isaac's avatar

April 10, 2023

Essay: Methods of minimising the use of fossil fuels

Enviromental problems, specially the use of fossil fuels, has become one of the most urgent and challenging issues that human being will have to deal with in this century. In order to solve them, there are two major topics related with the use of materials and energy, these are accordingly: recycling and nuclear energy.
Nuclear fusion is a controversial kind of energy due to the facts that is a non-renewable one and, currently, it is impossible to revert the radiactive pollution generated by their residue. Moreover, in its short history, it has provoked enormous accidents, making some areas inhabitable. Therefore, other alternatives, as renewable energies, had better to be taken into consideration. Regarding the production of energy, it makes no sense keeping the old standards, even more when it already exists several clean alternatives to turn back all the contamination produced by fossil fuels.
Recycling, on the contrary, has demonstrated to have more advantages than drawbacks. It allowed us to reuse common use materials, as paper, glass and plastics. However we lack of a more advanced technology that imitate the natural cycles, which would lead us to an endless reusing of materials. Therefore, more funding is needed on the part of the governments in order to develop such kind of technology and make up the damage it has been doing to the Earth, even though there will no outputs in short term.
All in all, there is no point on continuing to use non-renewable sources of energy as the nuclear, since it is too dangerous in terms of life and enviroment protection. Recycling and research are by far the best solutions governments all around the world should implement.


Essay: Methods of mMinimising the uUse of fFossil fFuels

Words in titles must always be capitalized (some exceptions {ex. a, of, the, etc.}). Also, I don't think "Essay:" is required, just state the title.

Environmental problems, specially the use of fossil fuels, has become one of the most urgent and challenging issues that human being will have to deal with in this century.

In order to solve them, there are two major topics related with the use of materials and energy, these are accordingly: recycling and nuclear energy.

Nuclear fusion is a controversial kind of energy due to the facts that is a non-renewable one and, currently, it is impossible to revert the radioactive pollution generated by their residue.

Can also write "nuclear fusion energy is controversial due to..." to avoid a wordy sentence.

Moreover, in its short history, it has provoked enormous accidents, making some areas inhabitable.

Therefore, other alternatives, aslike renewable energies, had better to ben taken into consideration.

Regarding the production of energy, it makes no sense keeping the old standards, even more when it already exists several clean alternatives already exist to turn back all the contamination produced by fossil fuels.

It was a little unclear what "it" was referring to originally.

Recycling, oOn the contrary, hasrecycling demonstrated to have more advantages than drawbacks.

People often start sentences with a conjunction, rather than having conjunctions after a word. Also, the sentence was a little wordy, but that's just a stylistic edit.

It allowed us to reuse common use materials, such as paper, glass and plastics.

However, we lack of a more advanced technology that imitate the natural cycles, which would lead us to an endless reusing of materials.

Therefore, more funding is needed on the part of the governments in order to develop such kind of technology and make up the damage it has been doing to the Earth, even though there will be no outputs in the short term.

All in all, there is no point oin continuing to use non-renewable sources of energy as the nuclear, since it is too dangerous in terms of life and environment protection.

Recycling and research are by far the best solutions governments all around the world should implement.

It's a little unclear what you mean. Did you mean the research in recycling is by far...?


Very nice essay!

isaac's avatar

April 25, 2023


Thank Trish for your corrections and comments

Essay: Methods of minimising the use of fossil fuels

Essay: Methods of mMinimising the uUse of fFossil fFuels

Words in titles must always be capitalized (some exceptions {ex. a, of, the, etc.}). Also, I don't think "Essay:" is required, just state the title.

Enviromental problems, specially the use of fossil fuels, has become one of the most urgent and challenging issues that human being will have to deal with in this century.

Environmental problems, specially the use of fossil fuels, has become one of the most urgent and challenging issues that human being will have to deal with in this century.

In order to solve them, there are two major topics related with the use of materials and energy, these are accordingly: recycling and nuclear energy.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Nuclear fusion is a controversial kind of energy due to the facts that is a non-renewable one and, currently, it is impossible to revert the radiactive pollution generated by their residue.

Nuclear fusion is a controversial kind of energy due to the facts that is a non-renewable one and, currently, it is impossible to revert the radioactive pollution generated by their residue.

Can also write "nuclear fusion energy is controversial due to..." to avoid a wordy sentence.

Moreover, in its short history, it has provoked enormous accidents, making some areas inhabitable.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Therefore, other alternatives, as renewable energies, had better to be taken into consideration.

Therefore, other alternatives, aslike renewable energies, had better to ben taken into consideration.

Regarding the production of energy, it makes no sense keeping the old standards, even more when it already exists several clean alternatives to turn back all the contamination produced by fossil fuels.

Regarding the production of energy, it makes no sense keeping the old standards, even more when it already exists several clean alternatives already exist to turn back all the contamination produced by fossil fuels.

It was a little unclear what "it" was referring to originally.

Recycling, on the contrary, has demonstrated to have more advantages than drawbacks.

Recycling, oOn the contrary, hasrecycling demonstrated to have more advantages than drawbacks.

People often start sentences with a conjunction, rather than having conjunctions after a word. Also, the sentence was a little wordy, but that's just a stylistic edit.

It allowed us to reuse common use materials, as paper, glass and plastics.

It allowed us to reuse common use materials, such as paper, glass and plastics.

However we lack of a more advanced technology that imitate the natural cycles, which would lead us to an endless reusing of materials.

However, we lack of a more advanced technology that imitate the natural cycles, which would lead us to an endless reusing of materials.

Therefore, more funding is needed on the part of the governments in order to develop such kind of technology and make up the damage it has been doing to the Earth, even though there will no outputs in short term.

Therefore, more funding is needed on the part of the governments in order to develop such kind of technology and make up the damage it has been doing to the Earth, even though there will be no outputs in the short term.

All in all, there is no point on continuing to use non-renewable sources of energy as the nuclear, since it is too dangerous in terms of life and enviroment protection.

All in all, there is no point oin continuing to use non-renewable sources of energy as the nuclear, since it is too dangerous in terms of life and environment protection.

Recycling and research are by far the best solutions governments all around the world should implement.

Recycling and research are by far the best solutions governments all around the world should implement.

It's a little unclear what you mean. Did you mean the research in recycling is by far...?

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