Vode123's avatar

Sept. 23, 2024

Commencent en Français à LangCorrect

Salut, je suis un étudiant des examanes du GCSE, qui voudrais ______ mon écrit sur LangCorrect. Je suis desolé si les mots sont bien, je ne suis pas trés bon à la française.
Je serai triste si cette site de web est trop silent...
J'essayai ____ tous les jours.

Hello, I am a GCSE student who wants to practise my writing on LangCorrect. Apologies if the words don't sound natural, I am not very high level. I will be sad if this site is too quiet...
I will try to post every day.

(note, please dont mind the horrible french, i am trying to write without any assistance at all, or stimulus, which is really, really difficult! I will probably use a stimulus in most of my posts. Please bear with me!)


Commencentr en Ffrançais àsur LangCorrect

Verbs as subjects of a sentence are in the infinitive form => commencer
Language names aren't capitalized => français
All apps, softwares, websites etc require the preposition "sur" => SUR Instagram, SUR Skype, SUR LangCorrect...

Salut, je suis un étudiant des examanes du GCSE, qui voudrais ______ mcandidat à l'examen du GCSE, qui voudrait pratiquer mon expression écrite sur LangCorrect.

In French you study a subject but you are "candidat" ("candidate") for an exam
You could also say => j'étudie/j'apprends pour passer le GSCE

"Expression écrite" is a widely used term (especially in the language-learning world) that fit all kinds of contexts, so I definitely recommend learning it

to practice = pratiquer

Je suis deésolé si lmes mots sn'ont bienpas l'air naturels, je ne suis pas tréès bon à laen française.

to sound = sonner, avoir l'air, sembler ("sembler" and "avoir l'air" are better picks even when talking about sounds)
natural = naturel (I tried to stick close to your original English text)

être bon DANS un domaine, EN (maths, français, histoire etc)

Je serai triste si cette site de web est trop silentcalme...

a website = UN site web
"quiet" in the sense "not having too much activity" is "calme"

J'essayerai ____de publier (ici) tous les jours.

j'essayai = I tried (passé simple)
j'essayERAI (-er termination + -ai) = I WILL try

essayer DE faire quelque chose

to post = publier, poster


Welcome to LC! It's alright, it's totally natural to have a "bad (whatever language)" when one starts learning. Plus, your French is far from being so horrible!
I also bear with people, it's one of the required qualities to be a corrector. It's a good thing to write your orginal text like you did for this one, it helps correctors a great deal.

Vode123's avatar

Sept. 24, 2024


Thank you so much! I really appreciate how quickly you got this back, and the detail and depth of your correction.
This site is 'certainement' going to be useful to improve my writing, and its more active than I thought! Again, thank you so much!

Monsieur_Elephant's avatar

Sept. 24, 2024


You're welcome. The activity depends on the language. Sadly, it's hard to get corrected in some languages. French is pretty active, there are are quite a handful of French speakers here, so it's unlikely for a learner to stay uncorrected for a long time.

Commencent en Français à LangCorrect

Commencentr en Ffrançais àsur LangCorrect

Verbs as subjects of a sentence are in the infinitive form => commencer Language names aren't capitalized => français All apps, softwares, websites etc require the preposition "sur" => SUR Instagram, SUR Skype, SUR LangCorrect...

Salut, je suis un étudiant des examanes du GCSE, qui voudrais ______ mon écrit sur LangCorrect.

Salut, je suis un étudiant des examanes du GCSE, qui voudrais ______ mcandidat à l'examen du GCSE, qui voudrait pratiquer mon expression écrite sur LangCorrect.

In French you study a subject but you are "candidat" ("candidate") for an exam You could also say => j'étudie/j'apprends pour passer le GSCE "Expression écrite" is a widely used term (especially in the language-learning world) that fit all kinds of contexts, so I definitely recommend learning it to practice = pratiquer

Je suis desolé si les mots sont bien, je ne suis pas trés bon à la française.

Je suis deésolé si lmes mots sn'ont bienpas l'air naturels, je ne suis pas tréès bon à laen française.

to sound = sonner, avoir l'air, sembler ("sembler" and "avoir l'air" are better picks even when talking about sounds) natural = naturel (I tried to stick close to your original English text) être bon DANS un domaine, EN (maths, français, histoire etc)

Je serai triste si cette site de web est trop silent...

Je serai triste si cette site de web est trop silentcalme...

a website = UN site web "quiet" in the sense "not having too much activity" is "calme"

J'essayai ____ tous les jours.

J'essayerai ____de publier (ici) tous les jours.

j'essayai = I tried (passé simple) j'essayERAI (-er termination + -ai) = I WILL try essayer DE faire quelque chose to post = publier, poster

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