frenchbeginner_02's avatar

March 4, 2024

Ecriture d'etre vegetarienne

Devenir un vegetarienne c'est un chose dur a accomplir. Normalmment, j'essaye a manger vegetarienne plus de la viande mais en ce maniere, je manque la protein qui est necessaire de grandir effectivement.


Ecriture d'etre vegeTexte sur le végétariennsme

To write about = écrire sur (something which is written is merely called "un texte")
Végétarisme = the fact of being vegetarian

Devenir un vegevégétarienne, c'est une chose dur ae à accomplir.

Accents and agreements ("une chose durE")

Normalmement, j'essaye ade manger vegeégétarienne plus de la viande mais en ce maniere, mais ce faisant, je manque lade proteéines, qui esont neécessaire de grandir effectivements pour bien grandir.

"végétarien" is here an adjective behaving as an adverb, it would have the masculine standard agreement
ce faisant = by doing so ("de cette manière" wouldn't work because you're rather describing an action, something you do, not the manner you do it)
We need several proteins, so the word is pretty much always pluralized
Explicit goal = pour/afin de (they're necessary in order to reach a specific objective)
"effectivement" here is a false friend; it means "indeed", not "effectively". A very usual way to put it is "bien grandir".
In healthy food campaign ads, children are told to eat certain types of food "pour bien grandir"

Ecriture d'etre vegetarienne

Ecriture d'etre vegeTexte sur le végétariennsme

To write about = écrire sur (something which is written is merely called "un texte") Végétarisme = the fact of being vegetarian

Devenir un vegetarienne c'est un chose dur a accomplir.

Devenir un vegevégétarienne, c'est une chose dur ae à accomplir.

Accents and agreements ("une chose durE")

Normalmment, j'essaye a manger vegetarienne plus de la viande mais en ce maniere, je manque la protein qui est necessaire de grandir effectivement.

Normalmement, j'essaye ade manger vegeégétarienne plus de la viande mais en ce maniere, mais ce faisant, je manque lade proteéines, qui esont neécessaire de grandir effectivements pour bien grandir.

"végétarien" is here an adjective behaving as an adverb, it would have the masculine standard agreement ce faisant = by doing so ("de cette manière" wouldn't work because you're rather describing an action, something you do, not the manner you do it) We need several proteins, so the word is pretty much always pluralized Explicit goal = pour/afin de (they're necessary in order to reach a specific objective) "effectivement" here is a false friend; it means "indeed", not "effectively". A very usual way to put it is "bien grandir". In healthy food campaign ads, children are told to eat certain types of food "pour bien grandir"

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