123a's avatar

Aug. 31, 2023

Cuisenaire tools

It's tools for children. If you want to learn number, it's good tools for you or your children.
To understand this tools you need to undersand that make mathématical you need first to understand the number (you can count thing) and the decimal system (unit).

For this , Mister Cuisenaire built ruler. This ruler for each number. Each number-ruler have a color (with, yelow, red, brun, ...) . Each color have sense but i can now explain this.

With child you can begin without number, you use the rulers just with color. First you put all of rulers on table and children show they. Children probably will want to sort by color. Step by step you make enigma (ex : we are looking for a ruler that has the same size as these two together).


It'sThey're tools for children.

Tools is the plural form, so you have to use they're

If you want to learn numbers, it'sthey're good tools for you or your children.

To understand thisese tools, you need to understand that makein order to do mathéematicals, you needmust first to understand the numbers (you can count things) and the decimal system (unit).

I think your sentence would be better if you structured it like this

For this , Mister Cuisenaire built rulers.

Thisere is a ruler for each number.

I'm not sure what you meant by this sentence. Does this work?

Each number-ruler haves a color (whithe, yellow, red, brun, ...) .own etc.)

You have to use has because ruler is in singular form. Also better to use etc. instead of ...

Each color have sense but i can nows a purpose, and I can explain thisit now.

Did you mean that each colour has a purpose?

With children you can begin without number, yous. You just use the rulers just with color.

First you put all of the rulers on a table and children show theyshow the children.

Children will probably will want to sort by color.

Step by step you make an enigma (ex : we are looking for a ruler that has the same size as these two together).


Good job

123a's avatar

Sept. 7, 2023


Thisere is a ruler for each number.

I want to tell you : there are lot's of rulers like sticks. Each stick/ruler represent number because there have longueur ( 1cm for one, 2cm for two, ...).

123a's avatar

Sept. 7, 2023


Each color have sense but i can nows a purpose, and I can explain thisit now.

Yes, mister Cuisenaire choose it (Colors for each stick/ruler) for create family with color gradient like red => pink => brown. This family is the family of 2, 4, 8 (multiple of 2 less than 10)

bahnhofversteher's avatar

Sept. 24, 2023


I want to tell you : there are lot's of rulers like sticks. Each stick/ruler represent number because there have longueur ( 1cm for one, 2cm for two, ...).

I see, this is probably fine with the correction then

bahnhofversteher's avatar

Sept. 24, 2023


Yes, mister Cuisenaire choose it (Colors for each stick/ruler) for create family with color gradient like red => pink => brown. This family is the family of 2, 4, 8 (multiple of 2 less than 10)

Understood. So in this case, purpose would be more fitting

Cuisenaire tools

It's tools for children.

It'sThey're tools for children.

Tools is the plural form, so you have to use they're

If you want to learn number, it's good tools for you or your children.

If you want to learn numbers, it'sthey're good tools for you or your children.

To understand this tools you need to undersand that make mathématical you need first to understand the number (you can count thing) and the decimal system (unit).

To understand thisese tools, you need to understand that makein order to do mathéematicals, you needmust first to understand the numbers (you can count things) and the decimal system (unit).

I think your sentence would be better if you structured it like this

For this , Mister Cuisenaire built ruler.

For this , Mister Cuisenaire built rulers.

This ruler for each number.

Thisere is a ruler for each number.

I'm not sure what you meant by this sentence. Does this work?

Each number-ruler have a color (with, yelow, red, brun, ...) .

Each number-ruler haves a color (whithe, yellow, red, brun, ...) .own etc.)

You have to use has because ruler is in singular form. Also better to use etc. instead of ...

Each color have sense but i can now explain this.

Each color have sense but i can nows a purpose, and I can explain thisit now.

Did you mean that each colour has a purpose?

With child you can begin without number, you use the rulers just with color.

With children you can begin without number, yous. You just use the rulers just with color.

First you put all of rulers on table and children show they.

First you put all of the rulers on a table and children show theyshow the children.

Children probably will want to sort by color.

Children will probably will want to sort by color.

Step by step you make enigma (ex : we are looking for a ruler that has the same size as these two together).

Step by step you make an enigma (ex : we are looking for a ruler that has the same size as these two together).

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