Feb. 10, 2023
If I don't get into university this year,my second opiton is to apply for The Military Aviation School of Mexico next year. I think that I came up with this idea because I would like to build dicipline and also would like to travel around the world learning many languages as I can. Something good about this school is that all the students have a scholarship. So, they don't need to pay for classes, books, materials, uniforms or hosting as the school pays everything. The entrance exam for this university is really hard, this school also trains soldiers after all. Almost all the commercial pilots of Mexico are from this school.
My sister wants to apply for The Military Medical School of Mexico, I hope that she can get in.
(Sorry if I write too much personal stuff but today I'm run out of ideas about what to write)
Day 34: The Military School
If I don't get into university this year,my second opition is to apply for The Military Aviation School of Mexico next year.
I think that I came up with this idea because I would like to build discipline and also would like to travel around the world, learning as many languages as I can.
Something good about this school is that all the students have a scholarship.
So, they don't need to pay for classes, books, materials, uniforms or hosting as the school pays everything.
The entrance exam for this university is really hard, this school also. It trains soldiers, after all.
You don't need to say the topic of the conversation more than once, even when starting a new sentence. It depends on the context.
Almost all the commercial pilots of Mexico are from this school.
My sister wants to apply for The Military Medical School of Mexico, I hope that she can get in.
(Sorry if I write too much personal stuff but today I'm run out of ideas about what to write)
Day 34: The Military School
If I don't get into university this year, my secondnext opition is to apply for The Military Aviation School of Mexico next year.
"second option" implies that you have a third, fourth, etc ... "next" just gives the next one. :-)
I think that I came up withlike this idea because I would like to build discipline and also would like to travel around the world learning as many languages as I can.
"I think that I came up with this idea" is for ideas that are complicated, inspired. (Creo que es como "elaborar" en español).
My sister wants to apply for The Military Medical School of Mexico, I hope that she can gets in.
_very_ minor point. You hope she actually gets in. (En español, ¿hay el mismo matiz? "espero que ingrese", o "espero que pueda ingresar")
(Sorry if I write too much personal stuff but today I'mve run out of ideas about what to write)
Either "I've run out of" (= Se me acabaron cosas que escribir (?)) or "I'm running out of" (= Se me están acabando cosas que escribir (?)). No sé si mis ejemplos en español aciertan o no.
Great work! jz
Day 34: TheA Military School
If I don't get into university this year, my second opition is to apply for The Military Aviation School of Mexico next year.
I think that I came up with this idea because I would like to build discipline and also would like to travel around the world learning as many languages as I can.
Something good about this school is that all the students have a scholarship.
So, they don't need to pay for classes, books, materials, uniforms or hostingroom and board as the school pays for everything.
"Room and board" is what we call the expenses it cost to live on campus.
The entrance exam for this university is really hard, but this school also trains soldiers after all.
Almost all of the commercial pilots of Mexico are from this school.
My sister wants to apply for The Military Medical School of Mexico, so I hope that she can gets in.
(Sorry if I have writeten too much about personal stuff but today I'mve run out of ideas about what to write.)
Day 34: The Military School
If I don't get into university this year, my second opition iswill be to apply for The Military Aviation School of Mexico next year.
I think that I came up with this idea because I would like to build discipline, and alsoI would also like to travel around the world, learning as many languages as I can.
Something good about this school is that all the students have a scholarships.
So, they don't need to pay for classes, books, materials, uniforms or hosting as the school pays everything.
The entrance exam for this university is really hard, t. This school also trains soldiers, after all.
Almost all of the commercial pilots of Mexico are from this school.
My sister wants to apply for The Military Medical School of Mexico,. I hope that she can get in.
(Sorry if I write too much personal stuff, but today I'mve run out of ideas about what to write.)
Good job! You are really ambitious for wanting to get into a military school. I'm sure it will build discipline but it'll probably be hard as well. Good luck with whatever happens! And don't worry about writing "too much" personal stuff either. You can write whatever you want. Besides, it's interesting to hear about what's going on in your side of the world.
Day 34: The Military School
If I don't get into university this year, my second opition is to apply for The Military Aviation School of Mexico next year.
I think that I came up with this ideaThe school became something I’m interested in because I would like to build discipline and alsoI would also like to travel around the world learning as many languages as I can.
Stylistic word order, says the same thing you wanted except it’s more how a native would introduce it ! As you’re talking about why the idea is attractive to you.
“She wanted to talk to as many people as possible.”
“She wanted to be as early as she could have (been).”
Something good about this school is that all the students have a kind of scholarship.
Scholarship -> award for certain criteria
It’s not exactly a scholarship, but you can say it’s like one !
So, they don't need to pay for classes, books, materials, uniforms or hosting as the school pays everything.
The entrance exam for this university is really hard, this school also trains soldiers after all.
If you were saying “they train nurses and also soldiers” that would make sense, using ‘also’ doesn’t quite fit here
Almost all theMexican commercial pilots of Mexico are from this school.
Native-like !
My sister wants to apply for The Military Medical School of Mexico, I hope that she canshe gets in.
“I hope you get into your course!”
“I hope she gets/she receives the award!”
We omit ‘that’ as much as possible in English, because it’s implied, no native would use it unnecessarily, although it makes grammatical sense :)
(Sorry if I write too much personal stuff but today I'm’ve run out of ideas about what to write)
I have + past participle
This was cool to learn about, here we have unis or TAFEs more than specialised schools, well done!
Day 34: (The) Military School
If I don't get into university this year, my second opition is to apply for The Military Aviation School of Mexico next year.
I think that I came up with this idea because I would like to build discipline and also would like to travel around the world learning many languages as I can.
(Something good /One good thing) about this school is that all (of) the students hareceive a scholarship.
Fine the other way, but slightly more natural to me this way.
So, they don't need to pay for classes, books, materials, uniforms or hosting as the school pays everything.
The entrance exam for this university is really hard; after all, this school also trains soldiers after all.
"after all" feels a bit more natural at the front since it acts as a bit of a transition/clarifier between the two clauses here.
Almost all (of) the commercial pilots of Mexico are from this school.
In casual speech we often drop "of," but I think it's preferred in writing.
My sister wants to apply for The Military Medical School of Mexico,. I hope that she can get in.
(Sorry if I write too much personal stuff but today I'm run out of ideas about what to write)
I hope that things go well for you and your sister, whichever path you take!
If I don't get into university this year,my second opition is to apply for The Military Aviation School of Mexico next year.
I think that I came up with this idea because I would like to build dicipline and I also would like to travel around the world to learning as many languages as I can.
Something good about this school is that all of the students have a scholarship.
So, they don't need to pay for classes, books, materials, uniforms or hosting as the school pays everything.
The entrance exam for this university is really hard, as this school also trains soldiers after all.
Almost all of the commercial pilots of Mexico are from this school.
My sister wants to apply for The Military Medical School of Mexico, I hope that she can get in.
(Sorry if I write too much personal stuff but today I'm run out of ideas about what to write)
Good job!
Day 34: The Military School Day 34: (The) Military School This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! Day 34: This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
If I don't get into university this year,my second opiton is to apply for The Military Aviation School of Mexico next year. If I don't get into university this year,my second op If I don't get into university this year, my second op If I don't get into university this year, my second op If I don't get into university this year, my second op If I don't get into university this year, my second op If I don't get into university this year, my "second option" implies that you have a third, fourth, etc ... "next" just gives the next one. :-) If I don't get into university this year,my second op |
I think that I came up with this idea because I would like to build dicipline and also would like to travel around the world learning many languages as I can. I think that I came up with this idea because I would like to build dicipline and I also would like to travel around the world to learn I think that I came up with this idea because I would like to build discipline and also would like to travel around the world learning many languages as I can.
Stylistic word order, says the same thing you wanted except it’s more how a native would introduce it ! As you’re talking about why the idea is attractive to you. “She wanted to talk to as many people as possible.” “She wanted to be as early as she could have (been).” I think that I came up with this idea because I would like to build discipline, and I think that I came up with this idea because I would like to build discipline and also would like to travel around the world learning as many languages as I can. わかりました。頑張って! I "I think that I came up with this idea" is for ideas that are complicated, inspired. (Creo que es como "elaborar" en español). I think that I came up with this idea because I would like to build discipline and also would like to travel around the world, learning as many languages as I can. |
Something good about this school is that all the students have a scholarship. Something good about this school is that all of the students have a scholarship. (Something good /One good thing) about this school is that all (of) the students Fine the other way, but slightly more natural to me this way. Something good about this school is that all the students have a kind of scholarship. Scholarship -> award for certain criteria It’s not exactly a scholarship, but you can say it’s like one ! Something good about this school is that all the students have This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
So, they don't need to pay for classes, books, materials, uniforms or hosting as the school pays everything. This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! So, they don't need "Room and board" is what we call the expenses it cost to live on campus. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
The entrance exam for this university is really hard, this school also trains soldiers after all. The entrance exam for this university is really hard The entrance exam for this university is really hard; after all, this school also trains soldiers "after all" feels a bit more natural at the front since it acts as a bit of a transition/clarifier between the two clauses here. The entrance exam for this university is really hard, this school If you were saying “they train nurses and also soldiers” that would make sense, using ‘also’ doesn’t quite fit here The entrance exam for this university is really hard The entrance exam for this university is really hard, but this school also trains soldiers after all. The entrance exam for this university is really hard You don't need to say the topic of the conversation more than once, even when starting a new sentence. It depends on the context. |
Almost all the commercial pilots of Mexico are from this school. Almost all of the commercial pilots of Mexico are from this school. Almost all (of) the commercial pilots of Mexico are from this school. In casual speech we often drop "of," but I think it's preferred in writing. Almost all Native-like ! Almost all of the commercial pilots of Mexico are from this school. Almost all of the commercial pilots of Mexico are from this school. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
My sister wants to apply for The Military Medical School of Mexico, I hope that she can get in. This sentence has been marked as perfect! My sister wants to apply for The Military Medical School of Mexico My sister wants to apply for The Military Medical School of Mexico, I hope “I hope you get into your course!” “I hope she gets/she receives the award!” We omit ‘that’ as much as possible in English, because it’s implied, no native would use it unnecessarily, although it makes grammatical sense :) My sister wants to apply for The Military Medical School of Mexico My sister wants to apply for The Military Medical School of Mexico My sister wants to apply for The Military Medical School of Mexico, I hope that she _very_ minor point. You hope she actually gets in. (En español, ¿hay el mismo matiz? "espero que ingrese", o "espero que pueda ingresar") This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
(Sorry if I write too much personal stuff but today I'm run out of ideas about what to write) This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! (Sorry if I write too much personal stuff but today I I have + past participle (Sorry if I write too much personal stuff, but today I' (Sorry if I have writ 全然大丈夫ですよ。私の日記を読むと、とても私的なことについて書くこともありますよ。 (Sorry if I write too much personal stuff but today I' Either "I've run out of" (= Se me acabaron cosas que escribir (?)) or "I'm running out of" (= Se me están acabando cosas que escribir (?)). No sé si mis ejemplos en español aciertan o no. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
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