allison's avatar

Dec. 25, 2022

Ep. 5: Kanji Tidbit

I introduced kanji 園, garden, and 船, ship in previous two episodes.
This is the third. And final kanji story. I don’t have anymore.
Let’s start shall we?

Could we please imagine that we are in the garden?
Now, you can see tree (木).
It is located centre of the garden.
Let me see, there is two trees!(木, 木)
Look at that!
Can you see there are delicious-looking fruits are growing on the trees?
Hummm… looks nice for food.
Shall we eat? No? Errrrr… Could I try just one please? No?
Okay, then I don’t.
Yes, we can’t eat this fruits because this is prohibited
Two trees are here 木, 木. And here’s creator 示.
Put it under the tree. Then what kanji can you see?
禁!Yes. This kanji means forbidden or to warn.
Do you know the name of trees, by the way?

And now, we go back to first kanji 園.
Can you recall that?
Do you remember the two people inside enclosure?
Actually, they ate fruits, and had to leave the garden.
Now enclosure has removed. Because they were expelled from the garden.
袁 is here. No enclosure. And 遠is here, attached 辶.
遠means distance. 辶shows walk.
They must have gone for distance. They walked far far away from the garden.
Let’s revision now.
They were in the “garden”. 園
They ate fruits from tree which was “forbidden”. 禁
They had to walk away long long “distance” from the garden. 遠

Kanji is interesting.
Some recalls biblical story.
It might be far-fetched story, but still interesting.

(This is not based on academic research.)

(But I want to whisper you, “I Hope you like it”)


Ep. 5: Kanji Tidbit

Oh, that's the word you were talking about. I like it. It fits.

I introduced kanji 園, (garden,) and 船, (ship) in the previous two episodes.

AThis is the third and final kanji story.

Combining the sentence from before with this.

I don’t have anymore.

Don't need this since you said "final" in the previous part.

Let’s start(Well,) shall we begin?

Another way of saying this.

Could we pleaseLet's imagine that we are in thea garden?

"Could we please" is asking the reader to do something. But since the reader is more or less expected to imagine the garden, it is better to just say "let's imagine." Less asking and more "we will be imagining the garden right now."

Now, you can see a tree (木).

It is ...located in the centre of the garden.

You can connect to the previous sentence like this.

Let me see, there isare two trees!(木, 木)

Use 'are' when using with multiple things.

Look at that!

Can you see that there are delicious-looking fruits are growing on the trees?

Hummm… looks nice forlike some good food.

Shall we eat?


Errrrr… Ccould I try just one please?


Okay, then I dwon’t.

Yes, we can’t eat thise fruits because ithis is prohibited

Two trees are here 木, 木.

And here’s the creator 示.

Put it under the tree.

Then, what kanji can you see?


This kanji means forbidden or to warn.

Do you know the name of the trees, by the way?

And now, we go back to first kanji 園.

Can you recall that?

Do you remember the two people inside the enclosure?

Actually, they ate the fruits, and had to leave the garden.

Now, the enclosure hais removed because they were expelled from the garden.

Connecting this with the one after.

袁 is hereThis is 袁.

NoSee, there is no more enclosure.

And 遠is here, has 辶 attached.

means distance.

shows walking.

They must have gone foa far distance.

They walked far, far away from the garden.

Let’s revisione this now.

They were in the “garden.

Periods and commas go inside parenthsis.

They ate fruits from tree which was “forbidden.

They had to walk away long, long “distance” away from the garden.

Kanji is interesting.

Some recallseven resemble biblical storyies.

ItThese might be far-fetched storyies, but stillare interesting nonetheless.

"Nonetheless" is like saying "A but still true." "A but B nonetheless."

(This is not based on academic research. )

(But I want to whisper to you, “I Hhope you like it.”)

allison's avatar

Dec. 28, 2022


Ep. 5: Kanji Tidbit

Phew… finally I found a appropriate word.

allison's avatar

Dec. 28, 2022


AThis is the third and final kanji story.

Haha! This was my silly strategy.
I learned “do not abuse comma”.
So I think I have to done something.
I just put period instead comma.
(gasp)Eep! Busted?

allison's avatar

Dec. 28, 2022


I don’t have anymore.

If the listeners are kindergarten kids like 5 or 6 yrs old, can I say this? Teachers have tendency to tell them same thing different way. So i put it just for imitating teachers. Still better not?

allison's avatar

Dec. 28, 2022


Let’s start(Well,) shall we begin?

Oh!! I want to use this. It’s boring and monotonous if I keep using same phrase all the time. I’ve been that situation because it’s safe (less mistakes) besides I didn’t know alternative word. Haha. This is nice!! Thank you!

allison's avatar

Dec. 28, 2022


Could we pleaseLet's imagine that we are in thea garden?

I see. Noted. I saw somewhere “could we please” and I thought maybe just put it here. I was like let me see how. Trial and error. Thank you for the explanation. It’s useful.

allison's avatar

Dec. 28, 2022


It is ...located in the centre of the garden.

(gasp) Silly strategy again!!

allison's avatar

Dec. 28, 2022


Let me see, there isare two trees!(木, 木)

When I talk, I made lot of mistakes. Choose words wrongly or strange structure happen a lot. But friends let it slide as proceeding conversation is more important.
I write here, evidence here. I can SEE my mistakes. I really appreciate your correction. Even small mistakes , you put proper words. That is BIG help. Thank you!

allison's avatar

Dec. 28, 2022


Okay, then I dwon’t.

This is very difficult!! I have to take note and memory.

allison's avatar

Dec. 28, 2022


Then, what kanji can you see?

Comma? I’m struggling with comma now. Haha. I have to read more, write more. Then, hopefully used to it. I only know FANBOYS. For. And. Nor. But. Or. Yet. So.

allison's avatar

Dec. 28, 2022


Now, the enclosure hais removed because they were expelled from the garden.

Oh…I found tendency. When I want to use “because”, it is better to make one sentence. Then, less mistakes maybe.

allison's avatar

Dec. 28, 2022


And 遠is here, has 辶 attached.

Awww… this structure!! This is very very English-ish!! Hahaha. Someday I want to be able to write like this. Thank you.

allison's avatar

Dec. 28, 2022


They were in the “garden.

Inside, inside, inside!!
I must memorise this.
I made this mistake often.

allison's avatar

Dec. 28, 2022


ItThese might be far-fetched storyies, but stillare interesting nonetheless.

This brings me back to school days!! I saw this. Long time no see!! ひさしぶり!!
If I don’t use, I forget. Thank you.

allison's avatar

Dec. 28, 2022


I’m learning from you a lot.
I truly appreciate your correction and your time.

eqeos's avatar

Dec. 28, 2022


Haha! This was my silly strategy. I learned “do not abuse comma”. So I think I have to done something. I just put period instead comma. (gasp)Eep! Busted?

Haha. I mean, that could be okay, but to sound more sophisticated, you have to combine those shorter sentences to make more complex ones.

eqeos's avatar

Dec. 28, 2022


When I talk, I made lot of mistakes. Choose words wrongly or strange structure happen a lot. But friends let it slide as proceeding conversation is more important. I write here, evidence here. I can SEE my mistakes. I really appreciate your correction. Even small mistakes , you put proper words. That is BIG help. Thank you!

Yeah, writing has that advantage for sure. You can also try asking your friends (if they are native English speakers) to correct your mistakes for you.

eqeos's avatar

Dec. 28, 2022


Comma? I’m struggling with comma now. Haha. I have to read more, write more. Then, hopefully used to it. I only know FANBOYS. For. And. Nor. But. Or. Yet. So.

Yeah, there are a lot of rules. Personally, I’m not good with the names of each rule nor can I explain them properly (sorry about that). I studied grammar, but only memorized how to use it. I still had to go through grammar textbooks in high school even as a native speaker!

eqeos's avatar

Dec. 28, 2022


I’m learning from you a lot. I truly appreciate your correction and your time.

Don’t mention it! You give me detailed corrections all the time, so I’m only returning the favor.

allison's avatar

Dec. 28, 2022


Haha. I mean, that could be okay, but to sound more sophisticated, you have to combine those shorter sentences to make more complex ones.

Sophisticated!! Aw! Such a sweet word!! I want to adopt that atmosphere definitely!!
Please teach me sophisticated and elegant way of writing!! Hahaha. Just kidding :)

allison's avatar

Dec. 28, 2022


Yeah, there are a lot of rules. Personally, I’m not good with the names of each rule nor can I explain them properly (sorry about that). I studied grammar, but only memorized how to use it. I still had to go through grammar textbooks in high school even as a native speaker!

Speaking no need comma. That’s why. I just realised it! hahaha. I didn’t know comma is that difficult!

I introduced the kanji 園, (garden), and 船, the kanji 船 (ship), in previous two episodes.

purely stylistic, most sites that teach kanji online and/or textbooks use this type of sentence

This is the third, and final kanji story.

i couldn't find a method to merge two sentence into one here, sorry! this is how most people would write it, since having "and" at the beginning of a sentence is grammatically incorrect.

And final kanji story.

I don’t have any more.

Let’s start, shall we?

Could we pleaseLet's imagine that we are in thea garden?.

if it's a request, "please imagine" also works

Now, you can see a tree (木).

It is located in the centre of the garden.

Let me see, there isare two trees!(木, 木)

Can you see there are delicious-looking fruits are growing on the trees?

Hummm… looks nice for foodtasty.

tasty isn't the only word that can be used here, and it is pretty informal. another word is "delicious"

Shallould we eat it?

Okay, then I dwon’t.

Yes, we can’t eat thisose fruits because thisat is prohibited

And now, we go back to the first kanji 園.

Can you recallRemember that?

when native english speakers ask each other if they remember something, they usually don't say "can you". we just say "remember that" or "remember this". remember is also a much more common word than recall

Do you remember the two people inside the enclosure?

Actually, they ate the fruits, and had to leave the garden.

Now the enclosure has been removed.

Because they were expelled from the garden.

i would merge this sentence and the last one to say "Now the enclosure has been removed, because they were expelled from the garden." conjunctions like "and" and "because" don't go at the beginning of sentences, they are used to join two sentences or topics together.

NThere's no enclosure.

And 遠 is here, with 辶 attached.

means distance.

show means walk.

They must have gone for distanceaway.

They walked far, far away from the garden.

Let’s revisione now.

They ate fruits from the tree, which was “forbidden”.

They had to walk away long long “distance” away from the garden.

Some recallsference biblical storyies.

It might be a far-fetched story, but it's still interesting.

(This is not based on academic research. )

(But I want to whisper to you, “I Hhope you like it”)

allison's avatar

Dec. 29, 2022


Thank you for the correction, and I’m sorry for late reply.

I introduced kanji 園, garden, and 船, ship in the two previous two episodes.

I don’t have anymore.

This sentence is redundant.

Could we please imagine that we are in thea garden?

Now, in front of you, you can see tree (木).

Needs more information.

Let me see, there isare two trees!(木, 木)

Can you see there are delicious-looking fruits are growing on the trees?

Hummm… looks nice for foodto eat.

Okay, then I dwon't.

Yes, we can’t eat thisese fruits because this iit's prohibited.

And here’s the creator 示.

PHe put it under the tree.

Needs subject

Actually, they ate some fruits, and then had to leave the garden.

Now the enclosure has been removed.

shows means to walk.

They must have gone foar distanceaway.

Let’s revisione now.


Good job.

allison's avatar

Dec. 28, 2022


I don’t have anymore.

If the listeners are kindergarten kids like 5 or 6 yrs old, can I say this? Teachers have tendency to tell same thing different way.

allison's avatar

Dec. 28, 2022


Could we please imagine that we are in thea garden?

Listeners have learned about “garden” in previous class. Is it okay to say “the” to imply that garden that they learned before?

allison's avatar

Dec. 28, 2022


Thank you for the corrections!!

Put it under the tree.

PHe put it under the tree.

Needs subject

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Ep. 5: Kanji Tidbit

Ep. 5: Kanji Tidbit

Oh, that's the word you were talking about. I like it. It fits.

I introduced kanji 園, garden, and 船, ship in previous two episodes.

I introduced kanji 園, garden, and 船, ship in the two previous two episodes.

I introduced the kanji 園, (garden), and 船, the kanji 船 (ship), in previous two episodes.

purely stylistic, most sites that teach kanji online and/or textbooks use this type of sentence

I introduced kanji 園, (garden,) and 船, (ship) in the previous two episodes.

This is the third.

This is the third, and final kanji story.

i couldn't find a method to merge two sentence into one here, sorry! this is how most people would write it, since having "and" at the beginning of a sentence is grammatically incorrect.

And final kanji story.

And final kanji story.

AThis is the third and final kanji story.

Combining the sentence from before with this.

I don’t have anymore.

I don’t have anymore.

This sentence is redundant.

I don’t have any more.

I don’t have anymore.

Don't need this since you said "final" in the previous part.

Let’s start shall we?

Let’s start, shall we?

Let’s start(Well,) shall we begin?

Another way of saying this.

Could we please imagine that we are in the garden?

Could we please imagine that we are in thea garden?

Could we pleaseLet's imagine that we are in thea garden?.

if it's a request, "please imagine" also works

Could we pleaseLet's imagine that we are in thea garden?

"Could we please" is asking the reader to do something. But since the reader is more or less expected to imagine the garden, it is better to just say "let's imagine." Less asking and more "we will be imagining the garden right now."

Now, you can see tree (木).

Now, in front of you, you can see tree (木).

Needs more information.

Now, you can see a tree (木).

Now, you can see a tree (木).

It is located centre of the garden.

It is located in the centre of the garden.

It is ...located in the centre of the garden.

You can connect to the previous sentence like this.

Let me see, there is two trees!(木, 木)

Let me see, there isare two trees!(木, 木)

Let me see, there isare two trees!(木, 木)

Let me see, there isare two trees!(木, 木)

Use 'are' when using with multiple things.

Look at that!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Can you see there are delicious-looking fruits are growing on the trees?

Can you see there are delicious-looking fruits are growing on the trees?

Can you see there are delicious-looking fruits are growing on the trees?

Can you see that there are delicious-looking fruits are growing on the trees?

Hummm… looks nice for food.

Hummm… looks nice for foodto eat.

Hummm… looks nice for foodtasty.

tasty isn't the only word that can be used here, and it is pretty informal. another word is "delicious"

Hummm… looks nice forlike some good food.

Shall we eat?

Shallould we eat it?

This sentence has been marked as perfect!


This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Errrrr… Could I try just one please?

Errrrr… Ccould I try just one please?


This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Okay, then I don’t.

Okay, then I dwon't.

Okay, then I dwon’t.

Okay, then I dwon’t.

Yes, we can’t eat this fruits because this is prohibited

Yes, we can’t eat thisese fruits because this iit's prohibited.

Yes, we can’t eat thisose fruits because thisat is prohibited

Yes, we can’t eat thise fruits because ithis is prohibited

Two trees are here 木, 木.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

And here’s creator 示.

And here’s the creator 示.

And here’s the creator 示.

Then what kanji can you see?

Then, what kanji can you see?


This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This kanji means forbidden or to warn.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Do you know the name of trees, by the way?

Do you know the name of the trees, by the way?

And now, we go back to first kanji 園.

And now, we go back to the first kanji 園.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Can you recall that?

Can you recallRemember that?

when native english speakers ask each other if they remember something, they usually don't say "can you". we just say "remember that" or "remember this". remember is also a much more common word than recall

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Do you remember the two people inside enclosure?

Do you remember the two people inside the enclosure?

Do you remember the two people inside the enclosure?

Actually, they ate fruits, and had to leave the garden.

Actually, they ate some fruits, and then had to leave the garden.

Actually, they ate the fruits, and had to leave the garden.

Actually, they ate the fruits, and had to leave the garden.

Now enclosure has removed.

Now the enclosure has been removed.

Now the enclosure has been removed.

Now, the enclosure hais removed because they were expelled from the garden.

Connecting this with the one after.

Because they were expelled from the garden.

Because they were expelled from the garden.

i would merge this sentence and the last one to say "Now the enclosure has been removed, because they were expelled from the garden." conjunctions like "and" and "because" don't go at the beginning of sentences, they are used to join two sentences or topics together.

袁 is here.

袁 is hereThis is 袁.

No enclosure.

NThere's no enclosure.

NoSee, there is no more enclosure.

And 遠is here, attached 辶.

And 遠 is here, with 辶 attached.

And 遠is here, has 辶 attached.

遠means distance.

means distance.

means distance.

辶shows walk.

shows means to walk.

show means walk.

shows walking.

They must have gone for distance.

They must have gone foar distanceaway.

They must have gone for distanceaway.

They must have gone foa far distance.

They walked far far away from the garden.

They walked far, far away from the garden.

They walked far, far away from the garden.

Let’s revision now.

Let’s revisione now.

Let’s revisione now.

Let’s revisione this now.

They were in the “garden”.

They were in the “garden.

Periods and commas go inside parenthsis.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

They ate fruits from tree which was “forbidden”.

They ate fruits from the tree, which was “forbidden”.

They ate fruits from tree which was “forbidden.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

They had to walk away long long “distance” from the garden.

They had to walk away long long “distance” away from the garden.

They had to walk away long, long “distance” away from the garden.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Kanji is interesting.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Some recalls biblical story.

Some recallsference biblical storyies.

Some recallseven resemble biblical storyies.

It might be far-fetched story, but still interesting.

It might be a far-fetched story, but it's still interesting.

ItThese might be far-fetched storyies, but stillare interesting nonetheless.

"Nonetheless" is like saying "A but still true." "A but B nonetheless."

(This is not based on academic research. )

(This is not based on academic research. )

(This is not based on academic research. )

(But I want to whisper you, “I Hope you like it”)

(But I want to whisper to you, “I Hhope you like it”)

(But I want to whisper to you, “I Hhope you like it.”)

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