roy's avatar

Nov. 7, 2022

Gate of happyness

You open the Gate and watch muy little village or muy landscape. You walk on path to River. There is a Bridge and you have across It.
There is a extensive field. Village is in The button.
In village there is a beach on the left and there is a cliff on the right. If you watch to go Hill then you would Drive on Road to mountain valley, near the forest. There is a lot of wood un the forest.


The Gate of hHappyiness

You open the Gate and watch muy little village or muy landscapthe minuscule village.

We wouldn´t use very in this way, simply choose a stronger adjective to communicate little, such as minuscule.

You walk on the path to Rthe river.

No capitals unless its the name of the river, in that case we usually name rivers as ´River Blue, River South.

There is a Bbridge andthat you have across Ited.

There is an extensive field.

A = an in front of any words with e i o u a

VThe village is in Tthe button.

In the village there is a beach on the left and there is a cliff on the right.

If you watch to go Hill thengo to the hill, you would Drivebe driving on Ra road towards the mountain valley, near the forest.

There isare a lot of wood utrees in the forest.

We don’t say wood when referring to a forest, we would say trees in this context.


Nice try! I understood what you said mostly, however there were some basic grammatical errors that could be easily fixed by isolating and practising them sentence by sentence. For you I personally wouldn’t recommend doing big blocks of writing, rather picking a particular grammar point and writing several sentences of practise would be best to help with your fluency and confidence to eventually write a descriptive text of this kind, and longer!

roy's avatar

Nov. 8, 2022


Thanks for you correction

Gate of happyiness

You open the Gate and watch muy little village or muy landscape.

You walk on the path to the River.

There is a Bridge and you havewalk across It.

There is a extensive fieldluscious field for miles.

You could also say "There is a field that seemingly never ended".

Village is in The button.

Not sure what you mean here.

In the/my village there is a beach on the left and there is a cliff on the right.

If you wantch to go Hsee rolling hills then you would Ddrive on Rthe road to a mountain valley, near the forest.

There is a lot of wood uin the forest.

roy's avatar

Nov. 8, 2022



Gate of happyiness

You open the Ggate and watchlook at muy little village or at muy landscape.

Not sure I understand, as this is quite abstract. Si quieres me lo dices en español para comprobarlo.

You walk on the path to Rthe river.

There is a Bbridge and you have ato cross Iit.

There is a extensivhuge field.

VThe village is in Tat the buottonm of the field.

In the village there is a beach ton the left, and there is a cliff ton the right.

If you watch to go Hare looking to go to the hill then you would Ddrive on Rthe road to the mountain valley, near the forest.

There is a lot of wood uin the forest.


Está bien pero parece que el corrector automático quiere poner palabras en español, o sea que o deberías descargar el teclado en inglés o deberías revisar lo que escribes para evitar esos errores tontos.

roy's avatar

Nov. 7, 2022


Muchas gracias, realmente me ha pasado esto con el corrector

The Gate of hHappyiness

You open the Ggate and watch muylook at the little village or muyand the landscape.

You walk on path to Rto the river.

There is a Bbridge and you have ato cross It.

There is a extensivevast field.

Village is in The button.

I didn't get the meaning

InWhen you look at the village, there is a beach on the left and there isside and a cliff on the right.

If you wantch to go Hill then you would Drive on Road toto the hill, you need to drive through a mountain valley, that is near the forest.

There is a lot of wood utrees in the forest.


I tried to correct the text, but I'm not a 100% I was correct with all the sentences, as sometimes I could not understand the intended meaning. I would recommend you to write a short explanation, even in your native language if you want to, to make it easier for us to correct your text. Keep up the good work! :)

roy's avatar

Nov. 8, 2022


Ok thanks

Gate of happyness

The Gate of hHappyiness

Gate of happyiness

Gate of happyiness

The Gate of hHappyiness

You open the Gate and watch muy little village or muy landscape.

You open the Ggate and watch muylook at the little village or muyand the landscape.

You open the Ggate and watchlook at muy little village or at muy landscape.

Not sure I understand, as this is quite abstract. Si quieres me lo dices en español para comprobarlo.

You open the Gate and watch muy little village or muy landscape.

You open the Gate and watch muy little village or muy landscapthe minuscule village.

We wouldn´t use very in this way, simply choose a stronger adjective to communicate little, such as minuscule.

You walk on path to River.

You walk on path to Rto the river.

You walk on the path to Rthe river.

You walk on the path to the River.

You walk on the path to Rthe river.

No capitals unless its the name of the river, in that case we usually name rivers as ´River Blue, River South.

There is a Bridge and you have across It.

There is a Bbridge and you have ato cross It.

There is a Bbridge and you have ato cross Iit.

There is a Bridge and you havewalk across It.

There is a Bbridge andthat you have across Ited.

There is a extensive field.

There is a extensivevast field.

There is a extensivhuge field.

There is a extensive fieldluscious field for miles.

You could also say "There is a field that seemingly never ended".

There is an extensive field.

A = an in front of any words with e i o u a

Village is in The button.

Village is in The button.

I didn't get the meaning

VThe village is in Tat the buottonm of the field.

Village is in The button.

Not sure what you mean here.

VThe village is in Tthe button.

In village there is a beach on the left and there is a cliff on the right.

InWhen you look at the village, there is a beach on the left and there isside and a cliff on the right.

In the village there is a beach ton the left, and there is a cliff ton the right.

In the/my village there is a beach on the left and there is a cliff on the right.

In the village there is a beach on the left and there is a cliff on the right.

If you watch to go Hill then you would Drive on Road to mountain valley, near the forest.

If you wantch to go Hill then you would Drive on Road toto the hill, you need to drive through a mountain valley, that is near the forest.

If you watch to go Hare looking to go to the hill then you would Ddrive on Rthe road to the mountain valley, near the forest.

If you wantch to go Hsee rolling hills then you would Ddrive on Rthe road to a mountain valley, near the forest.

If you watch to go Hill thengo to the hill, you would Drivebe driving on Ra road towards the mountain valley, near the forest.

There is a lot of wood un the forest.

There is a lot of wood utrees in the forest.

There is a lot of wood uin the forest.

There is a lot of wood uin the forest.

There isare a lot of wood utrees in the forest.

We don’t say wood when referring to a forest, we would say trees in this context.

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