Feb. 18, 2023
I do not think so, why should we need to know how to survived outside our own planet if Earth have everything we need to live a plenty life.
Instead or wasting resources and money to know how to live in another planet, what we should do is to use that money in taking care of earth and explore other kinds of energy that do not cause significant damage in Earth
Do you think that we should explore how to survive in Sspace?
Do you think that we should explore survival in space?
I do not think so, w. Why should we need to know how to survived outside of our own planet if Earth haves everything we need to live a plentybountiful life.
Instead orf wasting resources and money to know how toon researching how we can live ion another planet, what we should do is tonstead is use that money into takinge care of eEarth and explore other kinds of energy that do not cause significant damage in Earthto it.
Very good work!
I do non't think so, w. Why should we need to know how to survived outside our own planetlearn to survive in space if Earth haves everything we need to live a plentyiful life.?
This should definitely be broken into two sentences. I think it sounds more natural to say "Why should we learn to survive in space" rather than "Why should we need to know how to survive outside our own planet" but it's really a stylistic choice.
Instead orf wasting our resources and money to knowlearn how to live ion another planet, what we should do is to use that money inlearn to takinge care of eEarth and explore other kinds of energy that do not cause significant damage in Earthnew technologies that do not cause further damage.
There were a couple of typos that I fixed but it was mostly stylistic changes. It sounds unnatural to say "what we should do is" in most sentences, so I rephrased it a bit. It also sounds weird to say "Earth" twice, so I rephrased the end of the sentence in a way that I think sounds better.
I do not think so, why should we need to know how to survived outside our own planet if Earth haves everything we need to live a plentyiful life.
The writing is good but you need to work on your tenses.
Instead or wasting resources and money to know how to live in another planet, what we should do is to use that money in taking care of earth and explore other kinds of energy that do not cause significant damage in Earth
The writing is good but you need to work on your tenses.
I do not think so, w. Why should we need to know how to survived outside our own planet if Earth haves everything we need to live a plentyiful life.
Instead orf wasting resources and money to know how to live ion another planet, what we should do is to use that money in taking care of the earth and explore other kinds of energy that do not cause significant damage into the Earth
Do you think we should explore how to survive in Space? Do you think that we should explore how to survive in or, Do you think that we should explore survival in space? |
I do not think so, why should we need to know how to survived outside our own planet if Earth have everything we need to live a plenty life. I do not think so I do not think so, why should we need to know how to survive The writing is good but you need to work on your tenses. I do This should definitely be broken into two sentences. I think it sounds more natural to say "Why should we learn to survive in space" rather than "Why should we need to know how to survive outside our own planet" but it's really a stylistic choice. I do not think so |
Instead or wasting resources and money to know how to live in another planet, what we should do is to use that money in taking care of earth and explore other kinds of energy that do not cause significant damage in Earth Instead o This sentence has been marked as perfect! Instead o There were a couple of typos that I fixed but it was mostly stylistic changes. It sounds unnatural to say "what we should do is" in most sentences, so I rephrased it a bit. It also sounds weird to say "Earth" twice, so I rephrased the end of the sentence in a way that I think sounds better. Instead o |
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