Fernanhaiku's avatar

March 3, 2023

Day 54 of My English Challenge

I think that I have an addiction to listenening to music. I listen to music even when I'm not ejoying it at all, itmakes me less productive and makes me more and more even more procrastinator. This habit of listening to music in every moment it needs to be fixed. So I'm going to stop listening to music for two weeks but I'll make an exeption if I'm practicing dancing.
Thanks for reading!!


Day 54 of My English Challenge

I think that I have an addiction to listenening to music.

I listen to music even when I'm not enjoying it at all, it. It makes me less productive and makes me more and more even moreof a procrastinator.

This habit of listening to music inat every moment it needs to be fixed.

So I'm going to stop listening to music for two weeks, but I'll make an exception if I'm practicing dancing.

Thanks for reading!!


Good job! I also listen to music all the time.

Day 54 of My English Challenge

I think that I have an addiction to listenening to music.

I listen to music even when I'm not enjoying it at all, so that it makes me less productive and makes me more andthen I procrastinate more evenand more procrastinator.

This habit of listening to music in every moment itinute of the day needs to be fixed.

So I'm going to stop listening to music for two weeks but I'll make an exception ifor when I'm practicing dancinge.


Thanks for reading!!



Day 54 of My English Challenge

I think that I have an addiction tof listenening to music.

I listen to music even when I'm not enjoying it at all, it. It makes me less productive and makes me more and more even moreof a procrastinator.

This habit of listening to music in every moment itall the time needs to be fixed.

So I'm going to stop listening to music for two weeks, but I'll make an exception if I'm practicing dancing.

Thanks for reading!!


Good job! I listen to music a lot too even if I don't really care about it. I just need something in the background because I can't stand silence. Good luck with your dancing!

Day 54 of My English Challenge

I think that I have an addiction to listenening to music.

Good work here! This sounds very colloquial.

I listen to music even when I'm not ejoying it at all,if I don’t like what’s playing, and even when it makes me less productive and makes me more and more even morethus more likely to procrastinatore.

This is the most natural saying!

I’ve tried to interpret what you wanted to say, let me know if this isn’t correct!

This habit of listening to music in every moment it needs to be fixed.

You’ve specified what it is, you can just shorten it to this!

So I'm going to stop listening to music for two weeks butand I'll only make an exception ifor when I'm practicing my dancing.

This is the correct way to say it

Thanks for reading!!


Nice Fernan! It’s good to recognise and stop habits that aren’t serving us in the best way! Well done!!

Day 54 of My English Challenge

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I think that I have an addiction to listenening to music.

I think that I have an addiction to listenening to music.

Good work here! This sounds very colloquial.

I think that I have an addiction tof listenening to music.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I listen to music even when I'm not ejoying it at all, itmakes me less productive and makes me more and more even more procrastinator.

I listen to music even when I'm not ejoying it at all,if I don’t like what’s playing, and even when it makes me less productive and makes me more and more even morethus more likely to procrastinatore.

This is the most natural saying! I’ve tried to interpret what you wanted to say, let me know if this isn’t correct!

I listen to music even when I'm not enjoying it at all, it. It makes me less productive and makes me more and more even moreof a procrastinator.

I listen to music even when I'm not enjoying it at all, so that it makes me less productive and makes me more andthen I procrastinate more evenand more procrastinator.

I listen to music even when I'm not enjoying it at all, it. It makes me less productive and makes me more and more even moreof a procrastinator.

This habit of listening to music in every moment it needs to be fixed.

This habit of listening to music in every moment it needs to be fixed.

You’ve specified what it is, you can just shorten it to this!

This habit of listening to music in every moment itall the time needs to be fixed.

This habit of listening to music in every moment itinute of the day needs to be fixed.

This habit of listening to music inat every moment it needs to be fixed.

So I'm going to stop listening to music for two weeks but I'll make an exeption if I'm practicing dancing.

So I'm going to stop listening to music for two weeks butand I'll only make an exception ifor when I'm practicing my dancing.

This is the correct way to say it

So I'm going to stop listening to music for two weeks, but I'll make an exception if I'm practicing dancing.

So I'm going to stop listening to music for two weeks but I'll make an exception ifor when I'm practicing dancinge.


So I'm going to stop listening to music for two weeks, but I'll make an exception if I'm practicing dancing.

Thanks for reading!!

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