courageuse19's avatar

Dec. 5, 2022

Challenge, Day 65

Today is the 65 th the day of my daily English challenge. Today I felt amazing. No pain!! Thank to God.

I had breakfast healthy, I meditated and then I cooked. In the evening, I called to my mother to know her news of her health. After that I learned a bunch of new words and I also read the topics differents each other and I read them a loud.

The news word that I learned are: educated, acquire, to discover, hard, come in handy, to get away and look after.


Today is the 65 th the day of my daily English challenge.

Today I feelt amazing.

Thanks be to God.

I had a healthy breakfast healthy, I meditated and then I cooked.

In the evening, I called to my mother to know her news offind out about her health.

After that I learned a bunchlot of new words and I also read the topics differentsdifferent topics about each otherword and Ithen read them a aloud.

The news words that I learned awere: educated, acquire, to discover, hard, come in handy, to get away and look after.

Challenge, Day 65

Today is the 65 th the day of my daily English challenge.

Today I felt amazing.

No pain!!

Thank to God.

I had a healthy breakfast healthy, I meditated and then I cooked.

In the evening, I called to my mother to know learn ther news of her health.

You could use a few different words here. I would probably say something like “I called my mother to ask about her health” or “I called my mother for an update about her health”

After that I learned a bunch of new words and I also read the topics differents each other and I read them adifferent topics out loud.

I’m not totally sure what you’re saying here but I would write something like this.

The news words that I learned are: educated, acquire, to discover, hard, come in handy, to get away and look after.


Congratulations on learning so many new words! Keep it up!

courageuse19's avatar

Dec. 5, 2022


After that I learned a bunch of new words and I also read the topics differents each other and I read them adifferent topics out loud.

I wanted to say: I read the tow topics one about Algerian tarditions and cultures, second daily routine.

courageuse19's avatar

Dec. 5, 2022


Thank you so much.

Challenge, Day 65

Today is the 65 th the day of my daily English challenge.

Today I felt amazing.

No pain!!

Thank to God.

I had a healthy breakfast healthy, I meditated and then I cooked.

In the evening, I called to my mother to know learn ther news of her health.

After that, I learned a bunch of new words and I also read the topics differents each other and I read them a different topics aloud.

The news word that I learned are: educated, acquire, to discover, hard, come in handy, to get away and look after.

courageuse19's avatar

Dec. 5, 2022


Thank you so much.

Challenge, Day 65

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Today is the 65 th the day of my daily English challenge.

Today is the 65 th the day of my daily English challenge.

Today is the 65 th the day of my daily English challenge.

Today is the 65 th the day of my daily English challenge.

Today I felt amazing.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Today I feelt amazing.

No pain!!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Thank to God.

Thank to God.

Thank to God.

Thanks be to God.

I had breakfast healthy, I meditated and then I cooked.

I had a healthy breakfast healthy, I meditated and then I cooked.

I had a healthy breakfast healthy, I meditated and then I cooked.

I had a healthy breakfast healthy, I meditated and then I cooked.

In the evening, I called to my mother to know her news of her health.

In the evening, I called to my mother to know learn ther news of her health.

In the evening, I called to my mother to know learn ther news of her health.

You could use a few different words here. I would probably say something like “I called my mother to ask about her health” or “I called my mother for an update about her health”

In the evening, I called to my mother to know her news offind out about her health.

After that I learned a bunch of new words and I also read the topics differents each other and I read them a loud.

After that, I learned a bunch of new words and I also read the topics differents each other and I read them a different topics aloud.

After that I learned a bunch of new words and I also read the topics differents each other and I read them adifferent topics out loud.

I’m not totally sure what you’re saying here but I would write something like this.

After that I learned a bunchlot of new words and I also read the topics differentsdifferent topics about each otherword and Ithen read them a aloud.

The news word that I learned are: educated, acquire, to discover, hard, come in handy, to get away and look after.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

The news words that I learned are: educated, acquire, to discover, hard, come in handy, to get away and look after.

The news words that I learned awere: educated, acquire, to discover, hard, come in handy, to get away and look after.

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