kailynhuynh96's avatar

Nov. 9, 2024

Day 1

The reason why social responsibility of corporations is important because the development of business is related to the development of society. Corporations create values by using national resources and social labor recruitment. Therefore, society is not unable to develop may be negatively affected to the corporations. Besides, being able to make the company’s image good is also a reason. Positive social activities of corporations have positive effects on a corporation’s image and as the result, the competitiveness of the corporation is continued.
P/S: Thank you for your help.

Lý do tại sao trách nhiệm xã hội của doanh nghiệp quan trọng là vì sự phát triển của doanh nghiệp có quan hệ với sự phát triển của xã hội. Doanh nghiệp tạo ra giá trị
bằng cách sử dụng tài nguyên của đất nước và tuyển dụng lao động xã hội. Vì vậy, nếu xã hội không phát triển được thì có thể ảnh hưởng tiêu cực đến doanh
nghiệp. Ngoài ra, việc có thể làm cho hình ảnh của doanh nghiệp trở nên tốt đẹp cũng là một nguyên nhân. Hoạt động xã hội tích cực của doanh nghiệp mang lại
hiệu quả tích cực cho hình ảnh của doanh nghiệp và kết quả là khả năng cạnh tranh của doanh nghiệp được tiếp tục.


The reason why social responsibility of corporations is important is because the development of business is related to the development of society.

Or "The reason why corporate social responsibility is important is because..." so it flows better

Corporations create values by using national resources and social labor recruitment.

Therefore, if society is not unable to develop, corporations may be negatively affected to the corporations.

Besides, being able to makimprove the company's image good is also a reason.

Not wrong, but sounds too casual while the rest of your text is written formally

Positive social activities of corporations have positive effects on a corporation’s image and as thea result, the competitiveness of the corporation is continuedrporation can continue to be competitive.

P/S: Thank you for your help.

kailynhuynh96's avatar

Nov. 10, 2024


Thank you, peppermints^^


Day 1

The reason why social responsibility of corporations is important is because the development of business is related to the development of society.

Corporations create values by using national resources and social labor recruitment.

Therefore, society is not unable's ability to develop may be negatively affected toby the corporations.

Besides, being able to make the company’s image good is also a reasonTherefore, companies are encouraged to have a good image.

The sentence is grammatically correct but out of place contextually

Positive social activities of corporations have positive effects on a corporation’s image and, as thea result, the competitiveness of the corporation is continupreserved.

Or a more common saying is "The corporation remains competitive"

P/S: Thank you for your help.



kailynhuynh96's avatar

Nov. 10, 2024


Thank you, judar^^

Day 1

The reason why social responsibility of corporations is important is because the development of businesses is related to the development of society.

Corporations create values by using national resources and social labor recruitment.

Therefore, society is not unable's ability to develop may be negatively affected to theby corporations.

Not too sure what you're trying to say here.
You could also say 'Therefore, if society is unable to develop, it may negatively affect corporations.'

Besides, being able to make the company’s image good is also a reasonCompanies are incentivized to be socially responsible in order to maintain their image.

This sentence doesn't seem to link to what you've said previously in the text, so it feels weird to start it with 'besides'. It is also not clear what it is a reason for.

Positive social activities of corporations have positive effects on a corporation’s image and as thea result, the competitiveness of the corporation is continuedrporation remains competetive.

kailynhuynh96's avatar

Nov. 10, 2024


Thank you, sunnyjim^^

Day 1

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Corporations create values by using national resources and social labor recruitment.

Corporations create values by using national resources and social labor recruitment.

Corporations create values by using national resources and social labor recruitment.

Corporations create values by using national resources and social labor recruitment.

The reason why social responsibility of corporations is important because the development of business is related to the development of society.

The reason why social responsibility of corporations is important is because the development of businesses is related to the development of society.

The reason why social responsibility of corporations is important is because the development of business is related to the development of society.

The reason why social responsibility of corporations is important is because the development of business is related to the development of society.

Or "The reason why corporate social responsibility is important is because..." so it flows better

Therefore, society is not unable to develop may be negatively affected to the corporations.

Therefore, society is not unable's ability to develop may be negatively affected to theby corporations.

Not too sure what you're trying to say here. You could also say 'Therefore, if society is unable to develop, it may negatively affect corporations.'

Therefore, society is not unable's ability to develop may be negatively affected toby the corporations.

Therefore, if society is not unable to develop, corporations may be negatively affected to the corporations.

Besides, being able to make the company’s image good is also a reason.

Besides, being able to make the company’s image good is also a reasonCompanies are incentivized to be socially responsible in order to maintain their image.

This sentence doesn't seem to link to what you've said previously in the text, so it feels weird to start it with 'besides'. It is also not clear what it is a reason for.

Besides, being able to make the company’s image good is also a reasonTherefore, companies are encouraged to have a good image.

The sentence is grammatically correct but out of place contextually

Besides, being able to makimprove the company's image good is also a reason.

Not wrong, but sounds too casual while the rest of your text is written formally

Positive social activities of corporations have positive effects on a corporation’s image and as the result, the competitiveness of the corporation is continued.

Positive social activities of corporations have positive effects on a corporation’s image and as thea result, the competitiveness of the corporation is continuedrporation remains competetive.

Positive social activities of corporations have positive effects on a corporation’s image and, as thea result, the competitiveness of the corporation is continupreserved.

Or a more common saying is "The corporation remains competitive"

Positive social activities of corporations have positive effects on a corporation’s image and as thea result, the competitiveness of the corporation is continuedrporation can continue to be competitive.

P/S: Thank you for your help.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

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