kailynhuynh96's avatar

July 5, 2024


- Be proficient in using various software platforms.
- Support Supply Chain Operations in related work.
- Play an active role in cross-functional team audits in accordance with the auditing plan.
- Work on teams and independently with the guidance of a line manager.
- Perform technical support analysis to maintain a reliable and safe manufacturing system.
- Manage chemical and reagent stock in the main lab and other satellite laboratories.
- Have knowledge in Packaging processes at a general level.
- Analyze data to identify root causes of issues, methods and implement appropriate countermeasures.

P/S: Thank you so much for your help!



- Be proficient in using various software platforms.

- Support Supply Chain Operations in related work.

- Play an active role in cross-functional team audits in accordance with the auditing plan.

- Work oin teams and also independently with the guidance of a line manager.

- Manage chemical and reagent stock in the main lab and other satellite laboratories.

- Have knowledge in Ppackaging processes at a general level.

- Analyze data to identify root causes of issues, methods and then implement appropriate countermeasures.

P/S: Thank you so much for your help!

kailynhuynh96's avatar

July 7, 2024


Thank you for your help, Romany!^^

- Be proficient in using various software platforms.

If it's a job resume: "Proficiency in using various software platforms", to suggest that you have that proficiency, not that you should be proficient.

- WBe able to work oin teams and independently with the guidance of a line manager.

Work in teams, or work on the application Teams?
If it's a job resume: "Able to work in teams as well as independently with the guidance of a line manager"

- Have knowledge in PKnow packaging processes at a general level.

If it's a job resume: "Knowledgeable in packaging processes at a general level"

- Analyze data to identify root causes of issues, and thus the methods andto implement appropriate countermeasures.


Overall very accurate! Is this for a job resume? If so, you may need to change the wording of your dot points a bit (see above comments)

kailynhuynh96's avatar

July 7, 2024


Thank you very much, baguettebaguette! Well, yes, this is for a job resume, so I really appreciate your advice.


This sentence has been marked as perfect!

- Be proficient in using various software platforms.

- Be proficient in using various software platforms.

If it's a job resume: "Proficiency in using various software platforms", to suggest that you have that proficiency, not that you should be proficient.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

- Support Supply Chain Operations in related work.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

- Play an active role in cross-functional team audits in accordance with the auditing plan.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

- Work on teams and independently with the guidance of a line manager.

- WBe able to work oin teams and independently with the guidance of a line manager.

Work in teams, or work on the application Teams? If it's a job resume: "Able to work in teams as well as independently with the guidance of a line manager"

- Work oin teams and also independently with the guidance of a line manager.

- Perform technical support analysis to maintain a reliable and safe manufacturing system.

- Manage chemical and reagent stock in the main lab and other satellite laboratories.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

- Have knowledge in Packaging processes at a general level.

- Have knowledge in PKnow packaging processes at a general level.

If it's a job resume: "Knowledgeable in packaging processes at a general level"

- Have knowledge in Ppackaging processes at a general level.

- Analyze data to identify root causes of issues, methods and implement appropriate countermeasures.

- Analyze data to identify root causes of issues, and thus the methods andto implement appropriate countermeasures.

- Analyze data to identify root causes of issues, methods and then implement appropriate countermeasures.

P/S: Thank you so much for your help!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

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