courageuse19's avatar

Oct. 19, 2022

Challenge, Day 19

Today was the nineteenth day of my English challenge. First of all, I had to go out for grocery. I bought tow chicken thighs , bread and some vegetables. When I come back, i started to listening video in English. Then, I tried to imatate intonation.After that, I read a passage aloud.

This afternoon, I read the corrections in the site" langcorrect". I was delighted to understand and to try to imatate how to write like native speaker?

Finally, I want to thank everyone for helping me and correcting me.


Today wais the nineteenth day of my daily English challenge.

First of allthing today, I had to go out for groceryies.

I bought towo chicken thighs , bread and some vegetables.

When I coame back, i started to listening I watched a video in English.

Then,It was then when I tried to imaitate the intonation.A Right after that, I read aloud some text passage alouds.

This afternoon, I also read the corrections ion theis site, " langcorrect".

I was delighted to understand and to try to imatate howbe able to understand them, and I even could try to write like a native speaker?.

FinallyOne last thing, I want to thank everyone for helping me and correcting me.


Nice work :)

courageuse19's avatar

Oct. 20, 2022


Thank you very much.

Today was the nineteenth day of my English challenge.

First of all, I had to go out for groceryies.

I bought tow chicken thighs , bread and some vegetables.

unsure if "tow" is supposed to be "two"

When I coame back, iI started to listening to a video in English.

Then, I tried to imaitate the intonation. After that, I read a passage aloud.

This afternoon, I read the corrections ion the site" langcorrect".

I was delighted to understand and to try to imaitate how to write like a native speaker?.

courageuse19's avatar

Oct. 20, 2022


Thank you very much.

Challenge, Day 19

Today was the nineteenth day of my English challenge.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Today wais the nineteenth day of my daily English challenge.

First of all, I had to go out for grocery.

First of all, I had to go out for groceryies.

First of allthing today, I had to go out for groceryies.

I bought tow chicken thighs , bread and some vegetables.

I bought tow chicken thighs , bread and some vegetables.

unsure if "tow" is supposed to be "two"

I bought towo chicken thighs , bread and some vegetables.

When I come back, i started to listening video in English.

When I coame back, iI started to listening to a video in English.

When I coame back, i started to listening I watched a video in English.

Then, I tried to imatate intonation.After that, I read a passage aloud.

Then, I tried to imaitate the intonation. After that, I read a passage aloud.

Then,It was then when I tried to imaitate the intonation.A Right after that, I read aloud some text passage alouds.

This afternoon, I read the corrections in the site" langcorrect".

This afternoon, I read the corrections ion the site" langcorrect".

This afternoon, I also read the corrections ion theis site, " langcorrect".

I was delighted to understand and to try to imatate how to write like native speaker?

I was delighted to understand and to try to imaitate how to write like a native speaker?.

I was delighted to understand and to try to imatate howbe able to understand them, and I even could try to write like a native speaker?.

Finally, I want to thank everyone for helping me and correcting me.

FinallyOne last thing, I want to thank everyone for helping me and correcting me.

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