courageuse19's avatar

Nov. 1, 2022

Challenge, Day 32

Today is 32 day of my daily challenge English. I read through the corrections I got yesterday. I understand them and the advice that I came with them.

The afternoon, I read a book en Spanish, then I reveiwed a bunch of lessons. I also reviewed some lessons en English and I had to practice using the new words in the sentences.

After going to bed, I'll read some pages of a book en English and Arabic.

I am grateful for this webesite and averyone who has helped me.


Challenge, Day 32

Today is 32 day of my daily English challenge English.

Adjective "English" goes before the noun "challenge"

I read through the corrections I got yesterday.

I understand them and the advice that I came with them.

Theis afternoon, I read a book ein Spanish, then I reveiwed a bunch of lessons.

I also reviewed some lessons ein English and I had to practice using the new words in (the) sentences.

"the" is not necessarily at the end of the sentence

After going to bed, I'll read some pages of a book ein English and Arabic.

I presume you mean before sleeping, if so "Before going to bed" or "Before sleeping" would be better

I am grateful for this webesite and aeveryone who has helped me.


Great writing! :) Just remember "in" not "en"

courageuse19's avatar

Nov. 1, 2022


After going to bed, I'll read some pages of a book ein English and Arabic.

You are right. It's better I say ' Before sleeping'. Thank you very much.

courageuse19's avatar

Nov. 1, 2022


Theis afternoon, I read a book ein Spanish, then I reveiwed a bunch of lessons.

What's the difference between "This afternnon" and "In This afternoon" ?

Grace14's avatar

Nov. 2, 2022


What's the difference between "This afternnon" and "In This afternoon" ?

"This afternoon" is used to say about the afternoon of the current day. We don't say "in this afternoon" in english but you can say "in the afternoon" when talking about afternoons in general, for example "In the afternoon, I ride my bike" this sentece would imply that I ride my bike every afternoon and that it is not a one-off event. I hope that helps and makes sense :)

courageuse19's avatar

Nov. 2, 2022


After going to bed, I'll read some pages of a book ein English and Arabic.

Thank you very much. You are right.

Before sleeping...

courageuse19's avatar

Nov. 2, 2022


"This afternoon" is used to say about the afternoon of the current day. We don't say "in this afternoon" in english but you can say "in the afternoon" when talking about afternoons in general, for example "In the afternoon, I ride my bike" this sentece would imply that I ride my bike every afternoon and that it is not a one-off event. I hope that helps and makes sense :)

Thank you, and thank you very much. I understood.


I understand them and the advice that I came with them.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

The afternoon, I read a book en Spanish, then I reveiwed a bunch of lessons.

Theis afternoon, I read a book ein Spanish, then I reveiwed a bunch of lessons.

Challenge, Day 32

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Today is 32 day of my daily challenge English.

Today is 32 day of my daily English challenge English.

Adjective "English" goes before the noun "challenge"

I read through the corrections I got yesterday.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I also reviewed some lessons en English and I had to practice using the new words in the sentences.

I also reviewed some lessons ein English and I had to practice using the new words in (the) sentences.

"the" is not necessarily at the end of the sentence

After going to bed, I'll read some pages of a book en English and Arabic.

After going to bed, I'll read some pages of a book ein English and Arabic.

I presume you mean before sleeping, if so "Before going to bed" or "Before sleeping" would be better

I am grateful for this webesite and averyone who has helped me.

I am grateful for this webesite and aeveryone who has helped me.

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