a mechanic capable repairing an old fighter jet, the ex-pilot’s acquaintance, who had survived together with him on the island in the past, was selected.

As a mechanic capable of repairing an old fighter jet, the ex-pilot’s acquaintance, who had survived together with him on the island in the past, was selected.

As a mechanic capable repairing an old fighter jet, tThe ex-pilot's acquaintance, who hadthe mechanic who survived together with him on the island in the past, was selected to repair an old fighter plane.

A few days after that, Godzilla appeared again in the gulf of Tokyo, and a fierce battle between the task force and the monster took place in the sea.

A few days after that, Godzilla appeared again in the gulf of Tokyo, and a fierce battle between the task force and the monster took place in the sea.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

The task force succeeded in carrying out its plan to lure Godzilla sink into the deepest depth of the sea, but Godzilla was strong enough to survive in the high-water pressure and recovered himself and exposed the upper body above the sea surface, groaning with his mouth wide open.

The task force succeeded in carrying out its plan to lure Godzilla to sink into the deepest depth of the sea, but Godzilla was strong enough to survive in the high- water pressure and r. Recovereding himself and, he exposed thehis upper body above the sea surface, groaopening with his mouth wide open.

...and prepared to fire his laser/heat beam

All the task force members were frightened, but just at that moment, the fighter jet crashed into Godzilla’s mouth and exploded.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Everyone had mixed feelings; Did the pilot die together with Godzilla?

Everyone had mixed feelings; Ddid the pilot die together with Godzilla?

The mechanic thoughtfully had equipped the parachute for him to be able to escape from the plane.

The mechanic had thoughtfully had equipped the parachute for him to be able to escape from the plane.

The former kamikaze pilot has finally completed his mission without dying in vain after receiving the help of the mechanic.

The former kamikaze pilot has finally completed his mission without dying in vain after receiving the help of the mechanic.

I was really touched by this scene and cried a little.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

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