Dani's avatar

Jan. 20, 2023

Cover letter for coffee shops in Dublin

To whom it may concern.
First of all, I am going to present myself.
My name is Daniel. I am looking for a position in a coffee shop in Dublin to polish up my English oral skills.
I found your contact address on the Internet and I am writing to apply for a job as a waiter in your shop.
I have experience in similar jobs since I worked as a waiter for two years in a restaurant in Spain coast. I also was the person in charge on a campsite. You can see this and the rest of my working experience, in the curriculum attached.
I have great skills dealing with people, given that I have been working as a salesman for the last two years.
I am likewise a very tidy person, which could be a useful aptitude when it comes to managing dupes.
Besides all that I am a native Spanish speaker that can be very suitable in shops located in a tourist area.
I hope you take into account my application. Best regards.


Cover letter for coffee shops in Dublin

To whom it may concern.

First of all, I am going to presentwould like to introduce myself.

This is more polite and less assertive

My name is Daniel.

I am looking for a position in a coffee shop in Dublin to polish up my English oral skills.

I found your contact address on the Internet and I am writing to apply for a job as a waiter in your shop.

I have experience in similar jobs since I worked as a waiter for two years in a restaurant ion Spain’s coast.

I also was the person in chargehave also held a supervisory position on a campsite.

Very sophisticated

You can see this and the rest of my working experience, in the curriculrésumé attached.

I have great skills dealing with peopleinterpersonal skills, given that I have been working as a salesman for the last two years.

I am likewise a very tidy person, which could be a useful aptitude when it comes to managing dupes.

Besides all that I am a native Spanish speaker that canould thus be very suitable in shops located in a relatively touristy area.

I hope you take into account my application.

Best regards.


Well done

Dani's avatar

Jan. 21, 2023


I appreciate it

To whom it may concern.,

First of all, I am going to present myself.

I would skip this altogether as you're going to introduce yourself in the next sentence :)

I am looking for a position in a coffee shop in Dublin to polish upallow me to utilise my English oral skills.

Your English is already very good, and this way makes it sound more mutually beneficial :)

I found your contact address on the Internetjob listing (OR: contact details from [name of website]). and I am writing to apply for a job as a waiter in your shopcafe.

I have two years of experience in similar jobs since I worked as a waiter for two yearshospitality as a waiter in a restaurant in Spain coast.

I also was the person in charge on a campsite.acted as a campsite manager for [X] years, which allowed me to develop my managerial, communication, and organisational skills. Most recently I have worked as a salesman for the last two years, which helped me gain great people skills

You can of course swap out the skills :)

You can see this and the rest of my working experience, in the curriculumfind further information detailed in my attached CV.

We usually shorten it to CV in the UK :)

I have great skills dealing with people, given that I have been working as a salesman for the last two years.

Moved to a more relevant section

I am likewise a very tidy person, which could be a useful aptitude when it comes to managing dupes.

I don't think you need this - otherwise I'd say "I also have experience in cleaning, clearing tables, and maintaining a safe workspace"

Besides all that I am a native Spanish speaker that can be very suitable in shops located in a tourist areaI also speak Spanish, which would be an asset in communicating with tourist customers.

I hope you take into accountlook forward to discussing my application with you.


Good work! I've edited this to sound more professional (I sometimes edit CVs in my job in the UK) - sometimes they use jargon that is only really relevant in a cover letter or CV but shows "professionalism", so I've used a bit of this. Good luck!

Dani's avatar

Jan. 21, 2023


Advice from a professional, that's great! :-). Thank you

cats's avatar

Jan. 21, 2023


I hope it was helpful! Feel free to let me know if you have any questions or need help with anything :)

To whom it may concern.,

Should be followed by a comma. Same as "Dear Mr. Smith" or "Dear sir or madam" or any other opening to a letter.

First of all, I am going to presentallow me to introduce myself.

Actually, I would suggest you skip this sentence altogether.

My name is Daniel.

I would also suggest you skip this sentence. Your name will presumably be at the bottom of the letter, along with your contact information.

I am looking for a position in a coffee shop in Dublin to polish up my English oralspeaking skills.

sounds better

I found your contact address on the Internet and I am writing to apply for a job as a waiter in your shop.

Maybe it is different in Ireland but here "waiter" is for a restaurant, not a café. I suggest you look at some job ads in Dublin and see what term they are using.

I have experience in similar jobs since I worked as a waiter for two years in a restaurant in Spainon the Spanish coast.

or "on the coast of Spain." Or, just say "Spain" since it is likely they don't know much Spanish geography anyway, and it doesn't really make a difference.

I also was the person in charge onhave also been responsible for supervising a campsite.

You can see this and the restPlease find the details of my working experience, in the curriculum attached resume.

Here we would say "resume"; other places "cv." Make sure you find some Irish sources that to verify the correct term there.

I have great skills dealing with people, given that Iexcellent people skills, haveing been working as a salesman for the last two years.

I am likewise a very tidy person, which could be a useful aptitude when it comes to managing dupesalso a tidy and organized person.

I have no idea what you mean by "dupes" here.

Besides all that I amAs a native Spanish speaker that can be very suitable in shops located in a tourist areaI could easily assist Spanish-speaking tourists in your establishment.

I hope you take into account my applicwill take my application into consideration.

Best regards.,

End with comma. Then (after some blank lines, leaving space for a signature if this is a paper letter) your full name.


Your English is excellent! I made lots of corrections, but it wasn't because you made errors. I was just adjusting the language so it would sound more natural and native-like.

Dani's avatar

Jan. 21, 2023


Thank you very much for your tips to sound more natural

Cover letter for coffee shops in Dublin

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

To whom it may concern.

To whom it may concern.,

Should be followed by a comma. Same as "Dear Mr. Smith" or "Dear sir or madam" or any other opening to a letter.

To whom it may concern.,

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

First of all, I am going to present myself.

First of all, I am going to presentallow me to introduce myself.

Actually, I would suggest you skip this sentence altogether.

First of all, I am going to present myself.

I would skip this altogether as you're going to introduce yourself in the next sentence :)

First of all, I am going to presentwould like to introduce myself.

This is more polite and less assertive

My name is Daniel.

My name is Daniel.

I would also suggest you skip this sentence. Your name will presumably be at the bottom of the letter, along with your contact information.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I am looking for a position in a coffee shop in Dublin to polish up my English oral skills.

I am looking for a position in a coffee shop in Dublin to polish up my English oralspeaking skills.

sounds better

I am looking for a position in a coffee shop in Dublin to polish upallow me to utilise my English oral skills.

Your English is already very good, and this way makes it sound more mutually beneficial :)

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I found your contact address on the Internet and I am writing to apply for a job as a waiter in your shop.

I found your contact address on the Internet and I am writing to apply for a job as a waiter in your shop.

Maybe it is different in Ireland but here "waiter" is for a restaurant, not a café. I suggest you look at some job ads in Dublin and see what term they are using.

I found your contact address on the Internetjob listing (OR: contact details from [name of website]). and I am writing to apply for a job as a waiter in your shopcafe.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I have experience in similar jobs since I worked as a waiter for two years in a restaurant in Spain coast.

I have experience in similar jobs since I worked as a waiter for two years in a restaurant in Spainon the Spanish coast.

or "on the coast of Spain." Or, just say "Spain" since it is likely they don't know much Spanish geography anyway, and it doesn't really make a difference.

I have two years of experience in similar jobs since I worked as a waiter for two yearshospitality as a waiter in a restaurant in Spain coast.

I have experience in similar jobs since I worked as a waiter for two years in a restaurant ion Spain’s coast.

I also was the person in charge on a campsite.

I also was the person in charge onhave also been responsible for supervising a campsite.

I also was the person in charge on a campsite.acted as a campsite manager for [X] years, which allowed me to develop my managerial, communication, and organisational skills. Most recently I have worked as a salesman for the last two years, which helped me gain great people skills

You can of course swap out the skills :)

I also was the person in chargehave also held a supervisory position on a campsite.

Very sophisticated

You can see this and the rest of my working experience, in the curriculum attached.

You can see this and the restPlease find the details of my working experience, in the curriculum attached resume.

Here we would say "resume"; other places "cv." Make sure you find some Irish sources that to verify the correct term there.

You can see this and the rest of my working experience, in the curriculumfind further information detailed in my attached CV.

We usually shorten it to CV in the UK :)

You can see this and the rest of my working experience, in the curriculrésumé attached.

I have great skills dealing with people, given that I have been working as a salesman for the last two years.

I have great skills dealing with people, given that Iexcellent people skills, haveing been working as a salesman for the last two years.

I have great skills dealing with people, given that I have been working as a salesman for the last two years.

Moved to a more relevant section

I have great skills dealing with peopleinterpersonal skills, given that I have been working as a salesman for the last two years.

I am likewise a very tidy person, which could be a useful aptitude when it comes to managing dupes.

I am likewise a very tidy person, which could be a useful aptitude when it comes to managing dupesalso a tidy and organized person.

I have no idea what you mean by "dupes" here.

I am likewise a very tidy person, which could be a useful aptitude when it comes to managing dupes.

I don't think you need this - otherwise I'd say "I also have experience in cleaning, clearing tables, and maintaining a safe workspace"

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Besides all that I am a native Spanish speaker that can be very suitable in shops located in a tourist area.

Besides all that I amAs a native Spanish speaker that can be very suitable in shops located in a tourist areaI could easily assist Spanish-speaking tourists in your establishment.

Besides all that I am a native Spanish speaker that can be very suitable in shops located in a tourist areaI also speak Spanish, which would be an asset in communicating with tourist customers.

Besides all that I am a native Spanish speaker that canould thus be very suitable in shops located in a relatively touristy area.

I hope you take into account my application.

I hope you take into account my applicwill take my application into consideration.

I hope you take into accountlook forward to discussing my application with you.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Best regards.

Best regards.,

End with comma. Then (after some blank lines, leaving space for a signature if this is a paper letter) your full name.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

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