Fernanhaiku's avatar

March 6, 2023

Day 56: A Small Break

I'm going to take a little break from my English challenge as I need to rethink the way that I study all of your corrections. All of them are very helpful but studying them with anki flashcards has become something very difficult.
So I need to take a break in order to find another way to study them in a better way. I'm so grateful for all of your corrections.
So, how do you study your corrections?
Thanks for reading and for all of your corrections!!


Day 56: A Small Break

I'm going to take a little break from my English challenge as I need to rethink the way that I study all of your corrections.

All of them are very helpful but studying them with aAnki flashcards has become something very difficult.

"It has become very difficult" suena bien. "It has become something very difficult" suena ... menos bien. :-) Lo siento, no puedo explicarlo.

So I need to take a break in order to find another way to study them in a better way.

"another way ... in a better way" -- estás frases dicen la misma cosa, no es necesario repetirlas.


This is a very good post, and a very good point. It's necessary to study corrections -- but how? And if 10 people correct a post, how do you know which is "best"? Some corrections are better than others ... and some are _much_ better. Also, should you study _every_ correction, or maybe just a few?

It's a difficult problem, and one reason why I'm so reticent (i.e., hesitant) in writing a lot.

Cheers and I hope you are doing well. Your writing is so good! Saludos y un abrazo, jz

Day 56: A Small Break

I'm going to take a little break from my English challenge as I need to rethink the way that I study all of your corrections.

All of them are very helpful, but studying them with aAnki flashcards has become something very difficult.

So I need to take a break in order to find anoth better way to study them in a better way.

I'm so grateful for all of your corrections.

So, how do you study your corrections?

Thanks for reading and for all of your corrections!!

Day 56: A Small Break

I'm going to take a little break from my English challenge as I need to rethink the way that I study all of your corrections.

All of them are very helpful but studying them with aAnki flashcards has become something very difficult.

So I need to take a break in order to find anoth better way to study them in a better way.

This sounds a little more natural.

I'm so grateful for all of your corrections.

So, how do you study your corrections?

Thanks for reading and for all of your corrections!!


Good job! You've been working so hard and I think that you deserve a break. I'm proud of how far you've come!

As for how I study my corrections, I take some notes and before I write again, I look them over and try to avoid the most common mistakes. I think something like Anki is more for learning new words and phrases over stuff like grammar. Everyone has their own study style so I don't have much advice to give. Just keep doing your best and you'll improve!

Day 56: A Small Break

I'm going to take a little break from my English challenge as I need to rethink the way that I study all of your corrections.

All of them are very helpful but studying them with anki flashcards has become something very difficult.

So I need to take a break in order to find another way to study them in a better way.

I'm so grateful for all of your corrections.

So, how do you study your corrections?

Thanks for reading and for all of your corrections!!


そうですね。When we write every day, I think it's very difficult to go over all the corrections in addition to using anki to study for a set of textbooks. I already spend about 1.5 hr every day using anki and I recently cut it down from almost 2 hours. This time is spent on vocabulary, grammar and kanji. Two hours was too much for me. It felt as if I took all day to finish it so there was no way I was going to add LangCorrect corrections to my pile of stuff.

I do, however, like writing every day. I just try to remember a few corrections each time but I don't always. 笑 I hope that I improve even if it's at a very slow pace. When I look back to the beginning, I can see that I have improved a little so that makes it worth it. I also learn new vocabulary when writing about certain topics on a regular basis so that helps me with my speaking practice.

I'm beginning to believe that it's harder to write than to speak Japanese or any other foreign language. In writing, we have to get it so perfectly but there's no perfect way to write something most of the time as we can see from our corrections. While in speech, nobody seems to care whether we're perfect at saying things most of the time: they get the gist of it and then continue the conversation. I get corrections while speaking but they're far fewer than the ones I receive for writing.

I hope that helps! よく書けています!

Day 56: A Small Break

I'm going to take a little break from my English challenge as I need to rethink the way that I study all of your corrections.

All of them are very helpful but studying them with aAnki flashcards has become somethinghas become very difficult.

Flashcards is implied as it is a flash cards app!

We never put something, the “Anki has…” / “it has…” already implies the subject so you don’t need to reinforce it with ‘something’

So I need to take a break in order to find another better way to study them in a better way.

More simple

I'm so grateful for all of your corrections.

So, how do you study your corrections?

Thanks for reading and for (all of) your corrections!!


I used to be very intensive with Anki, but now I’ll look at each correction and actually try to process and understand it, then aim to put it into practise through my following journals until I feel confident I’ve mastered it. Well done!!!

discoste's avatar

March 6, 2023


Not got any corrections as what I see is very good, and you already have some great feedback on that, however I agree with taking a break. You might improve with a rest, as sometimes the mind needs to catch up with what you're learning. Good luck!

knightsjohn2's avatar

March 6, 2023


I’m so impressed your diligence. Here is some tips that I used to get my English better in writing:
1.Try to read more and more articles. More articles you read, more you will get writing modules in your English writing.
2.Try to read academic articles like science academy, because there are a lot of perfect structure and transition words you can learn.

Hope this will help you. Keep going my friend!

Day 56: A Small Break

I'm going to take a little break from my English challenge as I need to rethink the way that I study all of your corrections.

All of them are very helpful but studying them with anki flashcards has become something very difficult to do.

Just a stylistic thing... I'm not sure why either

So I need to take a break in order to find another better way to study them in a better way.

Already stated that you are finding another way, so you don't need to repeat "in a better way" and just include the "better" in the descriptor for the first "way"

I'm so grateful for all of your corrections.

So, how do you study your corrections?

Thanks for reading and for all of your correctionshelp!!

It's just a stylistic thing to avoid repetition of "your corrections"


You basically have no grammar mistakes in this write-up. I'm impressed! Regardless of whether or not you are getting tired of daily challenges, I feel like your improvement is admirable :)

I put all the new words and expressions that I learn from Langcorrect into Anki, too, but truthfully I've never studied them... I am too busy, and repeating flashcards is not as fun as writing something new. Just writing it down helps me remember them a bit better, though, and it does help keep a record.

I mainly copy down the corrected version of my journal into a document, so that I can read through them in chronological order. I also practice speaking whenever I could, since it forces me to use all the new words I encounter on Langcorrect in different scenarios and combinations. I used the French word for "villain" in one journal, and managed to remember it while I was practising speaking with someone. I was proud.

My way is probably not the optimal way, since I don't study as often and rigorously as I'd like. However, I found that I improved my French since the start of the year, so here are just what worked for me :)

Day 56: A Small Break

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I'm going to take a little break from my English challenge as I need to rethink the way that I study all of your corrections.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

All of your corrections are helpful but studying them with anki flashcards has become something very difficult.

So I need to take a break in order to find another way to study them in a better way.

So I need to take a break in order to find another better way to study them in a better way.

Already stated that you are finding another way, so you don't need to repeat "in a better way" and just include the "better" in the descriptor for the first "way"

So I need to take a break in order to find another better way to study them in a better way.

More simple

So I need to take a break in order to find another way to study them in a better way.

So I need to take a break in order to find anoth better way to study them in a better way.

This sounds a little more natural.

So I need to take a break in order to find anoth better way to study them in a better way.

So I need to take a break in order to find another way to study them in a better way.

"another way ... in a better way" -- estás frases dicen la misma cosa, no es necesario repetirlas.

I'm so grateful for all of your corrections.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

So, how do you study your corrections?

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Thanks for reading and for all of your corrections!!

Thanks for reading and for all of your correctionshelp!!

It's just a stylistic thing to avoid repetition of "your corrections"

Thanks for reading and for (all of) your corrections!!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

All of them are very helpful but studying them with anki flashcards has become something very difficult.

All of them are very helpful but studying them with anki flashcards has become something very difficult to do.

Just a stylistic thing... I'm not sure why either

All of them are very helpful but studying them with aAnki flashcards has become somethinghas become very difficult.

Flashcards is implied as it is a flash cards app! We never put something, the “Anki has…” / “it has…” already implies the subject so you don’t need to reinforce it with ‘something’

All of them are very helpful but studying them with anki flashcards has become something very difficult.

All of them are very helpful but studying them with aAnki flashcards has become something very difficult.

All of them are very helpful, but studying them with aAnki flashcards has become something very difficult.

All of them are very helpful but studying them with aAnki flashcards has become something very difficult.

"It has become very difficult" suena bien. "It has become something very difficult" suena ... menos bien. :-) Lo siento, no puedo explicarlo.

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