allison's avatar

Dec. 28, 2022

Ep. 6: Exam vs journal

I am really appreciate those who corrected my journal Ep.1,2,3,4, and 5.
Actually, I didn’t expect that I could receive corrections like this detailed one.
Those corrections and advices are valuable and significant.
Since those are individually tailored instructions, I can find it nowhere but here.

I am truly satisfied with the corrections for kanji stories.
This is very practical.
I am thinking I’m going to write “my favourite quotes” next.
It will not finish one episode. I have many nice quotes come up my mind. I can’t choose one.

But before that, I have quarterly exam on first week of February.
Usually I allocate one month for preparing for exam.
It looks I suddenly disappear from society.
I might reply in slow on WhatsApp or twitter or FB even sometimes not replying.
I might not going out with my friends. Some of them do come to my place for checking whether I am still alive or not. In order to avoid being rude not to respond and giving them unnecessary worries, I change my icon on my profile. That icon says “ Allison is super duper busy at exam.” Even that sometimes friends ask me to going out or visiting my place especially weekends. Eh? Didn’t they notice my icon? Are they wanting me that much? Or just they are being selfish? I put dry smile on my face and politely decline. Haha! I still love them but I don’t want to stop thinking or writing once I started my essay or assignments until my hands stop writing. If I stopped, my ideas or thoughts gone somewhere and I can never recall them.

I might not so active in January, but I’m still alive on this website.
I want to correct, the problem is correction has to be done at one time.
Once correction has started, it can’t send in the middle of that.
Anyway I’ll try best both journal and exam :)
Thanks for reading until the end.


Ep. 6: Exam vs jJournal

I am really appreciate those who corrected my journals Ep.1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.

Actually, I didn’t expect that I cwould receive corrections like this detailed onesuch detailed corrections.

Those corrections and advices given are invaluable and significantto me.

"Valuable and significant" means that they have great meaning to you. "Invaluable" is probably a better word, and it means to be of great use, indispensable.

Since those are individually tailored instructions, I can find ithem nowhere but herelse.

I am truly satisfied with the corrections for the kanji stories.

I am thinking I’m going to writeof writing about “my favourite quotes” next.

Or, you can also say: "I think I'm going to write about 'my favourite quotes' next."

"Thinking" means that you are still considering doing this topic. "Think" means that you have already decided on the topic and may or may not go through with that topic. Choose the one that fits your intention more.

It will not be finish one episodeed with just one episode as I have many nice quotes that come to mind.

Combining the next sentence with this one.

I can’t choose only one.

"Only" emphsaizes the fact that you can't choose one.

But before that, I have a quarterly exam on the first week of February.

Or, if you have multiple: "But before that, I have quarterly exams on the first week of February."

Usually, I allocate one month forto preparing for exams.

Fixed the grammar here, but it seems off since you don't say when you allocate the time. So, it's better this way: "Usually, I allocate the month prior to an exam to prepare for it."

It looks as if I suddenly disappear from society.

I might reply in slowly on WhatsApp or t, Twitter or FB even, sometimes not even replying at all.

I might not going out with my friends.

S..., though some of them do come to my place forover to checking whether I aor not I'm still alive or not.

You can connect the previous sentence to this one using "though." "Come over" is a way to say "come to my place."

In order to avoid being rude by not to responding and giving them unnecessarily worriesying them, I change my icon on my profilprofile picture.

That icon says: Allison is super duper busy atwith exams.” EBut even that sometimes frienden, my friends will sometimes ask me to going out or visiting my place, especially on the weekends.

I saw in the other comment that people say to avoid "but" and "however" in the beginning of sentences. I was told that in elementary school as well. I think you should try to stick with it too. Just a thing to keep in mind though, this is not a strict rule. You follow it when you learn the language, but you learn when you can break it. It is perfectly fine to use "but" and "however" in the beginning of sentences. It has a different nuance and style than when used as a conjunction. You just have to learn when it is best to use those conjunctions as sentence starters. I just don't want you to be like me, convinced into thinking that it is not acceptable to use "but," "however" and any other conjunctions this way when that is just not true at all.


Didn’t they notice my icon?

AreDo they enjoy my company that much?/Do they wanting to see me that much?

Usually, for a humorous line like this, people would say something like: "You must really enjoy my company, huh." To "enjoy someone's company" means to like being around someone.

Or justperhaps they are just being selfish?

I put a dry smile on my face and politely decline.

Or: "Putting a dry smile on my face, I politely decline."

I still love them, but I don’t want to stop thinking or writing once I started my essay or assignments until my hands stop writing., I don't want to stop working until everything is completed

I just rephrase dthings here so it's less awkward.

But yeah, same here. Once I set myself to an assignment, I try my best to not cut it halfway. I always end up doing work for many hours straight, but it works out in the end I guess.

If I stopped, my ideas or thoughts gone somewhere and I can never recall them.

Refer to the other commenter about "train of though." I like what was said there, haha.

I might not be so active in January, but I’mll still alive on this website.

"I will" instead of "I am" since January is still in the future at the time of writing.

I want to correct,do more corrections, but the problem is that corrections hasve to be done atll in one timego.

Once a correction has started, it can’t send in the middle of thatuncompleted.

If you aren't replying to comments, the corrections themselves can be saved in a draft actually.

Anyway, I’ll try best bothto work on these journals and exam(the exam)/exams. :)

Thanks for reading until the end.

allison's avatar

Dec. 30, 2022


I am really appreciate those who corrected my journals Ep.1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.

I like—, I read—, I appreciate—, all the same?
My mind was between which I should take, appreciate or grateful…
In the case grateful, should I put “am”?

allison's avatar

Dec. 30, 2022


Those corrections and advices given are invaluable and significantto me.

Invaluable! Nice word. At a grace, I thought it has opposite meaning since “in” means not.
I checked and I liked it. I got new vocabulary today. Thank you.

allison's avatar

Dec. 30, 2022


I am thinking I’m going to writeof writing about “my favourite quotes” next.

I see… I take “thinking” then. Thank you for the explanation.

allison's avatar

Dec. 30, 2022


AreDo they enjoy my company that much?/Do they wanting to see me that much?

Humorous line? Did you get that from this sentence? Yes, I wanted something funny, but on the other hand, I was afraid that it sounded arrogant. What people think humorous might be different respectively or culturally. It seems it worked for this sentence even my sentence was wrong, you caught the meaning behind. Trial and error works here. Very nice! Thank for introducing me a new phrase.

allison's avatar

Dec. 30, 2022


Once a correction has started, it can’t send in the middle of thatuncompleted.

Oh, is there draft function? I didn’t know that. I’ll explore this website later.

Ep. 6: Exam vs jJournal

I am really appreciateive of those who corrected my journals, Ep.1,2,3,4, and -5.

Actually, I didn’t expect that I cwould receive corrections like thiso detailed one.

subjunctive case

Those corrections and pieces of advices are valuable and significant.

Since those are individually tailored instructions, I can find ithem nowhere but here.

"Instructions" is plural so it requires a plural pronoun.

I am truly satisfied with the corrections for my kanji stories.

This isey are very practical.

You're still talking about the corrections which is plural so, again, it requires a plural pronoun.

I am thinking I’m going to write “about writing about my favourite quotes”ations next.

"Favorite" is how we spell it in the US.

It will not be finish one episodeed in one journal entry.

Episodes are more for television programs.

I have mMany nice quoteations come up myto mind.

I can’t choose one.

But before that, however, I have quarterly exam ons the first week of February.

We avoid beginning a sentence with "but" or "however" in written English.

Usually, I allocate one month forto preparinge for exams.

It looks as if I suddenly disappear from society.

I might reply in slow oly in WhatsApp or tTwitter or FB evenand sometimes notI don't even replying.

I might not going out with my friends.

A verb which follows a helper verb like "might" always takes the infinitive form.

Some of them do come to my place forvisit me to checking whether I am still alive or not.

In order to avoid being rude by not to responding and givworrying them unnecessary worriesily, I change my icon on my profile.


That icon says, "Allison is super duper busy atbecause of exam.”s." Even thatwhen I do that friends still sometimes friends ask me to going out or visiting (my place) especially on weekends.

If a verb follows "to," it always is in the infinitive form.


Didn’t they notice my icon?

Are they wanting me that much?

Or justare they arejust being selfish?

I put a dry smile on my face and politely decline.


I still love them but I don’t want to stop thinking or writing once I started my essay or assignments until my hands stop writingthey're done.

If I stopped, my ideas or thoughts gone somewhere else and I can never recalllaim them.

I might not be so active in January, but I’m still alctive on this website.

I want to correct, t. The problem is correctionthat each edit has to be done at one time.

No, it doesn't. The website saves it for later correction.

Once correction has started, itI've started to correct, I can't send it in the middle of thatcorrecting.

Anyway, I’ll try my best on both the journal and exams. :)

Thanks for reading until the end.



allison's avatar

Dec. 30, 2022


Ep. 6: Exam vs jJournal

Oopsie! I did it again! Thank you so much. I remembered this until very last minutes before started writing for sure… ほんとうです笑
You never overlook. Wow! Good teacher! Thank you.

allison's avatar

Dec. 30, 2022


Since those are individually tailored instructions, I can find ithem nowhere but here.

Yes, true!! I was very close! Haha.

allison's avatar

Dec. 30, 2022


But before that, however, I have quarterly exam ons the first week of February.

Yes. This is 母語の影響. It happens often. I should’ve been careful more. Thanks for pointing out.

allison's avatar

Dec. 30, 2022


I want to correct, t. The problem is correctionthat each edit has to be done at one time.

Oh, it does? I’m still not used to this website. Thank you. I’ll look for that function. I need it. My correction tend to be long explanation.

I am really appreciate those who corrected my journals Ep.1,2,3,4, and 5.

Actually, I didn’t expect that I could receive corrections likthat are this detailed one.

saying "this [adjective]" is a some what informal way of saying that something is unexpectedly something. an example could be "i didn't know this food would be this delicious". i made a half-guess on what you were trying to say, so if you weren't trying to say this, i apologize!

Those corrections and advices are valuable and significant.

Since those are individually tailored instructions, I can only find it nowhere but here.

I am thinking I’m going to write about my favourite quotes next.

It will not finishbe just one episode.

I have many nice quotes come up mythat come to mind.

I can’t choose just one.

Usually, I allocate one month forto preparinge for exams.

I might reply in slowly on WhatsApp or t, Twitter or FB even, sometimes not replying at all.

I might not going out with my friends.

Some of them doactually come to my place forto checking whether if I am still alive or not.

In order to avoid being rude by not to responding and giving them unnecessary worries, I change my icon on my profile.

That icon says “ Allison is super duper busy at exam.” Even thaten, sometimes friends ask me to going out, or visiting my placecome around to visit, especially on weekends.

Are they wantmissing me that much?

I still love them but I don’t want to stop thinking or writing once I started my essay or assignments until my hands stop writing.

If I stopped, my ideasI lose my train orf thoughts gone somewhere and I can never recall themget it back.

"losing my train of thought" is a common phrase in english, it basically means losing your ideas or thoughts and forgetting what you were thinking about

I might not so active in January, but I’m still alive on this website.

Anyway I’ll try best at both my journals and exams :)

allison's avatar

Dec. 28, 2022


If I stopped, my ideasI lose my train orf thoughts gone somewhere and I can never recall themget it back.

Ohhhhh!! There’s a phrase!? Is it called idiom? This is exactly what I wanted to describe!! Thank you so much for letting me know this phrase :) very useful!!

allison's avatar

Dec. 28, 2022


Thank you for the correction:)

Ep. 6: Exam vs journal

Ep. 6: Exam vs jJournal

Ep. 6: Exam vs jJournal

I am really appreciate those who corrected my journal Ep.1,2,3,4, and 5.

I am really appreciate those who corrected my journals Ep.1,2,3,4, and 5.

I am really appreciateive of those who corrected my journals, Ep.1,2,3,4, and -5.

I am really appreciate those who corrected my journals Ep.1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.

Actually, I didn’t expect that I could receive corrections like this detailed one.

Actually, I didn’t expect that I could receive corrections likthat are this detailed one.

saying "this [adjective]" is a some what informal way of saying that something is unexpectedly something. an example could be "i didn't know this food would be this delicious". i made a half-guess on what you were trying to say, so if you weren't trying to say this, i apologize!

Actually, I didn’t expect that I cwould receive corrections like thiso detailed one.

subjunctive case

Actually, I didn’t expect that I cwould receive corrections like this detailed onesuch detailed corrections.

Those corrections and advices are valuable and significant.

Those corrections and advices are valuable and significant.

Those corrections and pieces of advices are valuable and significant.

Those corrections and advices given are invaluable and significantto me.

"Valuable and significant" means that they have great meaning to you. "Invaluable" is probably a better word, and it means to be of great use, indispensable.

Since those are individually tailored instructions, I can find it nowhere but here.

Since those are individually tailored instructions, I can only find it nowhere but here.

Since those are individually tailored instructions, I can find ithem nowhere but here.

"Instructions" is plural so it requires a plural pronoun.

Since those are individually tailored instructions, I can find ithem nowhere but herelse.

I am truly satisfied with the corrections for kanji stories.

I am truly satisfied with the corrections for my kanji stories.

I am truly satisfied with the corrections for the kanji stories.

This is very practical.

This isey are very practical.

You're still talking about the corrections which is plural so, again, it requires a plural pronoun.

I am thinking I’m going to write “my favourite quotes” next.

I am thinking I’m going to write about my favourite quotes next.

I am thinking I’m going to write “about writing about my favourite quotes”ations next.

"Favorite" is how we spell it in the US.

I am thinking I’m going to writeof writing about “my favourite quotes” next.

Or, you can also say: "I think I'm going to write about 'my favourite quotes' next." "Thinking" means that you are still considering doing this topic. "Think" means that you have already decided on the topic and may or may not go through with that topic. Choose the one that fits your intention more.

It will not finish one episode.

It will not finishbe just one episode.

It will not be finish one episodeed in one journal entry.

Episodes are more for television programs.

It will not be finish one episodeed with just one episode as I have many nice quotes that come to mind.

Combining the next sentence with this one.

I have many nice quotes come up my mind.

I have many nice quotes come up mythat come to mind.

I have mMany nice quoteations come up myto mind.

I can’t choose one.

I can’t choose just one.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I can’t choose only one.

"Only" emphsaizes the fact that you can't choose one.

But before that, I have quarterly exam on first week of February.

But before that, however, I have quarterly exam ons the first week of February.

We avoid beginning a sentence with "but" or "however" in written English.

But before that, I have a quarterly exam on the first week of February.

Or, if you have multiple: "But before that, I have quarterly exams on the first week of February."

Usually I allocate one month for preparing for exam.

Usually, I allocate one month forto preparinge for exams.

Usually, I allocate one month forto preparinge for exams.

Usually, I allocate one month forto preparing for exams.

Fixed the grammar here, but it seems off since you don't say when you allocate the time. So, it's better this way: "Usually, I allocate the month prior to an exam to prepare for it."

It looks I suddenly disappear from society.

It looks as if I suddenly disappear from society.

It looks as if I suddenly disappear from society.

I might reply in slow on WhatsApp or twitter or FB even sometimes not replying.

I might reply in slowly on WhatsApp or t, Twitter or FB even, sometimes not replying at all.

I might reply in slow oly in WhatsApp or tTwitter or FB evenand sometimes notI don't even replying.

I might reply in slowly on WhatsApp or t, Twitter or FB even, sometimes not even replying at all.

I might not going out with my friends.

I might not going out with my friends.

I might not going out with my friends.

A verb which follows a helper verb like "might" always takes the infinitive form.

I might not going out with my friends.

Some of them do come to my place for checking whether I am still alive or not.

Some of them doactually come to my place forto checking whether if I am still alive or not.

Some of them do come to my place forvisit me to checking whether I am still alive or not.

S..., though some of them do come to my place forover to checking whether I aor not I'm still alive or not.

You can connect the previous sentence to this one using "though." "Come over" is a way to say "come to my place."

In order to avoid being rude not to respond and giving them unnecessary worries, I change my icon on my profile.

In order to avoid being rude by not to responding and giving them unnecessary worries, I change my icon on my profile.

In order to avoid being rude by not to responding and givworrying them unnecessary worriesily, I change my icon on my profile.


In order to avoid being rude by not to responding and giving them unnecessarily worriesying them, I change my icon on my profilprofile picture.

That icon says “ Allison is super duper busy at exam.” Even that sometimes friends ask me to going out or visiting my place especially weekends.

That icon says “ Allison is super duper busy at exam.” Even thaten, sometimes friends ask me to going out, or visiting my placecome around to visit, especially on weekends.

That icon says, "Allison is super duper busy atbecause of exam.”s." Even thatwhen I do that friends still sometimes friends ask me to going out or visiting (my place) especially on weekends.

If a verb follows "to," it always is in the infinitive form.

That icon says: Allison is super duper busy atwith exams.” EBut even that sometimes frienden, my friends will sometimes ask me to going out or visiting my place, especially on the weekends.

I saw in the other comment that people say to avoid "but" and "however" in the beginning of sentences. I was told that in elementary school as well. I think you should try to stick with it too. Just a thing to keep in mind though, this is not a strict rule. You follow it when you learn the language, but you learn when you can break it. It is perfectly fine to use "but" and "however" in the beginning of sentences. It has a different nuance and style than when used as a conjunction. You just have to learn when it is best to use those conjunctions as sentence starters. I just don't want you to be like me, convinced into thinking that it is not acceptable to use "but," "however" and any other conjunctions this way when that is just not true at all.


This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Didn’t they notice my icon?

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Are they wanting me that much?

Are they wantmissing me that much?

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

AreDo they enjoy my company that much?/Do they wanting to see me that much?

Usually, for a humorous line like this, people would say something like: "You must really enjoy my company, huh." To "enjoy someone's company" means to like being around someone.

Or just they are being selfish?

Or justare they arejust being selfish?

Or justperhaps they are just being selfish?

I put dry smile on my face and politely decline.

I put a dry smile on my face and politely decline.

I put a dry smile on my face and politely decline.

Or: "Putting a dry smile on my face, I politely decline."


This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I still love them but I don’t want to stop thinking or writing once I started my essay or assignments until my hands stop writing.

I still love them but I don’t want to stop thinking or writing once I started my essay or assignments until my hands stop writing.

I still love them but I don’t want to stop thinking or writing once I started my essay or assignments until my hands stop writingthey're done.

I still love them, but I don’t want to stop thinking or writing once I started my essay or assignments until my hands stop writing., I don't want to stop working until everything is completed

I just rephrase dthings here so it's less awkward. But yeah, same here. Once I set myself to an assignment, I try my best to not cut it halfway. I always end up doing work for many hours straight, but it works out in the end I guess.

If I stopped, my ideas or thoughts gone somewhere and I can never recall them.

If I stopped, my ideasI lose my train orf thoughts gone somewhere and I can never recall themget it back.

"losing my train of thought" is a common phrase in english, it basically means losing your ideas or thoughts and forgetting what you were thinking about

If I stopped, my ideas or thoughts gone somewhere else and I can never recalllaim them.

If I stopped, my ideas or thoughts gone somewhere and I can never recall them.

Refer to the other commenter about "train of though." I like what was said there, haha.

I might not so active in January, but I’m still alive on this website.

I might not so active in January, but I’m still alive on this website.

I might not be so active in January, but I’m still alctive on this website.

I might not be so active in January, but I’mll still alive on this website.

"I will" instead of "I am" since January is still in the future at the time of writing.

I want to correct, the problem is correction has to be done at one time.

I want to correct, t. The problem is correctionthat each edit has to be done at one time.

No, it doesn't. The website saves it for later correction.

I want to correct,do more corrections, but the problem is that corrections hasve to be done atll in one timego.

Once correction has started, it can’t send in the middle of that.

Once correction has started, itI've started to correct, I can't send it in the middle of thatcorrecting.

Once a correction has started, it can’t send in the middle of thatuncompleted.

If you aren't replying to comments, the corrections themselves can be saved in a draft actually.

Anyway I’ll try best both journal and exam :)

Anyway I’ll try best at both my journals and exams :)

Anyway, I’ll try my best on both the journal and exams. :)

Anyway, I’ll try best bothto work on these journals and exam(the exam)/exams. :)

Thanks for reading until the end.

Thanks for reading until the end.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

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