Fernanhaiku's avatar

Feb. 7, 2023

Day 31: Foreigners

When I go to the middle of the city I can see poeple of different races. Sometimes in the middle of the city I can see Asians, African americans and even Europeans. And sometimes I don't even need to go to the middle of the city. My neighbour is from Argentina, the phisycs teacher of mi sister is Swedish and a time ago, when my brother and I went to Wallmart, my brother talked with a guy who had a french accent.
When I was a child it was almost impossible to see a foreigner but now is becoming in something common to see. I have been watching interviews about Japanese poeple who immigrated to Mexico to have "a happier life" in their own words. I think that there are more foreigners because is cheaper to live in Mexico than in their own countries and because we are have a warm culture as we actually love foreigners.


Day 31: ForeignerInternationals

We don't usually use the term "foreigners" in the US. It kind of has a negative connotation.

When I go to the middlecenter of the city, I can see poeople of different races.

Sometimes in the middle of the city I can see Asians, African aAmericans and even Europeans and sometimes I don't even need to go to the center of the city.

And sometimes I don't even need to go to the middle of the city.

My neighbour is from Argentina, the phisycs teacher of mi sistmy sister's physics teacher is Swedish and a, some time ago, when my brother and I went to Wallmart, my brother talked with a guy who had a fFrench accent.

When I was a child, it was almost impossible to see a foreignern international but now it is becoming in somethingmore common to see.

I have been watching interviews aboutwith Japanese poeople who immigrated to Mexico to have "a happier life" in their own words.


I think that there are more foreignersinternationals now because it is cheaper to live in Mexico than in their own countries and because we are have a warm culture as we actually love foreignerinternationals.




Fernanhaiku's avatar

Feb. 8, 2023


Day 31: ForeignerInternationals

Oh I see I'll be careful about that

Fernanhaiku's avatar

Feb. 8, 2023



When I go to the middle of the city, I can see poeople of different races.

Sometimes, in the middle of the city, I can see Asians, African aAmericans, and even Europeans.

And sSometimes, I don't even need to go to the middle of the city.

Usually it's not correct to put "and" at the beginning of the sentence, especially written down. It's okay, though!

My neighbour is from Argentina, the phisycs teacher of mi sist. My sister's physics teacher is Swedish, and a long time ago, when my brother and I went to Wallmart, my brother talked withto a guy who had a french accent.

You can also replace "long time" with "while". Also, a lot of stores and brands are spelled oddly on purpose. This sometimes makes it a bit difficult. I believe in you, though!

When I was a child it was almost impossible to see a foreigner, but now is becoming in something common to see.

You usually use a "," when the sentence is still going on and relates, but is something else. Just like your sentence and mine, it usually starts before the word "but"!

I have been watching interviews about Japanese poeople who immigrated to Mexico to have "a happier life", in their own words.

I think that there are more foreigners because it is cheaper to live in Mexico than in their own countries, and because we are have a warm culture as we actually love foreigners.!

The "!" isn't required, but it adds emphasis, optimism, or excitement to a sentence.


Amazing job! Just a few small errors, but don't worry.

Fernanhaiku's avatar

Feb. 8, 2023


Thank you! your explanations are really understandable

Banshee_x's avatar

Feb. 8, 2023


Thank you! your explanations are really understandable

I'm glad!

Day 31: Foreigners

When I go to the middle of the city I can see poeople of different races.

Sometimes in the middle of the city I can see Asians, African aAmericans and even Europeans.

And sometimes I don't even need to go into the middle of the city.

“I don’t need to go there.” “Do you need to go into there?” “Do you need to go there?”

Mostly, these can be used interchangeably. However, with the context you’ve given, you’re specifically going INTO the city physically, so it is only correct to say into!

My neighbour is from Argentina, the phisyysics teacher of miy sister is Swedish and a time ago, when my brother and I went to Wallmart, my brother talked withto a guy who had a french accent.

“I just talked to him!” “He just talked to him.”

When I was a child it was almost impossible to see a foreigner but now it’s becoming in something common to see.

Most of the time it will be it + is

I have been watching interviews about Japanese poeople who have immigrated to Mexico to have "a happier life" in their own words.

He/has/han + past participle, my mother, who has been learning English for twenty years also forgets this a lot, so just try your best!

I think that there are more foreigners because it’s cheaper to live in Mexico than in otheir ownr countries and because we are have a warm culture as we actually love foreigners.

“It’s cheaper here than other countries.”
“This shop is cheaper than the others.”


It is lovely to see how culture and places evolve overtime 😁 well done!!! Aussies love them too!

Fernanhaiku's avatar

Feb. 8, 2023


My neighbour is from Argentina, the phisyysics teacher of miy sister is Swedish and a time ago, when my brother and I went to Wallmart, my brother talked withto a guy who had a french accent.

ooh I see, so I need to use "to" after the verb "talk" and then a pronoun.

Fernanhaiku's avatar

Feb. 8, 2023


I have been watching interviews about Japanese poeople who have immigrated to Mexico to have "a happier life" in their own words.

Ooh Okay so I'm going to review and practice past participle

Fernanhaiku's avatar

Feb. 8, 2023


Thanks for your corrections!!!

Day 31: Foreigners

When I go to the middle of the city, I can see poeople of different races.

Sometimes, in the middle of the city I can see Asians, African aAmericans and even Europeans.

And sometimes, I don't even need to go to the middle of the city.

My neighbour is from Argentina, the phisycs teacher of mi sistmy sister's physics teacher is Swedish, and a long time ago, when my brother and I went to Wallmart, my brother talked with a guy who had a fFrench accent.

When I was a child, it was almost impossible to see a foreigner, but now it's becoming in something more common to see.

I have been watching interviews about Japanese poeople who immigrated to Mexico to have "a happier life" in their own words.

I think that there are more foreigners because it's cheaper to live in Mexico than in their own countries, and because we are have a warm culture as we actually love foreigners.


Well done! Honestly, I would love to go to Mexico one day. It's one of the reasons why I started learning Spanish, because one of my old friends used to live there. Maybe one day I'll be able to go but for now it's just a dream.

Fernanhaiku's avatar

Feb. 8, 2023


Wow that's a lovely motive for learning spanish! I think that you would like Mexico because almost everything here is colorful even the monsters like alebrijes, I hope that you can come some day in the future. Don't give up! keep up with your Spanish studies

Day 31: Foreigners

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Day 31: ForeignerInternationals

We don't usually use the term "foreigners" in the US. It kind of has a negative connotation.

When I go to the middle of the city I can see poeple of different races.

When I go to the middle of the city I can see poeople of different races.

When I go to the middle of the city, I can see poeople of different races.

When I go to the middle of the city, I can see poeople of different races.

When I go to the middlecenter of the city, I can see poeople of different races.

Sometimes in the middle of the city I can see Asians, African americans and even Europeans.

Sometimes, in the middle of the city I can see Asians, African aAmericans and even Europeans.

Sometimes in the middle of the city I can see Asians, African aAmericans and even Europeans.

Sometimes, in the middle of the city, I can see Asians, African aAmericans, and even Europeans.

Sometimes in the middle of the city I can see Asians, African aAmericans and even Europeans and sometimes I don't even need to go to the center of the city.

And sometimes I don't even need to go to the middle of the city.

And sometimes, I don't even need to go to the middle of the city.

And sometimes I don't even need to go into the middle of the city.

“I don’t need to go there.” “Do you need to go into there?” “Do you need to go there?” Mostly, these can be used interchangeably. However, with the context you’ve given, you’re specifically going INTO the city physically, so it is only correct to say into!

And sSometimes, I don't even need to go to the middle of the city.

Usually it's not correct to put "and" at the beginning of the sentence, especially written down. It's okay, though!

And sometimes I don't even need to go to the middle of the city.

My neighbour is from Argentina, the phisycs teacher of mi sister is Swedish and a time ago, when my brother and I went to Wallmart, my brother talked with a guy who had a french accent.

My neighbour is from Argentina, the phisycs teacher of mi sistmy sister's physics teacher is Swedish, and a long time ago, when my brother and I went to Wallmart, my brother talked with a guy who had a fFrench accent.

My neighbour is from Argentina, the phisyysics teacher of miy sister is Swedish and a time ago, when my brother and I went to Wallmart, my brother talked withto a guy who had a french accent.

“I just talked to him!” “He just talked to him.”

My neighbour is from Argentina, the phisycs teacher of mi sist. My sister's physics teacher is Swedish, and a long time ago, when my brother and I went to Wallmart, my brother talked withto a guy who had a french accent.

You can also replace "long time" with "while". Also, a lot of stores and brands are spelled oddly on purpose. This sometimes makes it a bit difficult. I believe in you, though!

My neighbour is from Argentina, the phisycs teacher of mi sistmy sister's physics teacher is Swedish and a, some time ago, when my brother and I went to Wallmart, my brother talked with a guy who had a fFrench accent.

When I was a child it was almost impossible to see a foreigner but now is becoming in something common to see.

When I was a child, it was almost impossible to see a foreigner, but now it's becoming in something more common to see.

When I was a child it was almost impossible to see a foreigner but now it’s becoming in something common to see.

Most of the time it will be it + is

When I was a child it was almost impossible to see a foreigner, but now is becoming in something common to see.

You usually use a "," when the sentence is still going on and relates, but is something else. Just like your sentence and mine, it usually starts before the word "but"!

When I was a child, it was almost impossible to see a foreignern international but now it is becoming in somethingmore common to see.

I have been watching interviews about Japanese poeple who immigrated to Mexico to have "a happier life" in their own words.

I have been watching interviews about Japanese poeople who immigrated to Mexico to have "a happier life" in their own words.

I have been watching interviews about Japanese poeople who have immigrated to Mexico to have "a happier life" in their own words.

He/has/han + past participle, my mother, who has been learning English for twenty years also forgets this a lot, so just try your best!

I have been watching interviews about Japanese poeople who immigrated to Mexico to have "a happier life", in their own words.

I have been watching interviews aboutwith Japanese poeople who immigrated to Mexico to have "a happier life" in their own words.


I think that there are more foreigners because is cheaper to live in Mexico than in their own countries and because we are have a warm culture as we actually love foreigners.

I think that there are more foreigners because it's cheaper to live in Mexico than in their own countries, and because we are have a warm culture as we actually love foreigners.

I think that there are more foreigners because it’s cheaper to live in Mexico than in otheir ownr countries and because we are have a warm culture as we actually love foreigners.

“It’s cheaper here than other countries.” “This shop is cheaper than the others.”

I think that there are more foreigners because it is cheaper to live in Mexico than in their own countries, and because we are have a warm culture as we actually love foreigners.!

The "!" isn't required, but it adds emphasis, optimism, or excitement to a sentence.

I think that there are more foreignersinternationals now because it is cheaper to live in Mexico than in their own countries and because we are have a warm culture as we actually love foreignerinternationals.


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