serhan's avatar

Sept. 2, 2024

Global Minimum Corporate Tax

Multinational Enterprises operating in Türkiye and abroad whose turnover is over 750 Million EUR are subject to Global Minimum Corporate Tax (GMCT). These companies have to pay corporate income tax by not less than 15% in what country their headquarters is present. If they pay corporate income tax less than 15%, the difference has to be pait to tax authority. If a company whose headquarters based in Turkey operating abroad, this company also is subject to GMCT.


Global Minimum Corporate Tax

Multinational Enterprises operating in Tüurkiyey and abroad whose turnover is over 750 Million EUR are subject to the Global Minimum Corporate Tax (GMCT).

These companies have to pay corporate income tax by not less thanat least 15% in what country their headquarters is present.

If they pay corporate income tax less than 15%, the difference has to be paitd to tax authority.

If a company whose headquarters based in Turkey operating abroad, this company also is subject to GMCT.


Thanks for writing about this. I learned something new today.

Global Minimum Corporate Tax

Multinational Enterprises operating in Türkiye and abroad whose turnover is over 750 Million EUR are subject to Global Minimum Corporate Tax (GMCT).

These companies have to pay corporate income tax by not less than 15% in whatthe country their headquarters is present.located.

If they pay corporate income tax less than 15%, the difference has to be paitd to the tax authority.

If a company whose headquarters based in Turkey, but operating abroad, this company is also is subject to GMCT.

Global Minimum Corporate Tax

Multinational Eenterprises operating in Türkiye and abroad whose turnover is over 750 Mmillion EUReuros are subject to Global Minimum Corporate Tax (GMCT).

These companies have to pay at least 15% corporate income tax by not less than 15% in whatin the country their headquarters is present.

If they pay corporate income tax less than 15%, the difference has to be paitd to a tax authority.

If a company whose headquarters is based in Turkey operatinges abroad, this company also is subject to GMCT.

serhan's avatar

Sept. 3, 2024


Thanks a lot!!

Global Minimum Corporate Tax

Multinational Enterprises operating in Türkiye and abroad whose turnover is over 750 Million EUR are subject to Global Minimum Corporate Tax (GMCT).

These companies have to pay corporate income tax by not less than 15% inof whatever country their headquarters is presentlocated.

If they pay a corporate income tax less than 15%, the difference has to be paitd to the tax authority.

Alternately, you can omit the reiteration of the corporate tax by simply saying: "If they pay less than 15%, the difference has to be paid to the tax authority". You can also use "must" instead of "has to" as well. "Must" has a much more authoritative tone.

If a company whose headquarters is based in Tuürkeyiye is operating abroad, this companyey are also is subjected to GMCT.


Interesting read about Turkish financial laws.

serhan's avatar

Sept. 3, 2024


Tank you

Global Minimum Corporate Tax

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Multinational Enterprises operating in Türkiye and abroad whose turnover is over 750 Million EUR are subject to Global Minimum Corporate Tax (GMCT).

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Multinational Eenterprises operating in Türkiye and abroad whose turnover is over 750 Mmillion EUReuros are subject to Global Minimum Corporate Tax (GMCT).

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Multinational Enterprises operating in Tüurkiyey and abroad whose turnover is over 750 Million EUR are subject to the Global Minimum Corporate Tax (GMCT).

These companies have to pay corporate income tax by not less than 15% in what country their headquarters is present.

These companies have to pay corporate income tax by not less than 15% inof whatever country their headquarters is presentlocated.

These companies have to pay at least 15% corporate income tax by not less than 15% in whatin the country their headquarters is present.

These companies have to pay corporate income tax by not less than 15% in whatthe country their headquarters is present.located.

These companies have to pay corporate income tax by not less thanat least 15% in what country their headquarters is present.

If they pay corporate income tax less than 15%, the difference has to be pait to tax authority.

If they pay a corporate income tax less than 15%, the difference has to be paitd to the tax authority.

Alternately, you can omit the reiteration of the corporate tax by simply saying: "If they pay less than 15%, the difference has to be paid to the tax authority". You can also use "must" instead of "has to" as well. "Must" has a much more authoritative tone.

If they pay corporate income tax less than 15%, the difference has to be paitd to a tax authority.

If they pay corporate income tax less than 15%, the difference has to be paitd to the tax authority.

If they pay corporate income tax less than 15%, the difference has to be paitd to tax authority.

If a company whose headquarters based in Turkey operating abroad, this company also is subject to GMCT.

If a company whose headquarters is based in Tuürkeyiye is operating abroad, this companyey are also is subjected to GMCT.

If a company whose headquarters is based in Turkey operatinges abroad, this company also is subject to GMCT.

If a company whose headquarters based in Turkey, but operating abroad, this company is also is subject to GMCT.

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