Dec. 26, 2022
Nota: quiero usar el pronombre "ustedes" con el dialecto de América Latina. Quiero sonar lo más auténtica posible, por favor, siéntanse libres de dejar cualquier corrección.
1. The goal keeper is young.
- El portero es joven.
2. They drew (game).
- Empató.
3. The tournament is in January.
- El torneo es en enero.
4. I doubt that he is genuine.
- Dudo que él sea auténtico.
5. I prefer that you stay home.
- Prefiero que te quedes en casa.
6. I ask that you repeat your question.
- Pido que repitas tu pregunta.
7. She recommended that I talk to you.
- Recomendó que hable contigo.
8. Unless you have a question, leave.
- A menos que tengas una pregunta, sal.
9. Before you leave, give me your address.
- Antes de que salgas, dime tu dirección.
10. In that case, you have to stay here.
- En caso de que, tengas que quedarte aquí.
11. As soon as you get home, call me.
- Recién vuelves a casa, llámame.
12. She made my name public.
- Dio a conocer mi nombre.
13. She implied I was lying.
- Dio a entender que estaba mentando.
14. I am cooking dinner for them tonight.
- Esta noche daré de cenarlos.
15. I have just started writing. (New hobby-interest)
- Acabo de dar por escribir.
16. I am worried about her.
- Doy que pensarla.
17. It was hardly a kiss.
- A duras penas un beso.
18. I washed my hands thoroughly.
- A fondo bañé las manos.
19. You did it perfectly.
- A la perfección lo hiciste.
20. Without thinking, I opened the door.
- A lo loco, abre la puerta.
Frases 51
Nota: quiero usar el pronombre "ustedes" con el dialecto de América Latina.
Quiero sonar lo más auténtica posible, por favor, siéntanse libres de dejar cualquier no duden en correccióngirme.
"Feel free to do something" can be translated as "No dudes/dude/duden en hacer algo"
It's a relatively more natural-sounding alternative for this type of phrase.
1. The goal keeper is young.
- El portero es joven.
- Empatóaron.
3. The tournament is in January.
- El torneo es en enero.
- Dudo que él sea una persona auténticoa.
5. I prefer that you stay home.
- Prefiero que te quedes en casa.
6. I ask that you repeat your question.
- Pido que repitas tu pregunta.
- RMe recomendó hablar contigo.¶
- Me recomendó que hableará contigo.
Me recomendó hablar contigo. → common in spoken language
Me recomendó que hablará contigo. (if the action already took place)
8. Unless you have a question, leave.
- A menos que tengas unapreguntas, sal.¶
- Sino tienes preguntas, puedes irte/salir.
sal → can be interpreted as "leave already"
You may need to provide more context for a better translation.
tener dudas → to have a general question about sth
tener preguntas → to have questions, but emphasizing the fact that "questioning statements" is what the speaker is expecting to hear
9. Before you leave, give me your address.
- Antes de que salgas, dime tu dirección.
dime tu dirección is a bit too direct
dame/pasame tu dirección are some other great alternatives
- En caso dese caso, tienes que quedarte aquí.¶
- En dicho caso, puede que, tengas que quedarte aquí. (hypothetical situation)
- Recién llegues/vuelveas a casa, llámame.
She made my name public.
- Dio a conocer mi nombre.
She implied I was lying.
- Dio a entender que estaba meintaiendo.
- Esta noche dles prepararé de cenarlos.¶
- Esta noche les voy a hacer de cenar.
preparar de cenar + OI → to make dinner for someone
dar de cenar + OI → sounds like feeding someone or something
I have just started writing.
(New hobby-interest)
- Acabo de dar porcomenzar a escribir.
Acabo comenzar a escribir. → when context is clear and you're discussing hobbies
Me acabo de interesar por la escritura.
- Doy que pensarEstoy preocupado por ella.
- A duras penas fue un beso.
"No fue ni un besito" → MX
- A fondo bañMe lavé las manos a fondo.
A fondo → bien → for more informal contexts
"Me lavé bien las manos"
- A Lo hiciste a la perfección lo hiciste.
- A lo loco, abreí la puerta sin pensar.
Please notice that some the wording in each sentence may vary depending on what country the speaker is from.
Most stylistic and usage corrections I made are for general use with "Latinoamerican Spanish" approach and I also added some other examples for "Mexican Spanish". Hopefully you'll find them helpful.
Frases 51 This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
1. The goal keeper is young. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
- El portero es joven. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
2. They drew (game). |
- Empató. - Empat |
3. The tournament is in January. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
- El torneo es en enero. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
4. I doubt that he is genuine. |
- Dudo que él sea auténtico. - Dudo que él sea una persona auténtic |
5. I prefer that you stay home. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
- Prefiero que te quedes en casa. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
6. I ask that you repeat your question. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
- Pido que repitas tu pregunta. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
7. She recommended that I talk to you. |
- Recomendó que hable contigo. - Me recomendó hablar contigo. → common in spoken language Me recomendó que hablará contigo. (if the action already took place) |
8. Unless you have a question, leave. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
- A menos que tengas una pregunta, sal. - A menos que tengas sal → can be interpreted as "leave already" You may need to provide more context for a better translation. tener dudas → to have a general question about sth tener preguntas → to have questions, but emphasizing the fact that "questioning statements" is what the speaker is expecting to hear |
9. Before you leave, give me your address. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
- Antes de que salgas, dime tu dirección. - Antes de que salgas, dime tu dirección. dime tu dirección is a bit too direct dame/pasame tu dirección are some other great alternatives |
10. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
In that case, you have to stay here. |
- En caso de que, tengas que quedarte aquí. - En |
11. |
As soon as you get home, call me. |
- Recién vuelves a casa, llámame. - Recién llegues/vuelv |
12. |
She made my name public. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
- Dio a conocer mi nombre. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
13. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
She implied I was lying. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
- Dio a entender que estaba mentando. - Dio a entender que estaba m |
14. |
I am cooking dinner for them tonight. |
- Esta noche daré de cenarlos. - Esta noche preparar de cenar + OI → to make dinner for someone dar de cenar + OI → sounds like feeding someone or something |
15. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
I have just started writing. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
(New hobby-interest) This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
- Acabo de dar por escribir. - Acabo Acabo comenzar a escribir. → when context is clear and you're discussing hobbies Me acabo de interesar por la escritura. |
16. |
I am worried about her. |
- Doy que pensarla.
17. |
It was hardly a kiss. |
- A duras penas un beso. - A duras penas fue un beso. "No fue ni un besito" → MX |
18. |
I washed my hands thoroughly. |
- A fondo bañé las manos. - A fondo → bien → for more informal contexts "Me lavé bien las manos" |
19. |
You did it perfectly. |
- A la perfección lo hiciste. - |
20. |
Without thinking, I opened the door. |
- A lo loco, abre la puerta. - A |
Nota: quiero usar el pronombre "ustedes" con el dialecto de América Latina. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Quiero sonar lo más auténtica posible, por favor, siéntanse libres de dejar cualquier corrección. Quiero sonar lo más auténtica posible, por favor "Feel free to do something" can be translated as "No dudes/dude/duden en hacer algo" It's a relatively more natural-sounding alternative for this type of phrase. |
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