allison's avatar

Dec. 22, 2022

Ep.3 Kanji 園 addendum

Kanji was invented B.C.1300.
Whoa! The kanji inventors already know bible stories?
I don’t think so but mystery is beautiful. I don’t go deep there.
The previous kanji story is not academic-based.
(I’m sorry if I made you confused in my previous post. )
Thus I can’t use that story in school, but I like it very much, and I found it is easier to memorise and impress on them faster. There’s no reason not to take advantage of that, right? As I had a light bulb went off experience by myself. I am the evidence.

Many of learners who is interested in Japanese language might feel awkward to approach or looks hard because of kanji. Especially beginners. Even some of them hesitate to start to learn. Anyway they started learning, and after a while they get an allergy of kanji. Were you guys like that? Haha. Hope not.

When I introduce “kanji”or “Japanese class” in church to church people, I start from this question.
“Why is six afraid of seven?” I can get answer easily. “Because seven ate nine!”
I say “Yes. But kanji won’t bite you. So no need to be afraid of :)”
Some of church provide Japanese class for expat in Japan for free of charge. And lecturer do this voluntary. If I were called by them I will tell this very first class to make them relaxed and felt familiar. If it’s not a class in church, I start from seven days. Sun, moon, fire, water… I write pictures too. I am terrible at drawing but good point is that that is too terrible and funny, they can’t forget it and also the person who drew it.

Once again, previous kanji story is not academic-based. I don’t bring it to school.
Actually, inside enclosure 袁 is robe. It can be explained clothes but there’s rectangular box inside 衣(upper part is 土, I can’t type).
Since rectangular is screwed into there, 袁is more like robe than clothes.
Rectangular implies a fabric like wrap or wear softly or drape.
Base on this concept, technically 袁is robe, 衣is clothes. But both are similar, so often is explained clothes both. This last paragraph is kanji knowledge in general. And previous kanji story is not academic-based.
So sorry for confusion occurred.

But impressive isn’t it? ( I’m still saying this. Haha)


Ep.3 Kanji 園 a園 Addendum

We capitalize the first letter of important words in titles.

Kanji was invented 1300 BC.

We put BC after the year.

Do we really know that kanji was invented then? Because if we don't know for sure, then we'd say something like, "Kanji was invented around the year 1300 BC."


TDid the kanji invencreators already know babout the Bible stories?

In the US, a lot of people would capitalize the B in Bible because to them, there's only one bible in existence.

I don’t think so but mystery is beautiful.

I don’t go deep therthink it's better to leave it alone.


- I think it's better to leave a mystery as is.
- I think it's better to leave a mystery as it is.
- It's better not to touch it.
- I'm not going to think too much about it.

TheMy previous kanji story iwas not academic-basedbased on academic research.

(I’m sorry if I made you confused in my previous post. )

Thus, I can’t use that story in school, but I like it very much, and. I found it isknowing the story makes it easier to memorisze the kand impress on themji faster.


There’s no reason not to take advantage of that, right?

As I had a light bulb wentgo off in my head when I had this experience by myself.

"To have a light bulb" moment is an idiom.

I am the evidenceproof that it's easy to remember kanji.

Many of learnerspeople who isare interested in the Japanese language might feel awkward to approach oror think it looks too hard because of the kanji.

Especially beginners.

Even sSome of them hesitate to starting to learn.


Some of them hesitate when starting.


Anyway tThey started to learning, and after a while they get an allergy ofic to kanji.


Were you guys like that?


HI hope not.

When I introduce “kanji”or “Japanese class” in church to church people, I start fromwith this question.

“Why is six afraid of seven?” I can get an answer easily.


I can get a response easily.

“Because seven ate nine!”

I say, “Yes, but kanji won’t bite you.

But kanji won’t bite you.

So there's no need to be afraid of it. :)”

Some of the churches provide Japanese class for expats in Japan for free of charge and lecturers provide them voluntary.

And lecturer do this voluntary.

If I were called by them, I willould tell thise very first class this to make them feel relaxed and feltmore familiar with the Japanese language.

This is subjunctive case.

If it’s not a class in church, I would start from seven days.

This is subjunctive case, too.

Sun, moon, fire, water … I writeould draw pictures, too.

This is more subjunctive case.

I am terrible at drawing but the good point is that that is toothing about it is that if my drawing is terrible and yet funny, they can’won't forget it and alsonor the person who drew it.

Once again, my previous kanji story is not academic-basedbased on facts.

I don't bringtell it toin school.

Actually, inside the enclosure is a robe.

It can be explained as clothes but there’s a rectangular box inside 衣 (upper part is 土, which I can’t type).

Since the rectangularle is screwed into there, 袁 is more like a robe than clothes.

Rectangularle implies a fabric like a wrap or weara softly or draped robe.

Parallel construction

Based on this concept, technically is robe, while is clothes.

But both are similar, however, so often it is explained as clothes for both.

This last paragraph is kanji knowledge in general.

AndRemember, my previous kanji story is not facademic-bast-based so I'm sorry for any confusion which was incurred.

So sorry for confusion occurred.

ButIt's impressive though, isn’t it?

( I’m still saying this. Haha.)



allison's avatar

Dec. 23, 2022


Ep.3 Kanji 園 a園 Addendum

Thank you again. You taught me that at Ep.2!
It won’t happen at Ep.4 :) perhaps? 笑

allison's avatar

Dec. 23, 2022


Kanji was invented 1300 BC.

How about this?
It is said or Generally speaking Kanji was invented 1300 BC.

allison's avatar

Dec. 23, 2022


TDid the kanji invencreators already know babout the Bible stories?

I see. Thank you for the info. It is important to know Cultural Background.

allison's avatar

Dec. 23, 2022


I don’t go deep therthink it's better to leave it alone.

Thank you. Those are just straight to the point what I wanted to say!

mari's avatar

Dec. 23, 2022


How about this? It is said or Generally speaking Kanji was invented 1300 BC.

Since this is hearsay, we can't pinpoint an invention to a particular year so we qualify it with "around" like this:

- It is said that kanji was invented around 1300 BC.
- Generally speaking, kanji was invented around 1300 BC.

allison's avatar

Dec. 23, 2022


If I were called by them, I willould tell thise very first class this to make them feel relaxed and feltmore familiar with the Japanese language.

Thank you for the correction. May I ask in the case I put When instead If, what would it like?

mari's avatar

Dec. 23, 2022


Thank you for the correction. May I ask in the case I put When instead If, what would it like?

Of course! Then here's the new correction:

When I am called by them, I will tell the very first class this to make them feel relaxed and more familiar with the Japanese language.

allison's avatar

Dec. 23, 2022


Sun, moon, fire, water … I writeould draw pictures, too.

Those consecutive three sentences are affected If?
Those are fact. So I wrote that way.
For the first place, I should have put When instead If ?

allison's avatar

Dec. 23, 2022


Thank you for the correction as always :)

mari's avatar

Dec. 23, 2022


Those consecutive three sentences are affected If? Those are fact. So I wrote that way. For the first place, I should have put When instead If ?

Yes, You're correct. All three sentences would then be affected by the change from "if" to "when." So the new corrections replace "would" with "will" as in "Sun, moon, fire, water ... I will draw pictures, too."

allison's avatar

Dec. 23, 2022


Since this is hearsay, we can't pinpoint an invention to a particular year so we qualify it with "around" like this: - It is said that kanji was invented around 1300 BC. - Generally speaking, kanji was invented around 1300 BC.

Totally understand!! Thank you!!

Ep.3 The Kanji 園 addendum

"Addendum" is usually used to describe additional documents to legal documents/contracts. More info here:

Kanji wasere invented B.C.1300in 1300 B.C.

Kanji are plural, so "were" is used instead of "was."


TDid the kanji inventors already know bible stories?

There is a question mark at the end, but you need to phrase it into a question, thus the "did" at the beginning.

I don’t think so, but this mystery is beautiful.

I dwon’t go too deep thereinto that topic.

Rephrased this a little bit to sound more natural.

The previous kanji story iwas not very academic-based.

(I’m sorry if I made you confused in my previous post. )

Thus, I can’t use that story in school, b. But I like it very much, and I found it is easier to memorise and impress on them faster.

There’s no reason not to take advantage of that, right?

As I hadIt was as if a light bulb went off experience by myselfin my head.

Many of learners who isare interested in the Japanese language might feel awkward to approach orthe language or may think that it looks hard because of kanji.

E..., especially beginners.

You can connect this to the previous sentence by using a comma.

Even sSome of them even hesitate to start to learning.

Anyway, they started learning, andbut after a while, they get anbecome allergy ofic to kanji.

Using "but" is better than "and" in my opinion. They started learning, so all seems well, 'but' then this kanji allergy starts to happen.

Were you guys like that?


HI hope not.

When I introduce “kanji”or “Japanese class” in church to church peoplefellow attendees/church-goers, I start from withthis question.

“Why is six afraid of seven?” I can get an answer easily.

“Because seven ate nine!”

I say “Yes"Yes," I respond.

But kanji won’t bite you.

So there's no need to be afraid of them. :)

Some of churches provide Japanese classes for expats in Japan for free of charge.

AndThe lecturers do this voluntary.

If I were called by them, I will tell this to my very first class to make them relaxed and felt familiarhelp them feel relaxed.

If it’s not a class in church, I start from seven dayswould start with the seven days of the week.

I think this is what you mean, based on the next sentence. 日は日曜、月は月曜、火は火曜、などなど。

Sun, moon, fire, water… I writeill draw pictures too.

I am terrible at drawing, but the good point is that that is too terrible andthing about that is that the drawings are so bad that it's funny, t. They can’t forget it and alsothe pictures or the person who drew it.

Once again, tthe previous kanji story iwas not academic-based.

I don’t bring it to school.

Actually, inside the enclosure (袁) is robe.

It can be explained with clothes, but there’s a rectangular box inside 衣(the upper part is 土, I can’t type).

Since the rectangularle is screwed into there, 袁 is more like robes rather than clothes.

RThe rectangularle implies a fabric -like wrap tor wear softly or drape.

Base on this concept, 袁 is technically 袁isa robe, and is clothes.

But both are similar, so it is often is explained as clothes bothfor the two.

This last paragraph is kanji knowledge in general.

And the previous kanji story is not academic-based.

So, sorry for any confusion that occurred.

But it's impressive isn’t it?

allison's avatar

Dec. 23, 2022


Ep.3 The Kanji 園 addendum

Thank you for your comment. Then in this case what should I put when I want to say this is additional information?

allison's avatar

Dec. 23, 2022


TDid the kanji inventors already know bible stories?

I couldn’t decide which should I put.
bible story or biblical story

allison's avatar

Dec. 23, 2022


I dwon’t go too deep thereinto that topic.

I thought there must be something lacking information, but I couldn’t put anything. Thank you so much!

allison's avatar

Dec. 23, 2022


Even sSome of them even hesitate to start to learning.

I always fail to put “even”. Always wrong position. Thank you for the correction!

allison's avatar

Dec. 23, 2022


Anyway, they started learning, andbut after a while, they get anbecome allergy ofic to kanji.

Yes, yes! My intention is that too!!

eqeos's avatar

Dec. 23, 2022


Thank you for your comment. Then in this case what should I put when I want to say this is additional information? Postscript?

This is kind of hard for me to answer, haha. Well, first, a postscript is what you would write in a letter. So, "P.S. something something."

For the title, I would maybe do "Ep.3 The Kanji 園: [An Ammendment]/[A Revision/Correction]." This would be if you were intending to fix something. You said that you don't want to have others confused from the post from before, so this could work.

Or, if clearing up a misunderstanding was not the main intention, and you just wanted to add more information, then maybe something like the two here:
- Ep.3 The Kanji 園: Part 2
- Ep.3 The Kanji 園: A Continuation/Extension

allison's avatar

Dec. 23, 2022


When I introduce “kanji”or “Japanese class” in church to church peoplefellow attendees/church-goers, I start from withthis question.

This is my new vocabulary! Thank you so much. I haven’t encountered before. Nice one!

allison's avatar

Dec. 23, 2022


Thank you for the correction and information. Those become my new knowledge.

eqeos's avatar

Dec. 23, 2022


I couldn’t decide which should I put. bible story or biblical story

Both are good, though I have a feeling that I hear "biblical story" used more often.

allison's avatar

Dec. 23, 2022


Both are good, though I have a feeling that I hear "biblical story" used more often.

Thank you! That’s only native speakers can tell!

Kanji was invented B.C.1300in 1300 B.C.

TheDid kanji inventors already know bible stories?

I don’t think so, but the mystery is beautiful.

I don’t go deep there.

I'm not sure what you mean here. Maybe "I don't know much about it."

The previous kanji story iwas not very academic-based.,

(so I’m sorry if I made you confused you in my previous post. )

I merged these sentences.

Thus I can’t use that story in school, but I like it very much, and I found it is easier to memorise and impress on them fastershare.

'Thus' is rarely used -- it sounds antiquated.
Memorise is British English, in the US we say Memorize.

There’s no reason not to take advantage of that, right?

As I hIt made a light bulb wentgo off experience by myselfin my head.

Nice idiom use :)

I am the evidence.

Many of learners who isare interested in Japanese language might feel awkwardiscouraged to approach or looks hard because of kanjiKanji or because it looks hard.

Especially beginners.

Even sSome of them even hesitate to start to learn.

Anyway, after they started learning, and after a while they get an they become allergy ofic to kanji.

Were you guys like that?


HI hope not.

English sentences must always have a subject, unless they're a command.

When I introduce “kanji”or “Japanese class” in church to church people, I start fromwith this question.

“Why is six afraid of seven?” I can get an answer easily.

“Because seven ate nine!”

I say “Yes".

But kanji won’t bite you.

So there is no need to be afraid of it :)”

Some of churches provide Japanese class for expats in Japan for free of charge.

And lecturers do this voluntarily.

If I were called by them I will tell thisto teach I would tell this story to the very first class to makehelp them relaxed and felt familiar.

If it’s not a class in church, I start from seven dayswith the days of the week.

Unsure on this one

Sun, moon, fire, water… I writedraw pictures too.

Pictures are always drawn

I am terrible at drawing, but good pointa positive is that that it is toso terrible andit's funny, t. They can’t forget it and alsor the person who drew it.

Once again, the previous kanji story is not academic-based.

I don’t bring it to school.

Rectangular implies a fabric likethat wrap or wear softlys around you, or drapes.

Based on this concept, technically 袁 is robe, and 衣 is clothes.

But both are similar, so they're often is explained clothes bothat the same time.

This last paragraph is kanji knowledge in general.

And the previous kanji story is still not academic-based.

But it's impressive, isn’t it?

allison's avatar

Dec. 22, 2022


I don’t go deep there.

I want to say … better not touch it. Leave it. Do not go inside mystery.
Something like this.
So I wrote I don’t go deep there.

allison's avatar

Dec. 22, 2022


(so I’m sorry if I made you confused you in my previous post. )

Ohhhh!!! That’s how to combine!!
Wow! Thank you so much!!
This is what I wanted to know!!
I tried but I couldn’t so I just put it into bracket. Thank you so so much!

allison's avatar

Dec. 22, 2022


As I hIt made a light bulb wentgo off experience by myselfin my head.

I learned it yesterday from Ep.2 hehe!

allison's avatar

Dec. 22, 2022


Even sSome of them even hesitate to start to learn.

Thank you. I can’t decide the position of “even” as always… (sad face)

allison's avatar

Dec. 22, 2022


HI hope not.

True!! I remembered!! Thank you!

allison's avatar

Dec. 22, 2022


If it’s not a class in church, I start from seven dayswith the days of the week.

Yes,yes! This is it!!
“ the day of the week”!!!
Ahhh!! It didn’t come up to my mind.
Nice guessing. You nailed it!! Thank you!

allison's avatar

Dec. 22, 2022


Sun, moon, fire, water… I writedraw pictures too.

Noted!! Thank you.

Ep.3 Kanji 園 addendum

Ep.3 The Kanji 園 addendum

"Addendum" is usually used to describe additional documents to legal documents/contracts. More info here:

Ep.3 Kanji 園 a園 Addendum

We capitalize the first letter of important words in titles.

Kanji was invented B.C.1300.

Kanji was invented B.C.1300in 1300 B.C.

Kanji wasere invented B.C.1300in 1300 B.C.

Kanji are plural, so "were" is used instead of "was."

Kanji was invented 1300 BC.

We put BC after the year. Do we really know that kanji was invented then? Because if we don't know for sure, then we'd say something like, "Kanji was invented around the year 1300 BC."


This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

The kanji inventors already know bible stories?

TheDid kanji inventors already know bible stories?

TDid the kanji inventors already know bible stories?

There is a question mark at the end, but you need to phrase it into a question, thus the "did" at the beginning.

TDid the kanji invencreators already know babout the Bible stories?

In the US, a lot of people would capitalize the B in Bible because to them, there's only one bible in existence.

I don’t think so but mystery is beautiful.

I don’t think so, but the mystery is beautiful.

I don’t think so, but this mystery is beautiful.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I don’t go deep there.

I don’t go deep there.

I'm not sure what you mean here. Maybe "I don't know much about it."

I dwon’t go too deep thereinto that topic.

Rephrased this a little bit to sound more natural.

I don’t go deep therthink it's better to leave it alone.

また、 - I think it's better to leave a mystery as is. - I think it's better to leave a mystery as it is. - It's better not to touch it. - I'm not going to think too much about it.

The previous kanji story is not academic-based.

The previous kanji story iwas not very academic-based.,

The previous kanji story iwas not very academic-based.

TheMy previous kanji story iwas not academic-basedbased on academic research.

(I’m sorry if I made you confused in my previous post. )

(so I’m sorry if I made you confused you in my previous post. )

I merged these sentences.

(I’m sorry if I made you confused in my previous post. )

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Thus I can’t use that story in school, but I like it very much, and I found it is easier to memorise and impress on them faster.

Thus I can’t use that story in school, but I like it very much, and I found it is easier to memorise and impress on them fastershare.

'Thus' is rarely used -- it sounds antiquated. Memorise is British English, in the US we say Memorize.

Thus, I can’t use that story in school, b. But I like it very much, and I found it is easier to memorise and impress on them faster.

Thus, I can’t use that story in school, but I like it very much, and. I found it isknowing the story makes it easier to memorisze the kand impress on themji faster.


There’s no reason not to take advantage of that, right?

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

As I had a light bulb went off experience by myself.

As I hIt made a light bulb wentgo off experience by myselfin my head.

Nice idiom use :)

As I hadIt was as if a light bulb went off experience by myselfin my head.

As I had a light bulb wentgo off in my head when I had this experience by myself.

"To have a light bulb" moment is an idiom.

I am the evidence.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I am the evidenceproof that it's easy to remember kanji.

Many of learners who is interested in Japanese language might feel awkward to approach or looks hard because of kanji.

Many of learners who isare interested in Japanese language might feel awkwardiscouraged to approach or looks hard because of kanjiKanji or because it looks hard.

Many of learners who isare interested in the Japanese language might feel awkward to approach orthe language or may think that it looks hard because of kanji.

Many of learnerspeople who isare interested in the Japanese language might feel awkward to approach oror think it looks too hard because of the kanji.

Especially beginners.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

E..., especially beginners.

You can connect this to the previous sentence by using a comma.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Even some of them hesitate to start to learn.

Even sSome of them even hesitate to start to learn.

Even sSome of them even hesitate to start to learning.

Even sSome of them hesitate to starting to learn.

また、 Some of them hesitate when starting. 私にとって、ほとんどの初心者は諦めます。

Anyway they started learning, and after a while they get an allergy of kanji.

Anyway, after they started learning, and after a while they get an they become allergy ofic to kanji.

Anyway, they started learning, andbut after a while, they get anbecome allergy ofic to kanji.

Using "but" is better than "and" in my opinion. They started learning, so all seems well, 'but' then this kanji allergy starts to happen.

Anyway tThey started to learning, and after a while they get an allergy ofic to kanji.


Were you guys like that?

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!


This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Hope not.

HI hope not.

English sentences must always have a subject, unless they're a command.

HI hope not.

HI hope not.

When I introduce “kanji”or “Japanese class” in church to church people, I start from this question.

When I introduce “kanji”or “Japanese class” in church to church people, I start fromwith this question.

When I introduce “kanji”or “Japanese class” in church to church peoplefellow attendees/church-goers, I start from withthis question.

When I introduce “kanji”or “Japanese class” in church to church people, I start fromwith this question.

“Why is six afraid of seven?” I can get answer easily.

“Why is six afraid of seven?” I can get an answer easily.

“Why is six afraid of seven?” I can get an answer easily.

“Why is six afraid of seven?” I can get an answer easily.

また、 I can get a response easily.

“Because seven ate nine!”

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I say “Yes.

I say “Yes".

I say “Yes"Yes," I respond.

I say, “Yes, but kanji won’t bite you.

But kanji won’t bite you.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

But kanji won’t bite you.

So no need to be afraid of :)”

So there is no need to be afraid of it :)”

So there's no need to be afraid of them. :)

So there's no need to be afraid of it. :)”

Some of church provide Japanese class for expat in Japan for free of charge.

Some of churches provide Japanese class for expats in Japan for free of charge.

Some of churches provide Japanese classes for expats in Japan for free of charge.

Some of the churches provide Japanese class for expats in Japan for free of charge and lecturers provide them voluntary.

And lecturer do this voluntary.

And lecturers do this voluntarily.

AndThe lecturers do this voluntary.

And lecturer do this voluntary.

If I were called by them I will tell this very first class to make them relaxed and felt familiar.

If I were called by them I will tell thisto teach I would tell this story to the very first class to makehelp them relaxed and felt familiar.

If I were called by them, I will tell this to my very first class to make them relaxed and felt familiarhelp them feel relaxed.

If I were called by them, I willould tell thise very first class this to make them feel relaxed and feltmore familiar with the Japanese language.

This is subjunctive case.

If it’s not a class in church, I start from seven days.

If it’s not a class in church, I start from seven dayswith the days of the week.

Unsure on this one

If it’s not a class in church, I start from seven dayswould start with the seven days of the week.

I think this is what you mean, based on the next sentence. 日は日曜、月は月曜、火は火曜、などなど。

If it’s not a class in church, I would start from seven days.

This is subjunctive case, too.

Sun, moon, fire, water… I write pictures too.

Sun, moon, fire, water… I writedraw pictures too.

Pictures are always drawn

Sun, moon, fire, water… I writeill draw pictures too.

Sun, moon, fire, water … I writeould draw pictures, too.

This is more subjunctive case.

I am terrible at drawing but good point is that that is too terrible and funny, they can’t forget it and also the person who drew it.

I am terrible at drawing, but good pointa positive is that that it is toso terrible andit's funny, t. They can’t forget it and alsor the person who drew it.

I am terrible at drawing, but the good point is that that is too terrible andthing about that is that the drawings are so bad that it's funny, t. They can’t forget it and alsothe pictures or the person who drew it.

I am terrible at drawing but the good point is that that is toothing about it is that if my drawing is terrible and yet funny, they can’won't forget it and alsonor the person who drew it.

Once again, previous kanji story is not academic-based.

Once again, the previous kanji story is not academic-based.

Once again, tthe previous kanji story iwas not academic-based.

Once again, my previous kanji story is not academic-basedbased on facts.

I don’t bring it to school.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I don't bringtell it toin school.

Actually, inside enclosure 袁 is robe.

Actually, inside the enclosure (袁) is robe.

Actually, inside the enclosure is a robe.

It can be explained clothes but there’s rectangular box inside 衣(upper part is 土, I can’t type).

It can be explained with clothes, but there’s a rectangular box inside 衣(the upper part is 土, I can’t type).

It can be explained as clothes but there’s a rectangular box inside 衣 (upper part is 土, which I can’t type).

Since rectangular is screwed into there, 袁is more like robe than clothes.

Since the rectangularle is screwed into there, 袁 is more like robes rather than clothes.

Since the rectangularle is screwed into there, 袁 is more like a robe than clothes.

Rectangular implies a fabric like wrap or wear softly or drape.

Rectangular implies a fabric likethat wrap or wear softlys around you, or drapes.

RThe rectangularle implies a fabric -like wrap tor wear softly or drape.

Rectangularle implies a fabric like a wrap or weara softly or draped robe.

Parallel construction

Base on this concept, technically 袁is robe, 衣is clothes.

Based on this concept, technically 袁 is robe, and 衣 is clothes.

Base on this concept, 袁 is technically 袁isa robe, and is clothes.

Based on this concept, technically is robe, while is clothes.

But both are similar, so often is explained clothes both.

But both are similar, so they're often is explained clothes bothat the same time.

But both are similar, so it is often is explained as clothes bothfor the two.

But both are similar, however, so often it is explained as clothes for both.

This last paragraph is kanji knowledge in general.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

And previous kanji story is not academic-based.

And the previous kanji story is still not academic-based.

And the previous kanji story is not academic-based.

AndRemember, my previous kanji story is not facademic-bast-based so I'm sorry for any confusion which was incurred.

So sorry for confusion occurred.

So, sorry for any confusion that occurred.

So sorry for confusion occurred.

But impressive isn’t it?

But it's impressive, isn’t it?

But it's impressive isn’t it?

ButIt's impressive though, isn’t it?

( I’m still saying this. Haha)

( I’m still saying this. Haha.)

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