frannie_'s avatar

Dec. 26, 2022

Frases 49

Nota: quiero usar el pronombre "ustedes" con el dialecto de América Latina. Quiero sonar lo más auténtica posible, por favor, siéntanse libres de dejar cualquier corrección.
1. She is snoring.
- Está roncando.
2. I switched off the light.
- Apagué la luz.
3. I carried her home.
- La cargué a casa.
4. I hanged the clothes this morning.
- Esta mañana colgué la ropa.
5. I ordered two new computers.
- Encargué dos nuevas computadoras.
6. I got up early today.
- Hoy madrugué.
7. I boiled the lettuce.
- Herví la lechuga.
8. I sat.
- Me senté.
9. I am suggesting a day off.
- Estoy sugiriendo un día libre.
10. I wanted to hug her.
- Quiero abrazarla.
11. The flight was delayed.
- El avión estaba aplazando.
12. I yawn a lot at work.
- Bostezo mucho en trabajo.
13. I enjoyed the meal.
- Gozé el plato.
14. There has been a lot of people today.
- Haya habido mucha gente hoy.
15. The sun is rising.
- El sol está subiendo.
16. It is breaking.
- Esta bromeando.
17. Hashtag I am hungry.
- Almohadilla tengo hambre.
18. I have to update my location.
- Tengo que actualizar mi locación.
19. She posted to her story.
- Publicó a su noticia.
20. She has a lot of subscribers.
- Tiene muchos subscriptores.


Frases 49

Nota: quiero usar el pronombre "ustedes" con el dialecto de América Latina.

Quiero sonar lo más auténtica posible, por favor, siéntanse libres de dejar cualquier corrección.

- Está roncando.

- Apagué la luz.

- La cargullevé a casa.

- Esta mañana colgué la ropColgué la ropa esta mañana.

More comprehensible!

- Encargué dos nuevas computadoras.

- Hoy madrugué.

Or "hoy me paré temprano."

- Herví la lechuga.

- Me senté.

- Estoy sugiriendo un día libre.

- Quiero abrazarla.

- El avión estaba aplazandovuelo se retrasó.

- Bostezo mucho en trabajo.

- Gozé el platoDisfruté la comida/ me gustó la comida.

"Gozar" is not a commonly used word, it sounds strong, like saying, "It was one of the most delicious meal I've ever tasted."
"Comida" is way better than "plato" because this means "plate."

- Haya habidoy hubo mucha gente hoy.

"Haber" is conjugated similar to "tener": tuvo = hubo.

- El sol está subiendose eleva.

It is breaking.

May I have more context here?

- Esta bromeandá roto.

- AlmohadillaHashtag tengo hambre.

We use this word too.

- Tengo que actualizar mi localización.

- Publicó aen su notichistoria.

More natural!

- Tiene muchos subscriptores.


Great work!
Omg, you submitted a lot of journals ( ゚д゚) I'll correct them but I'll take my time. :)

frannie_'s avatar

Dec. 29, 2022


Thank you so much Li!
Yes I’m very impatient to get to B2, powering through as much vocab as possible thank you 😁 and yes take your time it is all good !!!

BlackGlasses's avatar

Dec. 29, 2022


Ooh, I see. You'll probably master Spanish very soon. 😊

frannie_'s avatar

Jan. 6, 2023


It is breaking.

It is breaking like not functioning as it should romper roto

BlackGlasses's avatar

Jan. 6, 2023


It is breaking like not functioning as it should romper roto

I was confused at first because you translated it as "está bromeando" so I thought that it should be a different meaning.

frannie_'s avatar

Jan. 6, 2023


Done! I was confused at first because you translated it as "está bromeando" so I thought that it should be a different meaning.

I am sorry for the confusion.

Thank you so much Li I really appreciate everything you have done for my Spanish. 😁

BlackGlasses's avatar

Jan. 6, 2023


No problem! It's a pleasure to help.

Frases 49

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

1. She is snoring.

- Está roncando.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

2. I switched off the light.

- Apagué la luz.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

3. I carried her home.

- La cargué a casa.

- La cargullevé a casa.

4. I hanged the clothes this morning.

- Esta mañana colgué la ropa.

- Esta mañana colgué la ropColgué la ropa esta mañana.

More comprehensible!

5. I ordered two new computers.

- Encargué dos nuevas computadoras.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

6. I got up early today.

- Hoy madrugué.

- Hoy madrugué.

Or "hoy me paré temprano."

7. I boiled the lettuce.

- Herví la lechuga.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

8. I sat.

- Me senté.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

9. I am suggesting a day off.

- Estoy sugiriendo un día libre.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!


I wanted to hug her.

- Quiero abrazarla.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!


The flight was delayed.

- El avión estaba aplazando.

- El avión estaba aplazandovuelo se retrasó.


I yawn a lot at work.

- Bostezo mucho en trabajo.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!


I enjoyed the meal.

- Gozé el plato.

- Gozé el platoDisfruté la comida/ me gustó la comida.

"Gozar" is not a commonly used word, it sounds strong, like saying, "It was one of the most delicious meal I've ever tasted." "Comida" is way better than "plato" because this means "plate."


There has been a lot of people today.

- Haya habido mucha gente hoy.

- Haya habidoy hubo mucha gente hoy.

"Haber" is conjugated similar to "tener": tuvo = hubo.


The sun is rising.

- El sol está subiendo.

- El sol está subiendose eleva.


It is breaking.

It is breaking.

May I have more context here?

- Esta bromeando.

- Esta bromeandá roto.


Hashtag I am hungry.

- Almohadilla tengo hambre.

- AlmohadillaHashtag tengo hambre.

We use this word too.


I have to update my location.

- Tengo que actualizar mi locación.

- Tengo que actualizar mi localización.


She posted to her story.

- Publicó a su noticia.

- Publicó aen su notichistoria.

More natural!


She has a lot of subscribers.

- Tiene muchos subscriptores.

- Tiene muchos subscriptores.

Nota: quiero usar el pronombre "ustedes" con el dialecto de América Latina.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Quiero sonar lo más auténtica posible, por favor, siéntanse libres de dejar cualquier corrección.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

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