Nov. 8, 2022
so it's my first post here. I think i will write here about my day or anything i want. My writting skils really bad i dont know why. So my day was pretty good i finish watch "sherlok". Do you watch this series? If yes tell what you think about it.
My writting skills are really bad i, I don't know why.
not bad at all, i've seen worse lol
So my day was pretty good i w, I finished watching "sSherlok".ck."
i think winish was a typo of finish? :v
the period/"" thing is a bit controversial... i think in British English they would write "Sherlock". but in America I was taught to write "Sherlock." but then most people don't pay attention to high school English classes so nobody really does the same thing. :p
If yes, tell me what you think about it.
or: let me know what you think about it
only watched sherlock once in like middle school but that benjamin cucumber guy looked pretty cool 👍
sSo it's my first post here.
I think iI will write here about my day or anything ithat I want.
I is always capitalized.
My writting skils are really bad iand I don't know why.
So, my day was pretty good i w, I finished watching "sSherlock".
Do you watch ithis series?
If yesso, tell me what you think about it.
I myself have not watched Sherlock. Maybe one day I will as it has such a big fanbase over it.
diary 1 |
so it's my first post here.
I think i will write here about my day or anything i want. I think I is always capitalized. |
My writting skils really bad i dont know why. My writting skils are really bad My writ not bad at all, i've seen worse lol |
So my day was pretty good i winish watch "sherlok". So, my day was pretty good So my day was pretty good i think winish was a typo of finish? :v the period/"" thing is a bit controversial... i think in British English they would write "Sherlock". but in America I was taught to write "Sherlock." but then most people don't pay attention to high school English classes so nobody really does the same thing. :p |
Do you watch this series? Do you watch it |
If yes tell what you think about it. If If yes, tell me what you think about it. or: let me know what you think about it |
So my day was pretty good i finish watch "sherlok". |
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