courageuse19's avatar

Dec. 4, 2022

Challenge, Day 64

Today is the 64 th day of my daily English challenge. Today was the first time I had breakfast. That reason I felt much better. I cleaned the house, but I didn't cook because I have the reste of yesterday.

In the evening, I reviewed a bunch of English lessons and also in Spanish.

I spoke to a friend over Skype in French, Spanish and also in English. She corrected me some mistakes.

I'll speak with her on next day. I'll prepare some questions to her about pronunciation of words.


Challenge, Day 64

Today is the 64 th day of my daily English challenge.

Today was the first time I had breakfast.

That reason's why I felt much better.


That's the reason I felt much better.

I cleaned the house, but I didn't cook because I have the reste ofleftovers from yesterday.

In the evening, I reviewed a bunch of English lessons and also in Spanishand Spanish lessons.

I spoke to a friend over Skype in French, Spanish and also in English.

She corrected some someof my mistakes.

I'll speak with her on next daytomorrow.

I'll prepare some questions tofor her aboutregarding the pronunciation of words.


Well done.

Today was the first time II first had breakfast.

This doesn't make sense. Do you mean you had breakfast first thing in the morning? Or that before, you never ate breakfast and now was the first time EVER you had breakfast?

That reasonBecause of that, I felt much better.

Not sure what you mean here either. You felt better because you had breakfast?

I cleaned the house, but I didn't cook because I have the reste ofd yesterday.

Not sure why you didn't cook. Because you wanted to rest today?

In the evening, I reviewed a bunch of English lessons and also in Spanishand Spanish lessons.

I spoke to a friend overn Skype in French, Spanish and also in English.

You can also say I Skyped my friend, and we talked in French, Spanish and English.

She corrected some someof my mistakes.

I'll speak with her on next daytomorrow.

I'll prepare for her some questions to her about the pronunciation of words.

Challenge, Day 64

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Today is the 64 th day of my daily English challenge.

Today is the 64 th day of my daily English challenge.

Today was the first time I had breakfast.

Today was the first time II first had breakfast.

This doesn't make sense. Do you mean you had breakfast first thing in the morning? Or that before, you never ate breakfast and now was the first time EVER you had breakfast?

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

That reason I felt much better.

That reasonBecause of that, I felt much better.

Not sure what you mean here either. You felt better because you had breakfast?

That reason's why I felt much better.

or That's the reason I felt much better.

I cleaned the house, but I didn't cook because I have the reste of yesterday.

I cleaned the house, but I didn't cook because I have the reste ofd yesterday.

Not sure why you didn't cook. Because you wanted to rest today?

I cleaned the house, but I didn't cook because I have the reste ofleftovers from yesterday.

In the evening, I reviewed a bunch of English lessons and also in Spanish.

In the evening, I reviewed a bunch of English lessons and also in Spanishand Spanish lessons.

In the evening, I reviewed a bunch of English lessons and also in Spanishand Spanish lessons.

I spoke to a friend over Skype in French, Spanish and also in English.

I spoke to a friend overn Skype in French, Spanish and also in English.

You can also say I Skyped my friend, and we talked in French, Spanish and English.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

She corrected me some mistakes.

She corrected some someof my mistakes.

She corrected some someof my mistakes.

I'll speak with her on next day.

I'll speak with her on next daytomorrow.

I'll speak with her on next daytomorrow.

I'll prepare some questions to her about pronunciation of words.

I'll prepare for her some questions to her about the pronunciation of words.

I'll prepare some questions tofor her aboutregarding the pronunciation of words.

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