Fernanhaiku's avatar

June 23, 2024

Day 5: Commonplace Book

One of my favortie hobbies is making my own notebooks also known as bookbinding. It was a long time since I made a notebook, and a few weeks ago, I made one inspired by koi fishes. It was a little bit hard due to my lack of practice and that's why It took me almost three days to finish it. The most difficult part was to paint the covers. For the covers, I painted a pond with some Koi fhishes swiming and some ginkgo leaves around them. I want to use this notebook as a common place book. A common place book is a notebook that you can use for everything which is important for you. We're accostumed to have a different notebook for every topic or hobby but in a common place book you can have all your interests or hobbies in one place. For example: You can write your favorite recipes, your coding notes, a list of movies that you want to watch, architectural notes, chemestry notes, sketches, a diary, notes about your target language or a task list; whatever you want. Humanity's greatest minds used to have one, like: Leonardo Da Vinci, Marcus Aurelius, Mark Twain and Virginia Woolf. The main goal of this notebook is to connect ideas and enhance creativity. Thanks for reading!


Day 5: Commonplace Book

One of my favortie hobbies is making my own notebooks also known as bookbinding.

It whas been a long time since I have made a notebook, and a few weeks ago, I made one inspired by koi fishes.

It was a little bit hard due to my lack of practice and that's why Iit took me almost three days to finish it.

The most difficult part was to painting the covers.

Using the infinitive "to paint" is not incorrect here, but "painting" would be more commonly used in this situation.

For the covers, I painted a pond with some Kkoi fhishes swimming and some ginkgo leaves around them.

The plural fishes is more commonly used when there are multiple species of fish. When it's just one species, the plural is still fish.

We're accoustuomed to haveing a different notebook for every topic or hobby, but in a common place book you can have all your interests or hobbies in one place.

For example: You can write your favorite recipes, your coding notes, a list of movies that you want to watch, architectural notes, chemestry notes, sketches, a diary, notes about your target language or a task list; whatever you want.

Humanity's greatest minds used to havehad one, like: Leonardo Da Vinci, Marcus Aurelius, Mark Twain and Virginia Woolf.

The main goal of this notebook is to connect ideas and enhance creativity.

Thanks for reading!


That's amazing. Bookbinding is so fun, and I used to do it a little. I wish I had the time to do it more, but it sounds like it turned out beautifully.

A common place book is a notebook that you can use for everything which is important for you.

One of my favortie hobbies is making my own notebooks also known as bookbinding.

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It was a long time since I made a notebook, and a few weeks ago, I made one inspired by koi fishes.

It whas been a long time since I have made a notebook, and a few weeks ago, I made one inspired by koi fishes.

It was a little bit hard due to my lack of practice and that's why It took me almost three days to finish it.

It was a little bit hard due to my lack of practice and that's why Iit took me almost three days to finish it.

The most difficult part was to paint the covers.

The most difficult part was to painting the covers.

Using the infinitive "to paint" is not incorrect here, but "painting" would be more commonly used in this situation.

Day 5: Commonplace Book

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For the covers, I painted a pond with some Koi fhishes swiming and some ginkgo leaves around them.

For the covers, I painted a pond with some Kkoi fhishes swimming and some ginkgo leaves around them.

The plural fishes is more commonly used when there are multiple species of fish. When it's just one species, the plural is still fish.

I want to use this notebook as a common place book.

We're accostumed to have a different notebook for every topic or hobby but in a common place book you can have all your interests or hobbies in one place.

We're accoustuomed to haveing a different notebook for every topic or hobby, but in a common place book you can have all your interests or hobbies in one place.

For example: You can write your favorite recipes, your coding notes, a list of movies that you want to watch, architectural notes, chemestry notes, sketches, a diary, notes about your target language or a task list; whatever you want.

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Humanity's greatest minds used to have one, like: Leonardo Da Vinci, Marcus Aurelius, Mark Twain and Virginia Woolf.

Humanity's greatest minds used to havehad one, like: Leonardo Da Vinci, Marcus Aurelius, Mark Twain and Virginia Woolf.

The main goal of this notebook is to connect ideas and enhance creativity.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Thanks for reading!

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