ksushalev's avatar

Nov. 6, 2022

Chucky Past simple

There was a bird. Her name was Chucky. She had beautiful colorful feathers. But she couldn't fly, because cat tore out her tail. At first Chucky was very upset and decided to figure out what means to be happy. She asked the Sun, The Wind and the Water. But they gave her different answers. Chucky was taken aback. She thought she was completely confused. Then she asked a wise owl and the owl replied:
- Happiness is what makes you happy.
Little bird realized that she was happy when she was flying. So, she didn't give up and build hot air balloon. Now she could fly on it and was very happy.


She had beautiful, colorful feathers.

But she couldn't fly, because a cat tore out her tail.

At first Chucky was very upset and decided to figure out what it means to be happy.

LThe little bird realized that she was happy when she was flying.

So, she didn't give up and buildt a hot air balloon.

build= present tense

Now she could fly oin it and was very happy.


Well done, though do pay attention to the usage of articles )) Хорошо написано

ksushalev's avatar

Nov. 8, 2022


Thank you

She had beautiful, colorful feathers.

But she couldn't fly, because a cat tore out her tail.

At first Chucky was very upset, and she decided to figure out what means to be happy.

She asked the Ssun, Tthe Wwind and the Wwater.

But they all gave her different answers.

She thought she was completely confused.

- "Happiness is what makes you happy."

So, she didn't give up, and she buildt a hot air balloon.


Great work here!

ksushalev's avatar

Nov. 8, 2022


Thank you

There was a bird.

Her name was Chucky.

She had beautifully colorfuled feathers.

But she couldn't fly, because a cat tore out her tail.

She asked the Sun, The Wind and the Water.

But they all gave her different answers.

She thought she was completely confusedrazy.

I'm not sure what you are trying to say here.

TShen s then asked a wise owl and the owl replied:

So, she didn't give up and buildt a hot air balloon.

Now she could fly oin it and was very happy.


Great Job!

ksushalev's avatar

Nov. 8, 2022



There was a bird.

Hand her name was Chucky.

But she couldn't fly, because a cat tore out her tail.

At first Chucky was very upset and decided to figure out what it meanst to be happy.

She asked the Ssun, Tthe Wwind and the Wwater.

She thought she was completely confused.

TSo then she asked a wise owl and the owl replied:

So, she didn't give up and buildt a hot air balloon.

ksushalev's avatar

Nov. 8, 2022



Chucky Past simple

There was a bird.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

There was a bird.

Her name was Chucky.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Hand her name was Chucky.

She had beautiful colorful feathers.

She had beautifully colorfuled feathers.

She had beautiful, colorful feathers.

She had beautiful, colorful feathers.

But she couldn't fly, because cat tore out her tail.

But she couldn't fly, because a cat tore out her tail.

But she couldn't fly, because a cat tore out her tail.

But she couldn't fly, because a cat tore out her tail.

But she couldn't fly, because a cat tore out her tail.

At first Chucky was very upset and decided to figure out what means to be happy.

At first Chucky was very upset and decided to figure out what it meanst to be happy.

At first Chucky was very upset, and she decided to figure out what means to be happy.

At first Chucky was very upset and decided to figure out what it means to be happy.

She asked the Sun, The Wind and the Water.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

She asked the Ssun, Tthe Wwind and the Wwater.

She asked the Ssun, Tthe Wwind and the Wwater.

But they gave her different answers.

But they all gave her different answers.

But they all gave her different answers.

Chucky was taken aback.

She thought she was completely confused.

She thought she was completely confused.

She thought she was completely confusedrazy.

I'm not sure what you are trying to say here.

She thought she was completely confused.

Then she asked a wise owl and the owl replied:

TSo then she asked a wise owl and the owl replied:

TShen s then asked a wise owl and the owl replied:

- Happiness is what makes you happy.

- "Happiness is what makes you happy."

Little bird realized that she was happy when she was flying.

LThe little bird realized that she was happy when she was flying.

So, she didn't give up and build hot air balloon.

So, she didn't give up and buildt a hot air balloon.

So, she didn't give up and buildt a hot air balloon.

So, she didn't give up, and she buildt a hot air balloon.

So, she didn't give up and buildt a hot air balloon.

build= present tense

Now she could fly on it and was very happy.

Now she could fly oin it and was very happy.

Now she could fly oin it and was very happy.

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