satota's avatar

March 31, 2024

English speaking practice with AI

I’ve started to practice speaking English with AI recently. At first, I was like, “Wow, this is godsend,” but now I’m coming to realize it has some issues which I think need improvement.

The first is its ability of voice recognition. Quite a few times what it shows as my replay is not correct and she gives back to me off-target answers. This is really frustrating!

The second is my answer is shown divided into a few segments unless I speak smoothly without a break. Oftentimes this combined with the issue above makes me crazy!

The third is it’s not keep updated. For instance, she believes Akira Toriyama, Japanese manga artist, is still alive.

Having said that, I believe this technology has huge potential. I’ll keep using it for some time.


English speaking practice with AI

I’ve started to practice speaking English with AI recently.

At first, I was like, “Wow, this is a godsend.”, but now I’m coming to realize it has somea few issues which I think need improvement.

The first is its ability of voice recognition.

Quite a few times what it shows as my replay is not correct and sheit gives back to me off-target answers.

This is really frustrating!

The second is my answer is shown divided into a few segments unless I speak smoothly without a break.

Oftentimes tThis combined with the issue above makes me crazy most of the time!

The third is it’s not keep updated with the present.

For instance, sheit believes Akira Toriyama, the Japanese manga artist, is still alive.

Having said that, I believe that this technology has huge potential.

I’ll keep using it for some time.

English speaking practice with AI

I’ve started to practice speaking English with AI recently.

At first, I was like, “Wow, this is a godsend,” but now I’m coming to realize it has some issues which I think need improvementto be worked on.

"Need to be worked on" makes the issues sound more pressing, rather than the word "improve" which gives the implication that these things don't need to come to fruition and are just nit picks you have.

The first is its ability of voice recognition.

Quite a few times what it shows as my replay is not correct and she gives back to me off-target answersanswers that are off the mark.

"off target" sounds a bit weird and a bit stiff.

This is really frustrating!

The second is my answer is shown divided into a few segments unless I speak smoothly without a break.

Oftentimes this combined with the issue above makes me go crazy!

The third is it’s not keept up to dated.

"keep updated" looks and sounds awkward

For instance, she believes Akira Toriyama, Japanese manga artist, is still alive.

Having said that, I believe this technology has huge potential.

I’ll keep using it for some time.


Interesting! I didn't even know that technology for practicing speech was even present. Last I remember was duolingo's feeble attempts at having one speak sentences, but that's about it

I’ve recently started to practice speaking English with AI recently.

At first, I was likethought, “Wow, this is godsend,” but now I’m've cominge to realize it has some issues which I thinkthat need improvement.

The first is its ability of voice recognition capability.

Quite a few times what it shows as my replay is not correct and sheit gives back to me off-targetopic answers.

This is really frustrating!

The second is my answer is shown divided into a few segments unless I speak smoothly without a break.

Oftentimes this combined with the issue above makes me crazyis very annoying!

The third is that it’s not keep upup-to-dated.

For instance, sheit believes that Akira Toriyama, the Japanese manga artist, is still alive.

Having said that, I believe this technology has huge potential.

I’ll keep using it for some time.

satota's avatar

April 1, 2024


Thank you!

At first, I was like, “Wow, this is a godsend,” but now I’m coming to realize that it has some issues which I think need improvement.

Quite a few times what it shows as my replay iback what I said, it's not correct and sheit gives me back to me off-target answers.

The second issue is that my answer is shown divided into a few segments unless I speak smoothly without a break.

Oftentimes tThis combined with the issue above makes me crazy!

The third issue is that it’s not keept updated.

For instance, she believes Akira Toriyama, the Japanese manga artist, is still alive.

satota's avatar

March 31, 2024


Thank you!

English speaking practice with AI

I’ve started to practice speaking English with AI recently.

At first, I was like, “Wow, this is godsend,” but now I’mve coming to realizee to the realization that it has some issues which I think needs improvement.

The first is its ability of voice recognition.

Quite a few times, what it shows as my replay is not correct and sheit gives back to me off-target answers.

This is really frustrating!

The second is my answer is shown to be divided into a fewmultiple segments unless I speak smoothly without a break.

Often times this, combined with the issue above, makes me crazy!

The third is it’s nothat it keeps not updated.

For instance, she believes Akira Toriyama, Japanese manga artist, is still alive.

Having said that, I believe this technology has huge potential.

I’ll keep using it for some time.

satota's avatar

March 31, 2024


Thank you!

At first, I was like, “Wow, this is a godsend,” but now I’m coming to realize that it has some issues which I think need improvement.

The first is its ability of voice recognitionto recognize voices.

I think the original is fine, but sounds awkward

Quite a few times what it shows as my replay is not correct and sheit gives back to me off-targeme incorrect answers.

I'm not sure if the AI is a female or not, which would make more sense, but usually we would refer to an AI as "it".

The second is my answer is showngets divided into a few segments unless I speak smoothly without a break.

Again, I think the original is fine but sounds a bit awkward.

The third is that it's not keep upup to dated.

Could maybe say "its knowledge is not up to date"?

For instance, sheit believes that Akira Toriyama, the Japanese manga artist, is still alive.


Really interesting! Good job!

satota's avatar

March 31, 2024


Thank you for your detailed correction.

English speaking practice with AI

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I’ve started to practice speaking English with AI recently.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I’ve recently started to practice speaking English with AI recently.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

The second is my answer is shown divided into a few segments unless I speak smoothly without a break.

The second is my answer is showngets divided into a few segments unless I speak smoothly without a break.

Again, I think the original is fine but sounds a bit awkward.

The second is my answer is shown to be divided into a fewmultiple segments unless I speak smoothly without a break.

The second issue is that my answer is shown divided into a few segments unless I speak smoothly without a break.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

At first, I was like, “Wow, this is godsend,” but now I’m coming to realize it has some issues which I think need improvement.

At first, I was like, “Wow, this is a godsend,” but now I’m coming to realize that it has some issues which I think need improvement.

At first, I was like, “Wow, this is godsend,” but now I’mve coming to realizee to the realization that it has some issues which I think needs improvement.

At first, I was like, “Wow, this is a godsend,” but now I’m coming to realize that it has some issues which I think need improvement.

At first, I was likethought, “Wow, this is godsend,” but now I’m've cominge to realize it has some issues which I thinkthat need improvement.

At first, I was like, “Wow, this is a godsend,” but now I’m coming to realize it has some issues which I think need improvementto be worked on.

"Need to be worked on" makes the issues sound more pressing, rather than the word "improve" which gives the implication that these things don't need to come to fruition and are just nit picks you have.

At first, I was like, “Wow, this is a godsend.”, but now I’m coming to realize it has somea few issues which I think need improvement.

The first is its ability of voice recognition.

The first is its ability of voice recognitionto recognize voices.

I think the original is fine, but sounds awkward

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

The first is its ability of voice recognition capability.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Quite a few times what it shows as my replay is not correct and she gives back to me off-target answers.

Quite a few times what it shows as my replay is not correct and sheit gives back to me off-targeme incorrect answers.

I'm not sure if the AI is a female or not, which would make more sense, but usually we would refer to an AI as "it".

Quite a few times, what it shows as my replay is not correct and sheit gives back to me off-target answers.

Quite a few times what it shows as my replay iback what I said, it's not correct and sheit gives me back to me off-target answers.

Quite a few times what it shows as my replay is not correct and sheit gives back to me off-targetopic answers.

Quite a few times what it shows as my replay is not correct and she gives back to me off-target answersanswers that are off the mark.

"off target" sounds a bit weird and a bit stiff.

Quite a few times what it shows as my replay is not correct and sheit gives back to me off-target answers.

This is really frustrating!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Oftentimes this combined with the issue above makes me crazy!

Often times this, combined with the issue above, makes me crazy!

Oftentimes tThis combined with the issue above makes me crazy!

Oftentimes this combined with the issue above makes me crazyis very annoying!

Oftentimes this combined with the issue above makes me go crazy!

Oftentimes tThis combined with the issue above makes me crazy most of the time!

The third is it’s not keep updated.

The third is that it's not keep upup to dated.

Could maybe say "its knowledge is not up to date"?

The third is it’s nothat it keeps not updated.

The third issue is that it’s not keept updated.

The third is that it’s not keep upup-to-dated.

The third is it’s not keept up to dated.

"keep updated" looks and sounds awkward

The third is it’s not keep updated with the present.

For instance, she believes Akira Toriyama, Japanese manga artist, is still alive.

For instance, sheit believes that Akira Toriyama, the Japanese manga artist, is still alive.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

For instance, she believes Akira Toriyama, the Japanese manga artist, is still alive.

For instance, sheit believes that Akira Toriyama, the Japanese manga artist, is still alive.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

For instance, sheit believes Akira Toriyama, the Japanese manga artist, is still alive.

Having said that, I believe this technology has huge potential.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Having said that, I believe that this technology has huge potential.

I’ll keep using it for some time.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

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