dethlue's avatar

Oct. 22, 2020

Daily Journals

I think that writing daily journals is difficult. I was just thinking about this today as I went on my daily morning routine. I usually take my morning walks to try to decide what I could write about, and today I decided to write about how difficult it is to write when there is nothing really going on. I've always have problems writing about random topics because they are pretty much endless and it's difficult to select one. Once I'm considering everything I could talk or write about, nothing ever seems interesting enough. I even looked through some of the writing prompts here and on other sites to get and idea, but nada. :(
I once thought about writing a diary or something like that here, but ever since the quarantine, my days are very much alike. I wake up around 5am, but I doze off for a couple of minutes and only get up around 5:45am. Then I brush my teeth, take a shower, drink a glass of lemon water, make my bed and go on my my morning walk. I walk around in the garden until 6:55am, and use the time to stretch my fingers, hands and arms. Since I work with programming, most of my working hours are spent tipping on the keyboard either writing code or sending messages to my coworkers, so it's important to stretch.
Then I eat my breakfast that is usually one mashed banana with a spoonful of oatmeal and cocoa powder. It gives enough energy until I can take a break around 9am to walk for another 15 minutes and to eat some light snack. Then I'm back to the computer to carry on my work until lunchtime. As per company regulations, I enjoy a nice hour out of work. Then, the rest of the afternoon just goes by with more programming and studying until 4pm.
After I finish work I study some kanji and Japanese grammar, and take another shower. Then it's time to prepare dinner with my mom. I like to eat around 6pm because it gives my body plenty of time to start processing the food before I go to bed. After I eat dinner, I sit with my family to watch TV and talk. Then, around 10pm I drink a cup of peppermint or chamomile tea and go to bed.
My days have been more or less like this for the past six months. It's not bad and I don't really crave leaving the house like many people I hear/read complaining online about the ongoing quarantine, but I wish I could add some variety to my routine.


I think that writing a daily journals is difficult.

I was just thinking about it this today as I went onmorning during my daily morning routine.

I usually take my morning walks to try to decide what I could write about, and today I decided to write about howhat it is difficult it is to write when there is nothing really going on.

I've always haved problems writing about random topics because they are pretty much endless and it's difficult to select one.

Once I'mve considering everything I coulded what to talk or write about, nothing ever seems interesting enough.

I've even looked through some of the writing prompts here andon this site as well as on other sites to get and ideas, but nada.

When you switch from english to spanish to be stylish in your writing, it is generally a practice to italicized it.

I once thought about writing a diary or something like that herand post it on this site, but ever since the quarantine, all my days arehave been very much alike.

isn't a journal basically a diary?

I typically wake up at around 5am, but then I doze off for what it feels like a couple of minutes and only to get up around 5:45am.

Then I brush my teeth, take a shower, drink a glass of lemon water, make my bed and go on mytake my morning walk.

I walk around in the garden until 6:55am, and useusing theis time to stretch my fingers, hands and arms.

Since I work witham a programminger, most of my working hours are spent tipping on theon a keyboard either, writing codes or sending messages to my coworkers, so it's important to stretch.

Then I eat my usual breakfast that is usuallyconsisting of one mashed banana with a spoonful of oatmeal and cocoa powder.

It gives enough energy until I can take a break at around 9am to walk for anothe, at which time I take another walk for 15 minutes and to eat some light snacks.

Then I'm back ato the computer to carry on my working until lunchtime.

As per company regulations, I enjoy a nice hour out of entitled to a one hour lunch.

Then, the rest of the afternoon just goes by withinvolves more programming and studying until 4pm.

After I finish work, I study some kanji and Japanese grammar, and take another shower.

Then it's time to prepare dinner with my mom.

I like to eat at around 6pm because it gives my body plenty of time to start processingdigest the food before I go to bed.

After I eat dinner, I sitpend time with my family to watch TV and talk.

Then,Finally, at around 10pm I drink a cup of peppermint or chamomile tea and gobefore going to bed.

My days have been more or less like this for the past six months.

It's not bad and I don't really crave leaving the house like many people I hear/readwho complaining online about the ongoing quarantine, but I wishstill wish that I could add some variety to my daily routine.

dethlue's avatar

Oct. 23, 2020


Thank you for you correction! ^^

Daily Journals

I think that writing daily journals is difficult.

I was just thinking about this today as I went on my dailthrough my morning routine.

Not "go on a routine," but "go through a routine." "Morning routine" implies that it's daily, so no need to add the word "daily."

I usually take my morning walks to try to decide what I couldto write about while I take a walk in the morning, and today I decided to write about how difficult it is to write when there is nothing really going on.

I've always have problems writing about random topics because they are pretty much endless and it's difficult to selectchoose one.

What you wrote is correct; this just sounds more natural.

Once I'm considering everything I could talk or write about, nothing ever seems interesting enough.

I even looked through some of the writing prompts here and on other sites to get and idesa, but nada.


I once thought about writing a diary or something like that here, but ever since the quarantine, my days are very much alike started, each day is just like the others.

You could also say that the days are repetitive, tedious, or monotonous.

I wake up around 5am, but then I doze off for a couple of minutes and only get up aroundagain, so I don't get out of bed until 5:45am.

"A couple of minutes" would be 5 minutes at the most.

Then I brush my teeth, take a shower, drink a glass of lemon water, make my bed and go on my my morning walk.

I walk around in the garden until 6:55am, and use the time to stretch my fingers, hands and arms.

Since I work withas a programminger, most of my working hours are spent tipyping on the keyboard, either writing code or sending messages to my coworkers, so it's important to stretch.

You could also just say "Since I'm a programmer."

Then I eat my breakfast that, which is usually one mashed banana with a spoonful of oatmeal and cocoa powder.

It gives enough energy until I can take a break around 9am to walk for another 15 minutes and to eat somea light snack.

Then I'm back to the computer to carry on my work until lunchtime.

As per company regulations, I enjoy a nice hour out of work.

Then, the rest of the afternoon just goes by with more programming and studying until 4pm.

After I finish work, I study some kanji and Japanese grammar, and take another shower.

Then it's time to prepare dinner with my mom.

I like to eat around 6pm because it gives my body plenty of time to start procdigessting the food before I go to bed.

Then, around 10pm, I drink a cup of peppermint or chamomile tea and go to bed.

My days have been more or less like this for the past six months.

It's not bad and I don't really crave leaving the house like manythe people I hear/read complaining online about the ongoing quarantine, but I wish I could add some variety to my routine.


Good job! Hope my feedback was helpful.

dethlue's avatar

Oct. 22, 2020


Thank you for your correction! ^^
Oh boy, these commas will be the death of me. I never get them right, haha.

Aviva's avatar

Oct. 22, 2020


Yes, they are tricky! But like they say, practice makes perfect :) or, you know, close to perfect...

Daily Journals

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I think that writing daily journals is difficult.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I think that writing a daily journals is difficult.

I was just thinking about this today as I went on my daily morning routine.

I was just thinking about this today as I went on my dailthrough my morning routine.

Not "go on a routine," but "go through a routine." "Morning routine" implies that it's daily, so no need to add the word "daily."

I was just thinking about it this today as I went onmorning during my daily morning routine.

I usually take my morning walks to try to decide what I could write about, and today I decided to write about how difficult it is to write when there is nothing really going on.

I usually take my morning walks to try to decide what I couldto write about while I take a walk in the morning, and today I decided to write about how difficult it is to write when there is nothing really going on.

I usually take my morning walks to try to decide what I could write about, and today I decided to write about howhat it is difficult it is to write when there is nothing really going on.

I've always have problems writing about random topics because they are pretty much endless and it's difficult to select one.

I've always have problems writing about random topics because they are pretty much endless and it's difficult to selectchoose one.

What you wrote is correct; this just sounds more natural.

I've always haved problems writing about random topics because they are pretty much endless and it's difficult to select one.

Once I'm considering everything I could talk or write about, nothing ever seems interesting enough.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Once I'mve considering everything I coulded what to talk or write about, nothing ever seems interesting enough.

I even looked through some of the writing prompts here and on other sites to get and idea, but nada.

I even looked through some of the writing prompts here and on other sites to get and idesa, but nada.

I've even looked through some of the writing prompts here andon this site as well as on other sites to get and ideas, but nada.

When you switch from english to spanish to be stylish in your writing, it is generally a practice to italicized it.


This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I once thought about writing a diary or something like that here, but ever since the quarantine, my days are very much alike.

I once thought about writing a diary or something like that here, but ever since the quarantine, my days are very much alike started, each day is just like the others.

You could also say that the days are repetitive, tedious, or monotonous.

I once thought about writing a diary or something like that herand post it on this site, but ever since the quarantine, all my days arehave been very much alike.

isn't a journal basically a diary?

I wake up around 5am, but I doze off for a couple of minutes and only get up around 5:45am.

I wake up around 5am, but then I doze off for a couple of minutes and only get up aroundagain, so I don't get out of bed until 5:45am.

"A couple of minutes" would be 5 minutes at the most.

I typically wake up at around 5am, but then I doze off for what it feels like a couple of minutes and only to get up around 5:45am.

Then I brush my teeth, take a shower, drink a glass of lemon water, make my bed and go on my my morning walk.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Then I brush my teeth, take a shower, drink a glass of lemon water, make my bed and go on mytake my morning walk.

I walk around in the garden until 6:55am, and use the time to stretch my fingers, hands and arms.

I walk around in the garden until 6:55am, and use the time to stretch my fingers, hands and arms.

I walk around in the garden until 6:55am, and useusing theis time to stretch my fingers, hands and arms.

Since I work with programming, most of my working hours are spent tipping on the keyboard either writing code or sending messages to my coworkers, so it's important to stretch.

Since I work withas a programminger, most of my working hours are spent tipyping on the keyboard, either writing code or sending messages to my coworkers, so it's important to stretch.

You could also just say "Since I'm a programmer."

Since I work witham a programminger, most of my working hours are spent tipping on theon a keyboard either, writing codes or sending messages to my coworkers, so it's important to stretch.

Then I eat my breakfast that is usually one mashed banana with a spoonful of oatmeal and cocoa powder.

Then I eat my breakfast that, which is usually one mashed banana with a spoonful of oatmeal and cocoa powder.

Then I eat my usual breakfast that is usuallyconsisting of one mashed banana with a spoonful of oatmeal and cocoa powder.

It gives enough energy until I can take a break around 9am to walk for another 15 minutes and to eat some light snack.

It gives enough energy until I can take a break around 9am to walk for another 15 minutes and to eat somea light snack.

It gives enough energy until I can take a break at around 9am to walk for anothe, at which time I take another walk for 15 minutes and to eat some light snacks.

Then I'm back to the computer to carry on my work until lunchtime.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Then I'm back ato the computer to carry on my working until lunchtime.

As per company regulations, I enjoy a nice hour out of work.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

As per company regulations, I enjoy a nice hour out of entitled to a one hour lunch.

Then, the rest of the afternoon just goes by with more programming and studying until 4pm.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Then, the rest of the afternoon just goes by withinvolves more programming and studying until 4pm.

After I finish work I study some kanji and Japanese grammar, and take another shower.

After I finish work, I study some kanji and Japanese grammar, and take another shower.

After I finish work, I study some kanji and Japanese grammar, and take another shower.

Then it's time to prepare dinner with my mom.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I like to eat around 6pm because it gives my body plenty of time to start processing the food before I go to bed.

I like to eat around 6pm because it gives my body plenty of time to start procdigessting the food before I go to bed.

I like to eat at around 6pm because it gives my body plenty of time to start processingdigest the food before I go to bed.

After I eat dinner, I sit with my family to watch TV and talk.

After I eat dinner, I sitpend time with my family to watch TV and talk.

Then, around 10pm I drink a cup of peppermint or chamomile tea and go to bed.

Then, around 10pm, I drink a cup of peppermint or chamomile tea and go to bed.

Then,Finally, at around 10pm I drink a cup of peppermint or chamomile tea and gobefore going to bed.

My days have been more or less like this for the past six months.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

It's not bad and I don't really crave leaving the house like many people I hear/read complaining online about the ongoing quarantine, but I wish I could add some variety to my routine.

It's not bad and I don't really crave leaving the house like manythe people I hear/read complaining online about the ongoing quarantine, but I wish I could add some variety to my routine.

It's not bad and I don't really crave leaving the house like many people I hear/readwho complaining online about the ongoing quarantine, but I wishstill wish that I could add some variety to my daily routine.

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