wanderer's avatar

June 30, 2024

Book Review 《THE FAULT IN OUR STARS》by John Green

I finished reading the book yesterday.
It's a love story between a boy and a girl who met at a cancer patients group living in Indiana.
There are many words and expressions I don’t know, so at first each time I encountered them I looked them up in the dictionary,
but gradually I ignored them and continued reading.
So I'm not sure if I could understand the story completely.
I didn't get bored while reading, but I felt it was a bit contrived when the girl wanted to know the ending of the book she read
and went to visit the author in Amsterdam. 
And also when her boy friend died, the book author came all the way to Indianapolis for the funeral.

《きっと、星のせいじゃない》John Green 著



Book Review 《THE FAULT IN OUR STARS》by John Green

I finished reading the book yesterday.

It's a love story between a boy and a girl living in Indiana who met at a cancer patients group living in Indiana.

There are many words and expressions I don’t know, so at first each time I encountered them I looked them up in the dictionary,
but I gradually I ignoredstopped looking them up and continued reading.

So I'm not sure if I could understanood the story completely.

I didn't get bored while reading, but I felt it was a bit contrived when the girl wanted to know the ending of the book she read and went to visit the author in Amsterdam.

AndI also felt the same when her boy friend died, and the book author came all the way to Indianapolis for the funeral.

wanderer's avatar

July 28, 2024


Thank you very much for your corrections.

Book Review 《THE FAULT IN OUR STARS》by John GreenOPTION A: A Review John Green's 2012 "THE FAULT IN OUR STARS" ¶
OPTION B: Some Impressions of John Green's "The Fault in Our Stars" (2012)

PUNCTUATION POINT: Double-carat characters 《》are not so commonly used in English, but they do exist in some styles. (Cf. https://www.scribbr.com/citing-sources/cite-a-book/ )

私の好み:I finished reading theJohn Green's sixth book and best-selling book yesterday.

It's a love story between a boy and a girl who met at a cancer patient's group living in Indiana.

There are many words and expressions I don’t know, so at first each time I encountered them I looked them up in the dictionary, but gradually I ignored them and continued reading.

SoAs a result, I'm not sure if I could understanood the story completely.

I didn't get bored while reading, but I felt it was a bit contrived when the girl wanted to know the ending of the book she read and went to visit the author in Amsterdam.

And also when her boy friend died, the book author came all the way to Indianapolis for the funeral.


Have you seen the movie based on this book? (I hear the movie was quite popular.)

wanderer's avatar

July 25, 2024


Thank you for your correction and comments.
No, I haven't seen it.

Book Review 《THE FAULT IN OUR STARS》of "The Fault in Our Stars" by John Green

I finished reading the book yesterday.

It's a love story betweenabout a boy and a girl who met at a cancer patients group livingsupport group in Indiana.

There awere many words and expressions I don’idn't know, so atwhen I first each time I encountered them, I looked them up in the dictionary,
but gradually I started to ignored them and continued reading.

Since you're writing about the past, it needs to be changed to "there were" and "didn't know."

So I'm not sure if I could understanood the story completely.

"Understood" has to be used because you're writing about the past.

I didn't get bored while reading, but I felt it was a bit contrived when the girl wanted to know the ending of the book she read and went to visit the author in Amsterdam.

And also when her boy friend died, the book's author came all the way to Indianapolis for the funeral.


I've heard of John Green before, but I've never read his books. Have you read any of his other books?

wanderer's avatar

July 1, 2024


Thank you for your correction. No, I haven't read his other books.
Do you have any other books you recommend besides John Green ?

Book Review 《THE FAULT IN OUR STARS》by John Green

I finished reading the book yesterday.

It's a love story between a boy and a girl who met at a cancer patients group livingsupport group in Indiana.

There awere many words and expressions that I doidn’t know, so at first each time I encountered them, I looked them up in the dictionary each time I encountered them,
but gradually I started to ignored them and continued reading.

So I'm not sure if I could understanood the story completely.

I didn't get bored while reading, but I felt it was a bit contrived when the girl wanted to know the ending of the book she read and went to visit the author in Amsterdam.

And also when her boy friend died, the book author came all the way to Indianapolis for the funeral.


"I fell in love with him the same way you fall asleep, slowly, and then all at once."

Aw, I remember reading this many many years ago (I was much more naive when it came to romances) and I really enjoyed it! I agree some parts were definitely not very well written, and I liked it less after reading John Green's other novels, because, as I found out, they are all the same.

wanderer's avatar

July 1, 2024



shorter's avatar

July 1, 2024


Yeah, I was surprised to see someone talking about it here!

Book Review 《THE FAULT IN OUR STARS》by John Green

It's a love story between a boy and a girl who met at a cancer patients group living in Indiana.

"cancer patients group living in Indiana." sounds like the group is living in Indiana

There are many words and expressions I don’t know, so a. At first each time I encountered them, I looked themeach one up in the dictionary,
but gradually I ignored them and continued reading.

"so" indicates a cause-affect relationship

So I'm not sure if I could understand the story completely.

I didn't get bored while reading, but I felt it was a bit contrived when the girl wanted to know the ending of the book she read and went to visit the author in Amsterdam.

And also when her boy friend died, the book author came all the way to Indianapolis for the funeral.

wanderer's avatar

July 1, 2024


Thank you very much for your help!

Book Review 《THE FAULT IN OUR STARS》of "The Fault in Our Stars" by John Green

I finished reading the book yesterday.

It's a love story between a teenage boy and a girl who met at a cancer patients group living in Indiana.

There awere many words and expressions I don’idn't know, so atwhen I first each time I encountered them, I looked them up in the dictionary, ¶
but grad
. Eventually, I started ignoreding them and continued reading.

So I'm not sure if I couldfully understanood the story completely.

I didn't get bored while reading, but I felt it was a bit contrived when the girl wanted to know the ending of the book she read ¶
was reading and went to visit the author in Amsterdam.

And also when her boy friend died, the book's author came all the way to Indianapolis for the funeral.


A lot of my friends cried during the movie. I didn't really like it much, so I never read the book.

wanderer's avatar

June 30, 2024


Thank you very much.
わたしも、性格が悪いせいか、Harlequin Romanceのような印象もあった。

Book Review 《THE FAULT IN OUR STARS》by John Green

I finished reading the book yesterday.

It's a love story between a boy and a girl who met at a cancer patients group, both living in Indiana.

There are many words and expressions I don’t know, so at first, each time I encountered them I looked them up in the dictionary, ¶
but gradually

Gradually, however,
I ignored them and continued reading.

So I'm not sure if I could understand the story completely.

I didn't get bored while reading, but I felt ithe plot was a bit contrivforced when the girl wanted to know the ending of the book she read
and went to visit the author in Amsterdam.


And alsoOr when her boy friend died, the bookat same author came all the way to Indianapolis for the funeral.




wanderer's avatar

June 30, 2024


嘘!嘘! 私は錬金術師のように思ったことをそのまま書く事はきでないよ、時間もすごくかかってしまう(涙)。

Book Review 《THE FAULT IN OUR STARS》of "The Fault in Our Stars" by John Green

It's a love story betweenabout a boy and a girl who met atin a cancer patients group livingsupport group in Indiana.

Rephrased it to be a bit clearer.

There are many words and expressions I don't know, so at first each time I encountered them. Initially, I looked them up in the dictionary every time I encountered them,
but gradually, I started ignoreding them and continuedjust kept reading.

Starting a new sentence keeps it from running on too much.

I didn't get bored while reading, but I felt it was a bit contrived when the girl wanted to know the ending of the book she read
and went to visit the author in Amsterdam.

I don't think "contrived" is the right word here. What were you feeling? Did you think the girl was being a bit excessive in her efforts to meet the author? I think "overdone" or "forced" might be a better word in that case.

And also when her boy friend died, the book author came all the way to Indianapolis for the funeral.


Good job!

wanderer's avatar

June 30, 2024


Thank you very much.
yes, I guess the book she read seems one of the key to construct this story.....but I felt it's a bit ”設定に無理がある” .

BookA Review of the book "THE FAULT IN OUR STARS" by John Green

I finished reading the book yesterday.

It's a love story between a boy and a girl who met at a cancer patients group living support group in Indiana.

There are many words and expressions I don’t know, so at first each time I encountered them I looked them up in the dictionary, but gradually I ignored them and continued reading.

SoTherefore, I'm not sure if I could understanood the story completely.

I didn't get bored while reading, but I felt it was a bit contrived when the girl wanted to know the ending of the book she read
and went to visit
theits author in Amsterdam.

I'm not sure "contrived" is the word you want. I have corrected as best as I can.

And also when her boy friend died, the book's author came all the way to Indianapolis for the funeral.


Well done!

wanderer's avatar

June 30, 2024


Thank you very much for your correction!

Book Review 《THE FAULT IN OUR STARS》by John Green

I finished reading the book yesterday.

It's a love story between a boy and a girl living in Indiana who met at a cancer patients group living in Indiana.

The order I've used is easier to read, but if you want to keep something close to the original order, you can replace "living in Indiana" with "in Indiana", but then this would instead modify "cancer patient group".

There are many words and expressions I don’t know, so at first each time I encountered them I looked them up in the dictionary, but gradually I ignored them and continued reading.

So I'm not sure if I could understand the story completely.

I didn't get bored while reading, but I felt it was a bit contrived when the girl wanted to know the ending of the book she read and went to visit the author in Amsterdam.

And alsoSame with the part when her boy friend died, how the book author came all the way to Indianapolis for the funeral.

Note that this is not a complete sentence, but it's acceptable outside of formal writing.


I'm glad you finished the book and hope you enjoyed it! I do agree that the drama towards the end is a bit predictable.

From a language learning perspective, I think it's healthy to find some balance between looking up things you don't know and powering through the story. Looking up words is a good way to learn and understand what's happening, but if it becomes too tedious then it can detract from enjoying the story. It sounds like you found a good balance and were able to enjoy the story!

wanderer's avatar

June 30, 2024


Thank you very much for your corrections and comment.

Book Review 《THE FAULT IN OUR STARS》by John Green

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

BookA Review of the book "THE FAULT IN OUR STARS" by John Green

Book Review 《THE FAULT IN OUR STARS》of "The Fault in Our Stars" by John Green

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Book Review 《THE FAULT IN OUR STARS》of "The Fault in Our Stars" by John Green

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Book Review 《THE FAULT IN OUR STARS》of "The Fault in Our Stars" by John Green

Book Review 《THE FAULT IN OUR STARS》by John GreenOPTION A: A Review John Green's 2012 "THE FAULT IN OUR STARS" ¶
OPTION B: Some Impressions of John Green's "The Fault in Our Stars" (2012)

PUNCTUATION POINT: Double-carat characters 《》are not so commonly used in English, but they do exist in some styles. (Cf. https://www.scribbr.com/citing-sources/cite-a-book/ )

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I finished reading the book yesterday.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

私の好み:I finished reading theJohn Green's sixth book and best-selling book yesterday.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

It's a love story between a boy and a girl who met at a cancer patients group living in Indiana.

It's a love story between a boy and a girl living in Indiana who met at a cancer patients group living in Indiana.

The order I've used is easier to read, but if you want to keep something close to the original order, you can replace "living in Indiana" with "in Indiana", but then this would instead modify "cancer patient group".

It's a love story between a boy and a girl who met at a cancer patients group living support group in Indiana.

It's a love story betweenabout a boy and a girl who met atin a cancer patients group livingsupport group in Indiana.

Rephrased it to be a bit clearer.

It's a love story between a boy and a girl who met at a cancer patients group, both living in Indiana.

It's a love story between a teenage boy and a girl who met at a cancer patients group living in Indiana.

It's a love story between a boy and a girl who met at a cancer patients group living in Indiana.

"cancer patients group living in Indiana." sounds like the group is living in Indiana

It's a love story between a boy and a girl who met at a cancer patients group livingsupport group in Indiana.

It's a love story betweenabout a boy and a girl who met at a cancer patients group livingsupport group in Indiana.

It's a love story between a boy and a girl who met at a cancer patient's group living in Indiana.

It's a love story between a boy and a girl living in Indiana who met at a cancer patients group living in Indiana.

There are many words and expressions I don’t know, so at first each time I encountered them I looked them up in the dictionary, but gradually I ignored them and continued reading.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

There are many words and expressions I don't know, so at first each time I encountered them. Initially, I looked them up in the dictionary every time I encountered them,
but gradually, I started ignoreding them and continuedjust kept reading.

Starting a new sentence keeps it from running on too much.

There are many words and expressions I don’t know, so at first, each time I encountered them I looked them up in the dictionary, ¶
but gradually

Gradually, however,
I ignored them and continued reading.

There awere many words and expressions I don’idn't know, so atwhen I first each time I encountered them, I looked them up in the dictionary, ¶
but grad
. Eventually, I started ignoreding them and continued reading.

There are many words and expressions I don’t know, so a. At first each time I encountered them, I looked themeach one up in the dictionary,
but gradually I ignored them and continued reading.

"so" indicates a cause-affect relationship

There awere many words and expressions that I doidn’t know, so at first each time I encountered them, I looked them up in the dictionary each time I encountered them,
but gradually I started to ignored them and continued reading.

There awere many words and expressions I don’idn't know, so atwhen I first each time I encountered them, I looked them up in the dictionary,
but gradually I started to ignored them and continued reading.

Since you're writing about the past, it needs to be changed to "there were" and "didn't know."

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

There are many words and expressions I don’t know, so at first each time I encountered them I looked them up in the dictionary,
but I gradually I ignoredstopped looking them up and continued reading.

So I'm not sure if I could understand the story completely.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

SoTherefore, I'm not sure if I could understanood the story completely.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

So I'm not sure if I couldfully understanood the story completely.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

So I'm not sure if I could understanood the story completely.

So I'm not sure if I could understanood the story completely.

"Understood" has to be used because you're writing about the past.

SoAs a result, I'm not sure if I could understanood the story completely.

So I'm not sure if I could understanood the story completely.

I didn't get bored while reading, but I felt it was a bit contrived when the girl wanted to know the ending of the book she read and went to visit the author in Amsterdam.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I didn't get bored while reading, but I felt it was a bit contrived when the girl wanted to know the ending of the book she read
and went to visit
theits author in Amsterdam.

I'm not sure "contrived" is the word you want. I have corrected as best as I can.

I didn't get bored while reading, but I felt it was a bit contrived when the girl wanted to know the ending of the book she read
and went to visit the author in Amsterdam.

I don't think "contrived" is the right word here. What were you feeling? Did you think the girl was being a bit excessive in her efforts to meet the author? I think "overdone" or "forced" might be a better word in that case.

I didn't get bored while reading, but I felt ithe plot was a bit contrivforced when the girl wanted to know the ending of the book she read
and went to visit the author in Amsterdam.


I didn't get bored while reading, but I felt it was a bit contrived when the girl wanted to know the ending of the book she read ¶
was reading and went to visit the author in Amsterdam.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

And also when her boy friend died, the book author came all the way to Indianapolis for the funeral.

And alsoSame with the part when her boy friend died, how the book author came all the way to Indianapolis for the funeral.

Note that this is not a complete sentence, but it's acceptable outside of formal writing.

And also when her boy friend died, the book's author came all the way to Indianapolis for the funeral.

And also when her boy friend died, the book author came all the way to Indianapolis for the funeral.

And alsoOr when her boy friend died, the bookat same author came all the way to Indianapolis for the funeral.


And also when her boy friend died, the book's author came all the way to Indianapolis for the funeral.

And also when her boy friend died, the book author came all the way to Indianapolis for the funeral.

And also when her boy friend died, the book author came all the way to Indianapolis for the funeral.

And also when her boy friend died, the book's author came all the way to Indianapolis for the funeral.

And also when her boy friend died, the book author came all the way to Indianapolis for the funeral.

AndI also felt the same when her boy friend died, and the book author came all the way to Indianapolis for the funeral.

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