courageuse19's avatar

Nov. 4, 2022

Challenge, Day35

Today is 35 day of my daily English challenge. Today I woke up early and I felt like to doing a lot of things.

I went to the checken. I had an orange juice. Then I cleaned the house. In the afternoon, I sent an email to a friend, I watched to a video en Spanish. After that, I read a bunch of word a loud.

I am grateful for this website and everyone who has helped me.


I went to the checke-in.

I had andrank some orange juice.

In the afternoon, I sent an email to a friend, and I watched to a video ein Spanish.

After that, I read a bunch of words a loud.

courageuse19's avatar

Nov. 8, 2022


Thank you.

Challenge, Day 35

Today is 35th day of my daily English challenge.

Today I woke up early, and I felt like to doing a lot of things.

I went to the checke in.

Not sure if you mean a check in or chickens :)

In the afternoon, I sent an email to a friend, and I watched to a video ein Spanish.

After that, I read a bunch of words a loud.


Great job! The challenge is such a good idea. I should try that too :)

effectra's avatar

Nov. 5, 2022


I went to the checke in.

I think they meant kitchen!

courageuse19's avatar

Nov. 5, 2022


I think they meant kitchen!

Yes, you are right. I wanted to say: Kitchen.

Thank you.

courageuse19's avatar

Nov. 5, 2022


I went to the checke in.

Thank you for your correction.

I wanted to say: The kitchen.

cats's avatar

Nov. 5, 2022


Thank you for your correction. I wanted to say: The kitchen.

Ohh of course - I should have noticed that! I thought you might live on a farm haha :)

Challenge, Day35

Challenge, Day 35

Today is 35 day of my daily English challenge.

Today is 35th day of my daily English challenge.

Today I woke up early and I felt like to doing a lot of things.

Today I woke up early, and I felt like to doing a lot of things.

I went to the checken.

I went to the checke in.

Not sure if you mean a check in or chickens :)

I went to the checke-in.

I had an orange juice.

I had andrank some orange juice.

Then I cleaned the house.

In the afternoon, I sent an email to a friend, I watched to a video en Spanish.

In the afternoon, I sent an email to a friend, and I watched to a video ein Spanish.

In the afternoon, I sent an email to a friend, and I watched to a video ein Spanish.

After that, I read a bunch of word a loud.

After that, I read a bunch of words a loud.

After that, I read a bunch of words a loud.

I am grateful for this website and everyone who has helped me.

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