orea5's avatar

Oct. 30, 2022

British Culture Day

- My idea is that the first event for the the British Culture Day could be named 'Bringing the words to life' and it would involve some volunteer students staging 5 min. extracts from enduring classic plays and novels like 'The Importance of Being Earnest or The Picture of Dorian Grey by Oscar Wilde or Pygmalion by Bernard Shaw.
- Sounds really good for the first part of a draft agenda but we still need the middle and the closing parts, as well as to fill the breaks somehow.
- I suggest conducting a quiz on British traditions and celebrations as the next item. For the closing part the audience might be entertained by some of our students or some of the school singing club members performing modern songs by well known artists who have received numerous accolades like Adele, Ed Sheeran, Dua Lipa or James Arthur.
- Looks like we're going to have 3 competitions in the areas of acting, singing and basic knowledge on British Culture. How shall we select and reward the winners?
- A previously appointed jury could choose 3 best performers in each of the 3 categories. For the awards, I hope, the Parents Board has reserved some budget.
- True. What about refreshments?
- I reckon that two 5 min. breaks in between the events might be used for an afternoon tea banquet. Hence another group of students would be responsible for preparing select teas, sandwiches, petite cakes and scones with clotted cream.
- Yes, it's going to be massive but we're only half way through the planning. We also need some esthetic decor to put the participants in the right mood and to create welcoming atmosphere.
- Ok, I'll face this challenge . I'll just need a large pinboard, a few postcards with British cities, some cardboard letters to fix the name of the event and a Union Jack.
- Of course, what remains is a list of guests. All the students and the teachers who have lessons between 2 and 4 p.m. will undoubtedly make up the audience.
- Nothing easier than that. To my mind we should invite our school's authorities, the representatives of the Parents Board and of the education section in the British Embassy.
- Now you've helped me devise this plan I can call you a rock-solid student.


British Culture Day

- My idea is that the first event for the the British Culture Day could be named 'Bringing the words to life' and it would involve some volunteer students staging 5 min.

Unsure of the meaning of "staging".
"min" is an abbreviation, want to avoid using for formal writing.

extracts from enduring classic plays and novels like 'The Importance of Being Earnest' or 'The Picture of Dorian Grey' by Oscar Wilde or 'Pygmalion' by Bernard Shaw.

- Sounds really good for the first part of a draft agenda but we still need the middle and the closing parts, as well as to fill the breaks somehow.

British Culture Day

- My idea is that the first event for the the British Culture Day could be named '"Bringing the wWords to lLife' and i". It would involve some volunteer students staging 5 minreciting five-minute extracts from enduring classic plays and novels like "The Importance of Being Earnest" or "The Picture of Dorian Grey" by Oscar Wilde, or "Pygmalion" by Bernard Shaw.

extracts from enduring classic plays and novels like 'The Importance of Being Earnest or The Picture of Dorian Grey by Oscar Wilde or Pygmalion by Bernard Shaw.

- SThat sounds really good for the first part of a draft agenda, but we still need the middle and the closing parts, as well as toa way to somehow fill the breaks somehow.

- I suggest conducting a quiz on British traditions and celebrations as the next item.

For the closing part, the audience might be entertained by some of our students or some of the school singing club members performing modern songs by well known artists who have received numerous accolades likesuch as Adele, Ed Sheeran, Dua Lipa or, and James Arthur.

- Looks like we're going to have 3 competitions in the areas of acting, singing and basic knowledge onf British Culture.

How shall we select and reward the winners?

- A previously appointed jury could choose 3the three best performers in each of the 3three categories.

Single-digit numbers are typically spelled out.

For the awards, I hope, the Parents Board has reserved some budgetof their budget for prizes.

- True.

What about refreshments?

- I reckon that two 5 minPerhaps the two five-minute breaks in between the events could be used for an afternoon tea banquet.

breaks in between the events might be used for an afternoon tea banquet.

HenceYet another group of students would be responsible for preparing select teas, sandwiches, petite cakes and scones with clotted cream.

- Yes, it's going to be massive, but we're only half way through the planning.

We also need some aesthetic decor to put the participants in the right mood and to create a welcoming atmosphere.

- Ok, I'll face this challenge .

I'll just need a large pinboard, a few postcards with British cities, some cardboard letters to fixfor the name of the event, and a Union Jack.

- Of course, what remains is a list ofthe guests list.

All the students and the teachers who have lessons between 2 and 4 p.m. will undoubtedly make up the audience.

- Nothing easier than that.

To my mI thindk we should invite ourthe school's authorities, the representatives of the Parents Board, and of the education section in the British Embassyrepresentatives of the British Embassy's department of education.

- Now that you've helped me devise this plan, I can call you a rock-solid student.

orea5's avatar

Oct. 31, 2022


I am really thankful for this correction🙂.

British Culture Day

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

- My idea is that the first event for the the British Culture Day could be named 'Bringing the words to life' and it would involve some volunteer students staging 5 min.

- My idea is that the first event for the the British Culture Day could be named '"Bringing the wWords to lLife' and i". It would involve some volunteer students staging 5 minreciting five-minute extracts from enduring classic plays and novels like "The Importance of Being Earnest" or "The Picture of Dorian Grey" by Oscar Wilde, or "Pygmalion" by Bernard Shaw.

- My idea is that the first event for the the British Culture Day could be named 'Bringing the words to life' and it would involve some volunteer students staging 5 min.

Unsure of the meaning of "staging". "min" is an abbreviation, want to avoid using for formal writing.

extracts from enduring classic plays and novels like 'The Importance of Being Earnest or The Picture of Dorian Grey by Oscar Wilde or Pygmalion by Bernard Shaw.

extracts from enduring classic plays and novels like 'The Importance of Being Earnest or The Picture of Dorian Grey by Oscar Wilde or Pygmalion by Bernard Shaw.

extracts from enduring classic plays and novels like 'The Importance of Being Earnest' or 'The Picture of Dorian Grey' by Oscar Wilde or 'Pygmalion' by Bernard Shaw.

- Sounds really good for the first part of a draft agenda but we still need the middle and the closing parts, as well as to fill the breaks somehow.

- SThat sounds really good for the first part of a draft agenda, but we still need the middle and the closing parts, as well as toa way to somehow fill the breaks somehow.

- Sounds really good for the first part of a draft agenda but we still need the middle and the closing parts, as well as to fill the breaks somehow.

- I suggest conducting a quiz on British traditions and celebrations as the next item.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

For the closing part the audience might be entertained by some of our students or some of the school singing club members performing modern songs by well known artists who have received numerous accolades like Adele, Ed Sheeran, Dua Lipa or James Arthur.

For the closing part, the audience might be entertained by some of our students or some of the school singing club members performing modern songs by well known artists who have received numerous accolades likesuch as Adele, Ed Sheeran, Dua Lipa or, and James Arthur.

- Looks like we're going to have 3 competitions in the areas of acting, singing and basic knowledge on British Culture.

- Looks like we're going to have 3 competitions in the areas of acting, singing and basic knowledge onf British Culture.

How shall we select and reward the winners?

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

- A previously appointed jury could choose 3 best performers in each of the 3 categories.

- A previously appointed jury could choose 3the three best performers in each of the 3three categories.

Single-digit numbers are typically spelled out.

For the awards, I hope, the Parents Board has reserved some budget.

For the awards, I hope, the Parents Board has reserved some budgetof their budget for prizes.

- True.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

What about refreshments?

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

- I reckon that two 5 min.

- I reckon that two 5 minPerhaps the two five-minute breaks in between the events could be used for an afternoon tea banquet.

breaks in between the events might be used for an afternoon tea banquet.

breaks in between the events might be used for an afternoon tea banquet.

Hence another group of students would be responsible for preparing select teas, sandwiches, petite cakes and scones with clotted cream.

HenceYet another group of students would be responsible for preparing select teas, sandwiches, petite cakes and scones with clotted cream.

- Yes, it's going to be massive but we're only half way through the planning.

- Yes, it's going to be massive, but we're only half way through the planning.

We also need some esthetic decor to put the participants in the right mood and to create welcoming atmosphere.

We also need some aesthetic decor to put the participants in the right mood and to create a welcoming atmosphere.

- Ok, I'll face this challenge .

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I'll just need a large pinboard, a few postcards with British cities, some cardboard letters to fix the name of the event and a Union Jack.

I'll just need a large pinboard, a few postcards with British cities, some cardboard letters to fixfor the name of the event, and a Union Jack.

- Of course, what remains is a list of guests.

- Of course, what remains is a list ofthe guests list.

All the students and the teachers who have lessons between 2 and 4 p.m. will undoubtedly make up the audience.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

- Nothing easier than that.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

To my mind we should invite our school's authorities, the representatives of the Parents Board and of the education section in the British Embassy.

To my mI thindk we should invite ourthe school's authorities, the representatives of the Parents Board, and of the education section in the British Embassyrepresentatives of the British Embassy's department of education.

- Now you've helped me devise this plan I can call you a rock-solid student.

- Now that you've helped me devise this plan, I can call you a rock-solid student.

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