asfero's avatar

Oct. 21, 2024

Eleventh Step to Improving my Academic Writing

How does my mother tongue affect writing?
Difference mistakes in English can be caused by effect of native language. The situation can be deepened in case when students try to avoid particular unknown grammar. Students have been making mistakes a long time and cannot recognize them as well. This process is called fossilization. All those difficulties do not contribute to development of language skills. For counteracting these problems students should to analyze which parts of mother tongue are similar to English and which are not. The first area where those types of mistakes are manifested is grammar. For example, the articles do not exist in my mother tongue. We do not have such big variety of tenses, we have only three: simple, past, future. People do not attach any importance to the particular word order in my country. I have found data. According to them seventy five percent of world language have a base ‘Subject – Verb – Object’ order (it is not my case obviously). So, ones my text was corrected with recommendation “create a strong sentence, using ‘Subject + predicate’ order” (I really appreciate to author for this). However, in my country we use inflection to show ‘who is doing what to whom, how and why’. All words are collected in one sentence. As a result I recognize that use very long sentences when I am writing in English. If I want to make them much more natural, I have to cut or separate them. The second area is a vocabulary. I am not a linguist and cannot explain how my native and English languages are connected. Time-to-time I look up words with similar mining in a dictionaries. It would be much easy to memorize new words if there were more such words. I guess that foreign students have lots of confuse with spelling. English language has incredible amount of words where spelling is not the same as pronunciation. At the end I want to add that applying of collocation could be a very useful instrument for making well created sentences. It allows not translating every single word. By using collocation students can make their texts more natural.


Eleventh Step to Improving my Academic Writing

How does my mother tongue affect my writing?

Differencet mistakes in English can be caused by the effect of one's native language.

The situation can be deepened in caseexacerbated when students try to avoid particular unknown grammartical structures.

Students have been making mistakes a long time and cannot recognize them as well.

or "...cannot easily recognize them."

This process is called fossilization.

All thoese difficulties do not contribute to the development of language skills.

ForTo counteracting these problems, students should to analyze which parts of their mother tongue are similar to English and which are not.

The first area where thoese types of mistakes are manifested is grammar.

More natural.

For example, the articles do not exist in my mother tongue.

We do not have such big variety of tenses, we have only three: simple, past, and future.

"wide variety" is a bit more natural.

People do not attach any importance to the particular word order in my country.

I have found data.

According to them, seventy five percent of world languages have a base ‘Subject – Verb – Object’ order (it is not my casthe case in my native language obviously).

"Data" is weird in English, and "According to them" is technically correct. Nonetheless, "data" is often treated as singular, so "According to it" feels a bit more natural, even though it's incorrect.

To avoid this sort of conundrum, you could restructure like "According to some data that I found, ..."

So, ones of my texts was corrected with the recommendation “create a strong sentence, using ‘Subject + predicate’ order” (I really appreciate to author forcommenter for (writing/telling me) this).

However, in my country we use inflection to show ‘who is doing what to whom, how and why’.

All the words are collected in one sentence.

As a result, I recognize that I use very long sentences when I am writing in English.

If I want to make them much more natural, I have to cut or separate them.

The second area is a vocabulary.

I am not a linguist and cannot explain how my native andlanguage and the English languages are connected.

TFrom time- to- time, I look up words with similar mieaning in a dictionaries.

It would be much easyier to memorize new words if there were more such words.

I guess that foreign students have lots of confuseusion with spelling.

The English language has an incredible amount of words where spelling is not the same as pronunciation.

Just "English", but "the English language".

At the end, I want to add that applying of collocation could be a very useful instrument for making well creafted sentences.

It allows for not translating every single word.

By using collocation, students can make their texts more natural.


In English (in linguistics), we describe the phenomenon by which one's native language affects one's learning of another language by the term "language interference". (

asfero's avatar

Oct. 23, 2024


Thank you for help and feedback
I hope to find time for reading Wikipedia :)

Difference mMistakes in English can be caused by effect ofthe differences between English and one's native language.

The situation can be deepenexacerbated in case when students try to avoid particular unknown grammar.

Students have been making mistakes for a long time and often cannot recognize them as well.

All of thoese difficulties do not contribute to the development of language skills.

Forto counteracting these problems students should to analyze which parts of their mother tongue areis similar to English and which parts are not.

People do not attach any importance to thea particular word order in my country.

According to them seventy five percent of world languages have a base ‘Subject – Verb – Object’ order (inot is notn my case obviously).

So, ones my text was corrected withsomeone corrected my text with the recommendation to “create a strong sentence, using ‘Subject + predicate’ order” (I really appreciate to author for this).

As a result I recognize that use in very long sentences when I am writing in English.

If I want to make them much more natural, I have to cut or separate them.

I am not a linguist and cannot explain how my native and English languages are connected.

Tfrom time-to-time I look up words with similar mieaning in a dictionaries.

It would be muchvery easy to memorize new words if there were more such words.

I guess that foreign students have lots of confuseion with spelling.

The English language has an incredible amount of words where spelling is not the same as pronunciation.

At the end I want to add that applying of collocation could be a very useful instrument for making well created sentences.

It allows you to not translatinge every single word.

asfero's avatar

Oct. 23, 2024


Thank you for help

People do not attach any importance to the particular word order in my country.

People do not attach any importance to thea particular word order in my country.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

All words are collected in one sentence.

All the words are collected in one sentence.

As a result I recognize that use very long sentences when I am writing in English.

As a result I recognize that use in very long sentences when I am writing in English.

As a result, I recognize that I use very long sentences when I am writing in English.

If I want to make them much more natural, I have to cut or separate them.

If I want to make them much more natural, I have to cut or separate them.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

The second area is a vocabulary.

The second area is a vocabulary.

Students have been making mistakes a long time and cannot recognize them as well.

Students have been making mistakes for a long time and often cannot recognize them as well.

Students have been making mistakes a long time and cannot recognize them as well.

or "...cannot easily recognize them."

This process is called fossilization.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

It allows not translating every single word.

It allows you to not translatinge every single word.

It allows for not translating every single word.

All those difficulties do not contribute to development of language skills.

All of thoese difficulties do not contribute to the development of language skills.

All thoese difficulties do not contribute to the development of language skills.

For counteracting these problems students should to analyze which parts of mother tongue are similar to English and which are not.

Forto counteracting these problems students should to analyze which parts of their mother tongue areis similar to English and which parts are not.

ForTo counteracting these problems, students should to analyze which parts of their mother tongue are similar to English and which are not.

The first area where those types of mistakes are manifested is grammar.

The first area where thoese types of mistakes are manifested is grammar.

More natural.

For example, the articles do not exist in my mother tongue.

For example, the articles do not exist in my mother tongue.

We do not have such big variety of tenses, we have only three: simple, past, future.

We do not have such big variety of tenses, we have only three: simple, past, and future.

"wide variety" is a bit more natural.

I have found data.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

According to them seventy five percent of world language have a base ‘Subject – Verb – Object’ order (it is not my case obviously).

According to them seventy five percent of world languages have a base ‘Subject – Verb – Object’ order (inot is notn my case obviously).

According to them, seventy five percent of world languages have a base ‘Subject – Verb – Object’ order (it is not my casthe case in my native language obviously).

"Data" is weird in English, and "According to them" is technically correct. Nonetheless, "data" is often treated as singular, so "According to it" feels a bit more natural, even though it's incorrect. To avoid this sort of conundrum, you could restructure like "According to some data that I found, ..."

So, ones my text was corrected with recommendation “create a strong sentence, using ‘Subject + predicate’ order” (I really appreciate to author for this).

So, ones my text was corrected withsomeone corrected my text with the recommendation to “create a strong sentence, using ‘Subject + predicate’ order” (I really appreciate to author for this).

So, ones of my texts was corrected with the recommendation “create a strong sentence, using ‘Subject + predicate’ order” (I really appreciate to author forcommenter for (writing/telling me) this).

However, in my country we use inflection to show ‘who is doing what to whom, how and why’.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I am not a linguist and cannot explain how my native and English languages are connected.

I am not a linguist and cannot explain how my native and English languages are connected.

I am not a linguist and cannot explain how my native andlanguage and the English languages are connected.

Time-to-time I look up words with similar mining in a dictionaries.

Tfrom time-to-time I look up words with similar mieaning in a dictionaries.

TFrom time- to- time, I look up words with similar mieaning in a dictionaries.

It would be much easy to memorize new words if there were more such words.

It would be muchvery easy to memorize new words if there were more such words.

It would be much easyier to memorize new words if there were more such words.

I guess that foreign students have lots of confuse with spelling.

I guess that foreign students have lots of confuseion with spelling.

I guess that foreign students have lots of confuseusion with spelling.

English language has incredible amount of words where spelling is not the same as pronunciation.

The English language has an incredible amount of words where spelling is not the same as pronunciation.

The English language has an incredible amount of words where spelling is not the same as pronunciation.

Just "English", but "the English language".

At the end I want to add that applying of collocation could be a very useful instrument for making well created sentences.

At the end I want to add that applying of collocation could be a very useful instrument for making well created sentences.

At the end, I want to add that applying of collocation could be a very useful instrument for making well creafted sentences.

By using collocation students can make their texts more natural.

By using collocation, students can make their texts more natural.

I am not a linguist and cannot explain how my native and English vocabularies are connected.

Eleventh Step to Improving my Academic Writing

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

How does my mother tongue affect writing?

How does my mother tongue affect my writing?

Difference mistakes in English can be caused by effect of native language.

Difference mMistakes in English can be caused by effect ofthe differences between English and one's native language.

Differencet mistakes in English can be caused by the effect of one's native language.

The situation can be deepened in case when students try to avoid particular unknown grammar.

The situation can be deepenexacerbated in case when students try to avoid particular unknown grammar.

The situation can be deepened in caseexacerbated when students try to avoid particular unknown grammartical structures.

All options are collected in one sentence.

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