Scarlett_Father's avatar

Feb. 21, 2023

ChatGPT Experience(4) - Sam Altman

I believe most of the people on this website don't know who this guy is, he has been shot to fame with ChatGPT, and he is OpenAI CEO. I came to know his name yesterday, who only owns 1.3M followers on Twitter. He is a small potato compared to Musk and Gates.

From his words, I find he is now considering what the next generations will think about us because we brought AI to the world.

In my opinion, AI is quite similar to smartphones. In the past decades, all of us have been experiencing how and what the latter changed our life in a variety of aspects areas. We continuously push children to stay away or keep minimum time with smartphones, chattering more time on a smartphone will get more chances to be myopia, and I even heard some top expensive private schools have strict rules to regulate it. On the other hand, we have to face the truth that as an adult we can not live smoothly without it; Nearly all students are using smartphones though they are not allowed.

ChatGPT is now on the stage, and more and more similar AI chatbots are ambitious to challenge it. I hypothesize boldly that ChatGPT will be developed into Male and Female ChatGPT one day.

Some of us will inevitably be victims of AI, and others will benefit from it. In other words back to what Sam Altman is now considering regarding the feelings of our descendants toward AI. I personally think some of our descendants will be slaves of AI and the rest be masters, the planet will be nominated by some high-tech companies.


ChatGPT Experience (4) - Sam Altman

I believe most of the people on this website don'would not know who this guy is, h. He has been shot to fame with ChatGPT, and he is OpenAI CEO.

I came to know his name yesterday, who only own. He has 1.3M followers on Twitter.

He is a small potatofry compared to Musk and Gates.

Idiomatic way to say that.

In the past decades, all of us have been experiencing how and what the latter changed our life in a variety of aspects areas.

We continuously push children to stay away or keephave minimum time with smartphones, as chattering more timetoo much on a smartphone will get morincrease chances to be myopia, andc. I even heard that some top expensive private schools have strict rules to regulate it.this.

On the other hand, we have to face the truth that as an adults we can not live smoothly without it;. Nearly all students are using smartphones though they are not allowed. to.

ChatGPT ihas now on the stage, arrived and more and more similar AI chatbots are ambitious to challengeing it.

I hypothesize boldly that one day, ChatGPT will be developed into Male and Female ChatGPT one day.

Some of us will inevitably be victims of AI, and while others will benefit from it.

In other wordsSo, back to what Sam Altman is now considering regardand predicting the feelings of our descendants toward AI.

I personally think some of our descendants will be slaves tof AI and the rest will be masters, and the planet will be ndominated by some high-tech companies.

Scarlett_Father's avatar

Feb. 21, 2023


Thank you for providing me with the correct information! 😃

ChatGPT Experience(4) - Sam Altman

I believe most of the people on this website don't know who this guy is, h. He has been shot to fame with ChatGPT, and he is the CEO of OpenAI CEO.

I came to knowlearned his name yesterday, who. He only owns 1.3M followers on Twitter.

"came to know" is okay, but "learned" feels more colloquial.

He is a small potato compared to Musk and Gates.

From his words, I fthindk he is now considering what the following next generations will think about us because we brought AI to the world.

In my opinion, AI is quite similar to smartphones.

In the past couple of decades, all of us have been experiencing how and what the latter changed our life in a variety of aspects areas.

We continuously push children to stay away or keep minimumtheir time with smartphones, chatter at a minimum. Spending more time on a smartphone will get more chances to beincreases your chances of developing myopia, and I even heard some top expensive private schools have strict rules to regulate iting them.

On the other hand, we have to face the truth that as an adult we can not live smoothly without it;them. Nearly all students are using smartphones even though they are not allowed (to).

ChatGPT is now on the stage, and more and more similar AI chatbots are ambitiously trying to challenge it.

I hypothesize boldly thatbet that male and female ChatGPT bots will be developed into Male and Female ChatGPT one day.

"bet" is more colloquial.

Some of us will inevitably be victims of AI, and others will benefit from it.

In other words bBack to what Sam Altman is now considering regarding the feelings of our descendants toward AI. -

I personally think some of our descendants will be slaves of AI and the rest be masters, the planet will be ndominated by somea few high-tech companies.


I didn't know about Sam Altman! I'll have to look him up. Good job!

Scarlett_Father's avatar

Feb. 21, 2023


Thank you for pointing out my mistakes! 😃

ChatGPT Experience (4) - Sam Altman

I believe most of the people on this website don't know who this guy is, h. He has been shot to fame with ChatGPT, and because he is OpenAI's CEO.


I came to knowlearned his name yesterday, who only own because he has 1.3M followers on Twitter.

He is a small potato compared to Musk and Gates.

FromJudging by his words, I finddiscovered that he is now considering what the next generations will think about us because we brought AI into the world.

In my opinion, AI is quite similar to smartphones.

In the past few decades, all of us have been experiencing how and what the latter changed in our lifeves in a variety of aspects and areas.

We continuously push children to stay away or keep minimumrestrict time with smartphones, chatter. Texting more time on a smartphone will getprovide more chances to become myopia,c and I even heard that some top tier expensive private schools have strict rules to regulate it.

On the other hand, we have to face the truth that as an adult we can not live smoothly without it; Nthem: nearly all students are using smartphones though they are not allowed.

ChatGPT is now on the stage, and so more and more similar AI chatbots which are similar are ambitious to challenge it.

I hypothesize boldly that ChatGPT will be developed into Male and Female ChatGPTs one day.

Some of us will inevitably be victims of AI, and while others will benefit from it.

In other words back to what Sam Altman is now considering regarding the feelings of our descendants toward AI.

This is a sentence fragment.

In other words, back to what Sam Altman was saying about considering the feelings of our descendants toward AI, I personally think some of our descendants will be slaves tof AI andwhile the rest bewill become its masters.




Scarlett_Father's avatar

Feb. 21, 2023



ChatGPT Experience(4) - Sam Altman

ChatGPT Experience (4) - Sam Altman

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

ChatGPT Experience (4) - Sam Altman

I believe most of the people on this website don't know who this guy is, he has been shot to fame with ChatGPT, and he is OpenAI CEO.

I believe most of the people on this website don't know who this guy is, h. He has been shot to fame with ChatGPT, and because he is OpenAI's CEO.


I believe most of the people on this website don't know who this guy is, h. He has been shot to fame with ChatGPT, and he is the CEO of OpenAI CEO.

I believe most of the people on this website don'would not know who this guy is, h. He has been shot to fame with ChatGPT, and he is OpenAI CEO.

I came to know his name yesterday, who only owns 1.3M followers on Twitter.

I came to knowlearned his name yesterday, who only own because he has 1.3M followers on Twitter.

I came to knowlearned his name yesterday, who. He only owns 1.3M followers on Twitter.

"came to know" is okay, but "learned" feels more colloquial.

I came to know his name yesterday, who only own. He has 1.3M followers on Twitter.

He is a small potato compared to Musk and Gates.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

He is a small potatofry compared to Musk and Gates.

Idiomatic way to say that.

From his words, I find he is now considering what the next generations will think about us because we brought AI to the world.

FromJudging by his words, I finddiscovered that he is now considering what the next generations will think about us because we brought AI into the world.

From his words, I fthindk he is now considering what the following next generations will think about us because we brought AI to the world.

In my opinion, AI is quite similar to smartphones.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

In the past decades, all of us have been experiencing how and what the latter changed our life in a variety aspects areas.

In the past few decades, all of us have been experiencing how and what the latter changed in our lifeves in a variety of aspects and areas.

We continuous push children to stay away or keep minimum time with smartphones, chattering more time on a smartphone will get more chances to be myopia, and I even heard some top expensive private schools have strict rules to regulate it.

We continuously push children to stay away or keep minimumrestrict time with smartphones, chatter. Texting more time on a smartphone will getprovide more chances to become myopia,c and I even heard that some top tier expensive private schools have strict rules to regulate it.

On the other hand, we have to face the truth that as an adult we can not live smoothly without it; Nearly all students are using smartphone though they are not allowed.

On the other hand, we have to face the truth that as an adult we can not live smoothly without it; Nthem: nearly all students are using smartphones though they are not allowed.

ChatGPT is now on the stage, and more and more similar AI chatbot are ambitious to challenge it.

ChatGPT is now on the stage, and so more and more similar AI chatbots which are similar are ambitious to challenge it.

I hypothesize boldly that ChatGPT will be developed into Male and Female ChatGPT one day.

I hypothesize boldly that ChatGPT will be developed into Male and Female ChatGPTs one day.

I hypothesize boldly thatbet that male and female ChatGPT bots will be developed into Male and Female ChatGPT one day.

"bet" is more colloquial.

I hypothesize boldly that one day, ChatGPT will be developed into Male and Female ChatGPT one day.

Some of us will inevitably be victims of AI, and others will benefit from it.

Some of us will inevitably be victims of AI, and while others will benefit from it.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Some of us will inevitably be victims of AI, and while others will benefit from it.

In other words back to what Sam Altman is now considering regarding the feelings of our descendants toward AI.

In other words back to what Sam Altman is now considering regarding the feelings of our descendants toward AI.

This is a sentence fragment.

In other words bBack to what Sam Altman is now considering regarding the feelings of our descendants toward AI. -

In other wordsSo, back to what Sam Altman is now considering regardand predicting the feelings of our descendants toward AI.

I personaly think some of our descendants will be slaves of AI and the rest be masters.

In other words, back to what Sam Altman was saying about considering the feelings of our descendants toward AI, I personally think some of our descendants will be slaves tof AI andwhile the rest bewill become its masters.


In the past decades, all of us have been experiencing how and what the latter changed our life in a variety of aspects areas.

In the past couple of decades, all of us have been experiencing how and what the latter changed our life in a variety of aspects areas.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

We continuously push children to stay away or keep minimum time with smartphones, chattering more time on a smartphone will get more chances to be myopia, and I even heard some top expensive private schools have strict rules to regulate it.

We continuously push children to stay away or keep minimumtheir time with smartphones, chatter at a minimum. Spending more time on a smartphone will get more chances to beincreases your chances of developing myopia, and I even heard some top expensive private schools have strict rules to regulate iting them.

We continuously push children to stay away or keephave minimum time with smartphones, as chattering more timetoo much on a smartphone will get morincrease chances to be myopia, andc. I even heard that some top expensive private schools have strict rules to regulate it.this.

On the other hand, we have to face the truth that as an adult we can not live smoothly without it; Nearly all students are using smartphones though they are not allowed.

On the other hand, we have to face the truth that as an adult we can not live smoothly without it;them. Nearly all students are using smartphones even though they are not allowed (to).

On the other hand, we have to face the truth that as an adults we can not live smoothly without it;. Nearly all students are using smartphones though they are not allowed. to.

ChatGPT is now on the stage, and more and more similar AI chatbots are ambitious to challenge it.

ChatGPT is now on the stage, and more and more similar AI chatbots are ambitiously trying to challenge it.

ChatGPT ihas now on the stage, arrived and more and more similar AI chatbots are ambitious to challengeing it.

I personally think some of our descendants will be slaves of AI and the rest be masters, the planet will be nominated by some high-tech companies.

I personally think some of our descendants will be slaves of AI and the rest be masters, the planet will be ndominated by somea few high-tech companies.

I personally think some of our descendants will be slaves tof AI and the rest will be masters, and the planet will be ndominated by some high-tech companies.

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