Fernanhaiku's avatar

Jan. 27, 2023

Day 19: Habit Jar Part 1

I've recently been looking for a tracking system for my habits. I used to have a whiteboard which was diveded into boxes for all the days of the month and I checked the boxes when I completed a habit or task. I abandoned this system because it didn't work for me and I don't like using apps. However, today I read an article about a girl who got inspiration from the book "Atomic Habits" ( I think that I should read that book), and she decided to make a habit jar. A habit jar is a system where you put goal markers (like paper clips, beads, coins or whater you like) into a jar when you complete a task or habit. I'm going to try it out for my meditation habit.
Changing the subject, the weather is very cold today so I hope that it snows in next days. There are some places where it snows in Mexico and I live near of one of those places. I really would like to see the snow this year.


Day 19: Habit Jar, Part 1

I've recently been looking for a tracking system for my habits.

I used to have a whiteboard which was diveded into boxes for all the days of the month and I checked the boxes when I completed a habit or task.

I abandoned this system because it didn't work for me and I don't like using apps.

HToday, however, today I read an article about a girl who got inspiration from the book "Atomic Habits" ( I think that I should read that book), and she decided to make a habit jar.

A habit jar is a system where you put goal markers (like paper clips, beads, coins or whater you like) into a jar when you complete a task or habit.

I'm going to try it out for my meditation habit.

Changing the subject, the weather is very cold today so I hope that it snows in nextthe next few days.

There are some places where it snows in Mexico and I live near of one of those places.


I really would like to see the snow this year.

This sounds more natural in the US.



Fernanhaiku's avatar

Jan. 27, 2023


私も雪は好きです Thanks for your corrections


I've recently been looking for a tracking system for my habits.

I used to have a whiteboard which was diveided into boxes for all the days of the month and I checked the boxes when I completed a habit or task.

I abandoned this system because it didn't work for me and. I know there are other options, like apps, but I don't like using appsthose.

Without this clarification it makes it sound like your system you abandoned was an app.

However, today I read an article about a girl who got inspiration from the book "Atomic Habits" ( I think that I should read that book), and she decided to make a habit jar.

A habit jar is a system where you put goal markers (like paper clips, beads, coins or whatever you like) into a jar when you complete a task or habit.

I'm going to try it out for my meditation habit.

Changing the subject, the weather is very cold today so I hope that it snows in nextthe next few days.

There are some places where it snows in Mexico and I live near of one of those places.

I really would like to see the snow this year.

Fernanhaiku's avatar

Jan. 27, 2023


thank you

Day 19: Habit Jar Part 1

I've recently been looking for a tracking system forway to track my habits.

“Tracking system” is something we’d never say (it just sounds a bit of a weird saying) so I’ve changed it!

I used to have a whiteboard which wasthat I diveided into boxes for all the days of the month and I checked the boxesm when I’d completed a habit or a task.

That was = the whiteboard came like that, divided into boxes.
That I = you divided it yourself, like you drew boxes.

I’m not sure about the context, so I’m just going to assume you’ve drawn these yourself.

- ‘the boxes’ can be shortened to ‘them’

- I had + past participle

I abandoned this system because it didn't work for me and I don'tidn’t particularly like using apps.

I have said ‘particularly’ to make it more formal/posh, concurrent with your style.

It would be ‘didn’t’; even though your dislike could apply to the present, you are talking of a past experience. You are justifying your past abandonment, and because of this, you need to maintain past tense in your justification (a.k.a being that you didn’t particularly like the system)!

However, today I read an article aboutwritten by a girl who gotdecided to make a habit jar. She had originally gotten inspiration from the book "Atomic Habits" ( I think that I should read that book), and she decided to make a habit jar.

I was going for subject fluency. In the original sentence, you jumped from explaining her -> you -> her again, and so I’ve changed it to make it flow and more native like/natural.

A habit jar is a system where you put goal markers (like paper clips, beads, coins or whatever you’d like) into a jar when you complete a task or habit.

It would be ‘you’d like’; because you are talking about a hypothetical situation and thus this requires the subjunctive (you would like).

I'm going to try it out for mwhen I complete my daily meditation habit.

This just makes more sense, is more natural as it gives more context to the goal/overall subject of the sentence. Of course you can change daily to represent the true goal, I just assumed !

Changing the subject, the weather is very cold today so I hope that it snows in next dayssoon.

You could have said ‘in the next few days’ but this can just be easily shortened to soon !

There are some places where it snows in Mexico and I live near of one of those places.

I would really would like to see the snow this year.

It just makes more sense to order it this way; the way you put originally is extremely formal, and from archaic English language (think 1800s British!)


Well done Fernan 🥇 I congratulate you on trying new ideas and hope that you find a system that works well for you, soon !

Fernanhaiku's avatar

Jan. 27, 2023


Thank you so much, I'm going to study your corrections to sound more natural (^ᴥ^)

Fernanhaiku's avatar

Jan. 27, 2023


I would really would like to see the snow this year.

WOW I didn't know that, thank you so much! English is very interesting

frannie_'s avatar

Jan. 28, 2023


WOW I didn't know that, thank you so much! English is very interesting

Yes it is 😁😁

Day 19: Habit Jar Part 1

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Day 19: Habit Jar, Part 1

I've recently been looking for a tracking system for my habits.

I've recently been looking for a tracking system forway to track my habits.

“Tracking system” is something we’d never say (it just sounds a bit of a weird saying) so I’ve changed it!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I used to have a whiteboard which was diveded into boxes for all the days of the month and I checked the boxes when I completed a habit or task.

I used to have a whiteboard which wasthat I diveided into boxes for all the days of the month and I checked the boxesm when I’d completed a habit or a task.

That was = the whiteboard came like that, divided into boxes. That I = you divided it yourself, like you drew boxes. I’m not sure about the context, so I’m just going to assume you’ve drawn these yourself. - ‘the boxes’ can be shortened to ‘them’ - I had + past participle

I used to have a whiteboard which was diveided into boxes for all the days of the month and I checked the boxes when I completed a habit or task.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I abandoned this system because it didn't work for me and I don't like using apps.

I abandoned this system because it didn't work for me and I don'tidn’t particularly like using apps.

I have said ‘particularly’ to make it more formal/posh, concurrent with your style. It would be ‘didn’t’; even though your dislike could apply to the present, you are talking of a past experience. You are justifying your past abandonment, and because of this, you need to maintain past tense in your justification (a.k.a being that you didn’t particularly like the system)!

I abandoned this system because it didn't work for me and. I know there are other options, like apps, but I don't like using appsthose.

Without this clarification it makes it sound like your system you abandoned was an app.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

However, today I read an article about a girl who got inspiration from the book "Atomic Habits" ( I think that I should read that book), and she decided to make a habit jar.

However, today I read an article aboutwritten by a girl who gotdecided to make a habit jar. She had originally gotten inspiration from the book "Atomic Habits" ( I think that I should read that book), and she decided to make a habit jar.

I was going for subject fluency. In the original sentence, you jumped from explaining her -> you -> her again, and so I’ve changed it to make it flow and more native like/natural.

However, today I read an article about a girl who got inspiration from the book "Atomic Habits" ( I think that I should read that book), and she decided to make a habit jar.

HToday, however, today I read an article about a girl who got inspiration from the book "Atomic Habits" ( I think that I should read that book), and she decided to make a habit jar.

A habit jar is a system where you put goal markers (like paper clips, beads, coins or whater you like) into a jar when you complete a task or habit.

A habit jar is a system where you put goal markers (like paper clips, beads, coins or whatever you’d like) into a jar when you complete a task or habit.

It would be ‘you’d like’; because you are talking about a hypothetical situation and thus this requires the subjunctive (you would like).

A habit jar is a system where you put goal markers (like paper clips, beads, coins or whatever you like) into a jar when you complete a task or habit.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I'm going to try it out for my meditation habit.

I'm going to try it out for mwhen I complete my daily meditation habit.

This just makes more sense, is more natural as it gives more context to the goal/overall subject of the sentence. Of course you can change daily to represent the true goal, I just assumed !

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Changing the subject, the weather is very cold today so I hope that it snows in next days.

Changing the subject, the weather is very cold today so I hope that it snows in next dayssoon.

You could have said ‘in the next few days’ but this can just be easily shortened to soon !

Changing the subject, the weather is very cold today so I hope that it snows in nextthe next few days.

Changing the subject, the weather is very cold today so I hope that it snows in nextthe next few days.

There are some places where it snows in Mexico and I live near of one of those places.

There are some places where it snows in Mexico and I live near of one of those places.

There are some places where it snows in Mexico and I live near of one of those places.

There are some places where it snows in Mexico and I live near of one of those places.


I really would like to see the snow this year.

I would really would like to see the snow this year.

It just makes more sense to order it this way; the way you put originally is extremely formal, and from archaic English language (think 1800s British!)

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I really would like to see the snow this year.

This sounds more natural in the US.

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